Platbands for plastic windows

Platbands on windows perform two important functions. They close the gaps between the window frame and the wall and are a decorative element that adorns the facade of the house. For plastic windows there are special platbands for plastic windows.

Read in the article

  • 1 What are window trims for?
  • 2 Varieties
    • 2.1 Flat variants
    • 2.2 Embossed products
  • 3 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 4 Criterias of choice
  • 5 Installation of plastic platbands
    • 5.1 Tools and materials
    • 5.2 Choosing the right size
    • 5.3 Slicing rules
    • 5.4 Mounting process
      • 5.4.1 Fixing with self-tapping screws
      • 5.4.2 Installation on "liquid nails"
      • 5.4.3 Fastening with mounting clips
  • 6 Conclusion

What are window trims for?

The window frame is installed in the window opening. At the same time, it is difficult to achieve absolute accuracy, there are always gaps. Previously, they were clogged with tow, but now they are filled with polyurethane foam. If the seal is external, then the sun shines on this seam. And the foam does not like ultraviolet rays and collapses. Cracks appear, and cold air enters the house through them. Here are the platbands and cover the foam seam from the destructive rays of the sun.

Platbands for plastic windows
Platbands on the windows


Platbands for plastic windows can be of different types and profiles, made using a variety of materials.

Flat variants

Flat platbands in shape are simply planks made of plastic, aluminum, polyurethane or wood. They are the cheapest, they are convenient to mount both outside and inside. Sometimes on sale you can find flat platbands with a pattern or even carvings.

Embossed products

Embossed products are anything that is not flat. They can be carved, convex, of any complex and intricate shape - at the request of the owner. There may be a relief pattern on the plane. They are usually made to order either from plastic or natural wood.

Advantages and disadvantages

Most often put on plastic windows plastic platbands. They are the cheapest, they are easy to install, they do not require complex maintenance. Plastic platbands are usually made in the same industries as the plastic windows themselves. The platbands are produced in whole sets, in which all the details are already fitted to one another. They are equipped with special locks that simplify installation on site. Aesthetes can attribute their simple, no-frills appearance to the disadvantages, but, as you know, the taste and color... The very fact of installing platbands on the window gives the windows and the whole house a finished, neat look.

Plastic platbands on the outside of the house
Plastic platbands on the outside of the house

A variety of plastic can be considered polyurethane products with different relief shapes. Platbands made of this plastic are lightweight, they can be easily adjusted to size and mounted on a window opening.

Wooden architraves are considered classics of home decoration, especially when they are a work of art. If the tree is chosen healthy, treated with antiseptics, primed and successfully painted, such architraves will decorate the house for many years. But the more complex the decor that the customer has chosen, the more expensive it will cost him.

Carved wooden architravesPHOTO:
Carved wooden architraves

Platbands complete with slopes are produced from sheet metal - aluminum or galvanized iron. They are easy to install and have a long service life. They are placed mainly on brick houses. Metal with wood, according to designers, does not match well on windows.

Metal platbandsPHOTO:
Metal platbands

Criterias of choice

When choosing platbands, you have to be guided by several criteria. First, you need to keep in mind for which house the platbands are chosen - for wooden or brick, for large or small. Then you should decide where the platbands will be installed - from the outside or from the inside of the house. Then decide for yourself why they are more important - to close the gaps between the windows and the wall of the house or for decoration. The opinion of designers should be taken into account when choosing material, texture and color. Well, the issue price for many buyers is sometimes a decisive factor.

After answering these questions, purely technical work begins. It is necessary to decide what material the platbands should be from, what type they will belong to - flat, embossed or something else, what dimensions in width and length are needed, what is their technology installation.

Installation of plastic platbands

The master builders have a technology that has been worked out on a variety of objects to work with bringing windows in order. In a new building or when upgrading an existing house, the algorithm of work differs slightly. If the house is old and it already has windows, they must be dismantled. An empty window opening should be thoroughly cleaned of accumulated dirt and remnants of old heaters. A new plastic frame is inserted into a clean opening, and it is fastened in the opening with special fasteners. Double-glazed windows are installed in the frame and are also fixed.

After that, the fight against cracks begins. All gaps between the frame and the wall should be filled with mounting foam, covered with hydrophobic tape and all the operations prescribed in the instructions should be performed. When the foam hardens, it is necessary to cut off all the excess, walk on it with putty and perform the final installation of the slopes. After the completion of these works, you can start installing the platbands.

Tools and materials

Tools will be required for drilling the wall and fitting the joints of the individual parts of the platband set. Fasteners will be required - ordinary self-tapping screws and special fastening devices. An electric drill, an electric screwdriver, a hammer drill will come in handy.

Choosing the right size

The size of the platbands depends on the type of platband chosen and the size of the window. We can talk about the limits within which the size should fit. Builders have rules on this matter: platbands should go onto the frame by at least 5-10 mm, and so that they do not interfere with opening windows, they should be 10-20 mm away from the window hinges.

Slicing rules

At the junction of two parts of the casing, they must be cut off at 450. Then they will stand she part to the other at an angle of 900. Precise and uniform sawing on all parts is well done with the help of a miter box. This device will come in handy many times for any "homemade" when working with their own hands.

Miter box - a device for the same sawing of cornersPHOTO:
Miter box - a device for the same sawing of corners

Mounting process

The installation process of platbands is subject to the rules set forth in the State Standard GOST 30971. Depending on the type of platbands, the methods of their fastening are technically different.

Fixing with self-tapping screws

Technologically, it is easiest to fix platbands to a wooden wall with self-tapping screws. First, you need to pick up self-tapping screws with beautiful wide hats. Secondly, on the casing itself, mark the places where they will be screwed in, and mark the position of each part on the wall.

After that, if the house is wooden, you can temporarily nail the trim parts to the wall with thin nails. If the wall is stone, then the temporary installation can be attached with tape. Then, after checking the correctness of the assembly, you can screw in the screws.

Holes are prepared in a brick wall with a drill drill, plugs are hammered into them and self-tapping screws are already screwed into them. If there is no desire to leave “beautiful hats” on the surface of the casing, then the hats of ordinary self-tapping screws can be screwed in, and then puttied and tinted. There is even a special pencil for masking hats.

Installation on "liquid nails"

If the platbands are made from MDF material, they can be attached to the wall using the liquid nails adhesive. Pre-assembly on the wall can be done with adhesive tape. The final installation is carried out by a sequence of many operations.

One detail is taken, “liquid nails” glue is applied to its inner surface with a construction glue gun. Immediately this part must be attached to its place and pressed. After a minute, remove, wait two minutes, smear more glue, press and hold for at least two minutes. Do this for all four pieces. But if it is necessary to dismantle the platbands, it will be very difficult to tear them off the wall. Liquid nails have very good adhesion.

Fastening with mounting clips

There is a platband design that allows you to fix it on the wall with a latch. In the people, this design was called the "latch with a beak." But this method does not allow you to repeatedly remove and install the latch. The method is applied to platbands made of MDF, and this is a soft material, and it is deformed from repeated snaps.


It is interesting to build a house, and it is pleasant to decorate. A beautiful house lifts the spirits of passers-by. And the platbands, chosen with taste, give the house individuality. In our time, one can rarely see those that decorated the huts in Russian villages in past centuries, but each time has its own songs.


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