Do you think that what-what, and the windows have nothing new to invent not? And frame a plastic, glass and sealed, and triplex shatterproof? Everything can not be better? There is no limit to perfection! And here they are, meet the window with electric heating! What is it and who needs such high technology - in this material from

Read article
- 1 Not news, but interesting detail
- 2 What does rear windows?
- 3 Heated windows - how does it work?
- 4 As far as the electric heating of windows is safe for humans?
- 5 In some areas with heated window is particularly useful?
- 6 Compatible with smart glass and smart home
- 7 Does the display on the translucency of glass?
- 8 How is such a pleasure?
Not news, but interesting detail
Let's start with the fact that the windows with electric heating - this is not the know-how. Japanese car industry - the first who raised the bar on this level. Yes, the first heated glass appeared on the machines. It was and is very convenient, especially in our climate. You leave in the morning to work because of January 10, and the car covered with snow. Snowdrift cleanse and windows all in the crust of ice. Neighbor runs after tea with warm water, and you sat in the cabin, pressed a button - and the problem is solved in a few minutes.

Builders assembled, the idea from avtoinzhenerov, and now with electric windows began to appear in the homes.
What does rear windows?
If you have a child like frost on the glasses, you can not read further. This material is for those who like to enjoy the winter landscape from my window. Which makes the installation of electric heating unit in the window:
- the room will be warmer - electric heating can be an additional source of heat in the room;
- decrease heat loss - Still window heating cuts off the cold streets;

- on the window glasses will not be smudges condensate;
- the ability to manage - glass can be heated at your request and off when this option is not needed;
- increased strength - UPVC heating system have a multilayered structure that is resistant to mechanical damage;
- noise suppression - such windows perfectly isolate the noise of the street and by the way, do not allow to listen to what is happening in your home with the help of special equipment.

Heated windows - how does it work?
Heated glass carried via infrared radiation. Infrared rays do not heat the air, and the items that meet on the way.
This result is achieved by applying to the surface of a conductive glass coating based on metal oxide, and in another - reflecting material. This technology works not only in the cold season, but also during the peak summer heat. Glass screens penetration of solar heat into the room, which greatly reduces maintenance costs conditioners.

Note! Glass electrically consumes up to 0.1 kW per hour - about how a simple incandescent lamp.
As far as the electric heating of windows is safe for humans?
All phrases related to "radiation" natural causes concern. about infrared radiation Do not worry. It is - a direct relative of the sun's rays and in principle can not cause harm to living organisms.
Note! Heated windows works only when the glass unit. A crack - then the contact to the conductive coating is broken.

In some areas with heated window is particularly useful?
Warm windows come in handy not only in living rooms. But so far we have not considered other options, we note that the heated windows is especially good to keep in nursery. If you want to be sure of a good climate and a stable temperature in the baby room - not stingy on these windows.
Where else are they useful? Without a doubt - in areas with high humidity. Just these rooms often suffer from frost on the windows.

Note! If you do not like a puddle of condensation on a window sill - use window heating: they are heated above the dew point and provide uniform heating of the entire frame.
Compatible with smart glass and smart home
Convertable feature sensorThat control the heating. If it is not necessary - the system is turned off. This system can be connected to the control system "Smart House".

You chose the Smart Glass - and you can combine it with elektropodgrevom. For those who do not know what the Smart Glass - glass is a liquid crystalline structure, obscuring the surface with ultraviolet excess. If you combine this function with heating, it is possible to shield the room from UV by 99%.

Sergei Kharitonov
Lead engineer for heating, ventilation and air conditioning "GK" Spetsstroy "
"If you have installed in the house attic with glass conservatory - warm windows are very useful. They will not only provide additional heat in the room, but also to clean the surface of glass from the snow drifts. «
Does the display on the translucency of glass?
electric heating system does not affect the light transmission window. Moreover, the absence of condensation is beneficial to clean glasses, Which is not true for other power saving techniques, such as filling an inert gas.

Note! The electrically conductive layer on the horse can be connected to an alarm system. In this case, the window will be more security point.
How is such a pleasure?
For all who are interested in this topic, there was only one question: how much can cost a glazed? If you take the average prices of autumn 2018, the tempered glass in an aluminum profile will cost 8500-9800 rubles per 1 m2, and in PVC or wooden frame - 10900-12000 rubles. It is more expensive than ordinary glass, but here it is necessary to calculate the long-term benefit.

If you're wondering what they think about the use of such windows real users - here's an example of such a review:
You have already put such windows or maybe you have any questions on this subject - write in the comments. We will be happy to find you more information!