Taking a bath is great fun. But when there is no time for this, but you need to wash yourself, the shower comes to the rescue. In addition, taking a shower is not only a hygienic procedure, but also an element of hardening (contrast shower). In addition, you can build a shower cabin with your own hands. If the apartment is small, a purchased cabin will not fit in there, and a “home-made” can always be attached, and it will turn out cheaper.
Read in the article
- 1 Types of arranging a shower cabin from tiles
- 1.1 Options with a ready-made pallet
- 1.2 Ladder modification
- 1.3 Options with a homemade pallet
- 1.3.1 Brick
- 1.3.2 Concrete
- 2 Floor drain organization
- 2.1 drain drain
- 2.2 Channel system and siphon drain
- 3 How to make a shower cabin from tiles with your own hands
- 3.1 Materials and tools
- 3.2 Piping and waterproofing of the installation area
- 3.3 Connection to communications
- 3.4 Laying the foundation with a ladder
- 3.5 The construction of partitions
- 3.6 Laying, grouting and cleaning tiles
- 3.7 Door installation
- 4 Examples in the interior
- 5 Conclusion
Types of arranging a shower cabin from tiles
If the bath is supplemented with a special curtain, it will be possible to take a shower there. But this is not always convenient, splashes will still be everywhere. Therefore, it is best to have a special shower.

Options with a ready-made pallet
If it has already been decided to engage in self-building, there is no need to bring common sense to the point of absurdity - what is expedient, you have to buy. For example, pallet. This is a responsible detail, the safety of both your apartment and your neighbors depends on its quality. Therefore, there is no need to take risks. The main thing is to find a pallet such that it fits in the place that was allocated for it.
Pallets, as a rule, are made in production from acrylic, metal with subsequent enameling, stainless steel or artificial or natural stone. And, of course, their prices vary.
Factory-made pallets come in different geometric shapes and have different rim heights. Forms can be rectangular, polyhedral, with an oval front wall. For a do-it-yourselfer, a rectangle is the best option, because in this case, simple swing doors can be hung on the cabin.
Semicircular sliding ones are too complicated for self-manufacturing, they have complex mechanization and they will be very expensive. The doors themselves, as well as one of the cabin walls, can be made of acrylic, polycarbonate or glass. But the glass is not ordinary, but shockproof, glued from three layers with a reinforcing layer - triplex.
The pallet height can be low - up to 100 mm, medium - 150-250 mm and high - 450-550 mm. The most practical option is the middle one. When installing the finished pallet, it is necessary to level the surface on which the installation is planned. Then sewer pipes are laid and a drain siphon is installed. After that, you can install the pallet, then the cabin itself, purchased or home-made.

Ladder modification
Currently, a fundamentally different from the traditional method of draining waste water from a shower cabin is gaining popularity. It is based on the use of a shower drain. The essence of the method is that instead of a drain siphon, a system of drainage channels is arranged through which water flows into the sewer.
The ladder is installed in the gap between the subfloor and the cabin floor. The ladder includes:
- funnel-like receiver or housing;
- a siphon that performs the functions of an effective hydraulic seal that prevents the passage of bad odors from the sewer into the living quarters;
- a flange that is involved in sealing the waterproofing membrane part;
- a grate that traps random debris at the entrance to the sewer;
- outlet coupling part for connection to the sewer drain.
Locks are dry, wet and combined. The sewer connection can be horizontal or vertical. The vertical version provides the fastest drain, but the horizontal one is more convenient for installation.

Options with a homemade pallet
Pallets are purchased, factory-made, and home-made, made at home. Of course, a purchased pallet requires less hassle, but it is not always possible to choose the right one in terms of type or size. And who knows how to work with his own hands and has the opportunity (the necessary materials, the appropriate tool and time for such work), he builds pallets on his own.

Brick is a familiar material for everyone, it is convenient for many to work with it. But the construction of brick requires increased attention to the problems of waterproofing.
A brick pallet must be built on a flat floor. The leveled floor is coated with bituminous insulation, liquid glass, cement-based hydrophobic impregnation or pool waterproofing. The last option is the most reliable. You need to lubricate 2-3 times. Glue the joint with the wall with waterproofing tape. Lay out the bottom of the pallet with solid ceramic bricks and make a concrete screed along the lighthouses. In this case, it is necessary to form a slope towards the drain. When ready, the screed is once again covered with cement-based waterproofing.
If desired, the floor of the pallet can be made warm by laying a heating cable between two special additional layers. Now you can lay the tiles on top and wipe the seams.

In different situations, the pallet should remain at the level of the floor in the bathroom or be raised. A concrete pallet can be made with a raised floor and with sides, or without sides. To solve this problem, solutions are used:
- cement-sand mixture (Concrete B12.5);
- lightweight cement with expanded clay (vermiculite, perlite);
- semi-dry cement (leveler);
- their combinations when the shower level rises above 20 cm.
Drainage can be done on the basis of a drain, using a siphon or using a shower tray.

Floor drain organization
Modern plumbing allows you to perform a shower without a cabin and without a pallet at all. But such a performance of the shower must have absolute waterproofing.
drain drain
When arranging a home shower, you need to choose a ladder. These drain devices are of two types - point and linear. The second option has a higher throughput. The ladder bodies are made of stainless steel, brass, cast iron. The grilles are made of plastic, but they have a shorter service life.
The height of the drain should be between 55–180 mm, it determines the level of the floor in the shower room. Tapas are available with adjustable height: they are more practical, but their price is higher.
The siphon must be equipped with a dry and wet seal to protect against odors. A dry shutter will protect the house in case of a long break in the use of a shower.
Vertical connection of the drain to the sewer is practiced in country houses, in city apartments only horizontal is possible. The drain from the drain with a vertical version has a diameter of 110 mm, with a horizontal one - 40-50 mm.
It is best to install a ladder in a new building, because in an existing city apartment you will have to perform a lot of time-consuming work to open the old floor.
Channel system and siphon drain
Two types of siphons are currently used in this system - automatic and with the Click & Clack design. In the first variant, the user opens the drain hole with his hand by acting on a special handle, in the second variant, he presses the button with his foot.

How to make a shower cabin from tiles with your own hands
A do-it-yourself shower cabin is unlikely to be much cheaper than a purchased one. It might even be more expensive. But if the home-made master turns out to be skillful and with good artistic taste, then the home-made cabin will fit into the most a place that is advantageous in terms of convenience and space saving, will have a long service life and will certainly turn out to be more beautiful than branded.
Materials and tools
The first step is to decide on the origin of the pallet. If the pallet is purchased, it means that it has already been measured that it will stand in the place allotted to it. Communications must pass under the pallet: a sewer pipe and, most likely, two water pipes - hot and cold. Either a ladder or a siphon should fit there.
The foundation will be made of brick or cast concrete. Be sure to stock up on different types of waterproofing: mastics and films. Of course, you need to think over the range of sanitary fittings and purchase it.
You should try to find and purchase branded doors for the cabin, it will be difficult to make high-quality ones yourself. And, of course, the most important thing is to choose and buy the tile with which the cabin will be lined.
Tools - this is the usual set of a bricklayer, tiler, plumber. The owner can find a lot at home, the rest can be bought in addition or borrowed from friends or neighbors.
Piping and waterproofing of the installation area
If the shower is conceived without a tray, it is necessary to build a small threshold. After that, you can begin to build a defense against leaks. The nut itself is treated with protective compounds from all sides, the bottom, adjacent walls. The protective coating should be applied in two coats, working with the brush in perpendicular directions. After the protection has dried, a mesh is installed on the drain, which retains debris.
In the shower of an apartment in an urban high-rise building, it is imperative to install a pallet, and technological space is required between it and the floor of the shower room. If the pallet is without legs, it must be installed on a stand lined with bricks or blocks.
Connection to communications
The connection of plumbing communications to the shower cabin is carried out after the completion of the wiring of all pipes. The siphon or drain is connected to the sewer pipe, and the hot and cold water pipes are connected to the corresponding water pipes laid in the bathroom.

Laying the foundation with a ladder
The floor in the shower room with a drain embedded in it is by far the most popular solution. When the drain is installed in its place, it is necessary to raise the floor in the bathroom. Most often this is done using a screed. The screed should not be very heavy, usually it is made lightweight. To do this, alternate layers of cement-sand mixture (CPS) with extruded polystyrene foam. A light screed can be made thicker, and then the floor will be warmer, or a heating cable can be embedded in it.

The construction of partitions
In the bathroom, to achieve different goals (mainly zoning), it is sometimes necessary to make partitions. In a combined bathroom, it is desirable to fence off the toilet, separate the shower from the bath, block out a place for things and towels.
Partitions can be fixed, folding, folding, sliding. They can be made from drywall, polycarbonate, sand-lime brick, gas blocks, concrete, wood and other materials. You just need to make sure that non-moisture resistant materials are not located close to the shower and bath.
Laying, grouting and cleaning tiles
The walls of the bathroom, including the shower area, and the floor are tiled. She is not afraid of moisture, it is easy to wash off dirt. And here the fantasy of the master can roam. Each zone can be laid out with a different type of tile. Size, shape, and color may vary. Only it is not necessary to lay smooth slippery tiles on the floor, it is better to take the one with a relief surface. Laying is carried out on a special tile adhesive.
Door installation
Doors are an important element of the shower cabin. As a rule, the cabin is located in the corner of the bathroom, that is, two walls are already ready for it. The hinged door leaves will form two other walls - the enclosing space of the cabin. The halves of a sliding oval door will perform the same function, but you cannot do such a door with your own hands at home. And not everyone can install it.
Doors on rollers are hung on a profile upper traverse, and the lower traverse acts as a guide rail along which the lower rollers roll. And all this needs to be fine-tuned. The traverses must be absolutely parallel, otherwise the door will jam. Seals are installed at the junction of the doors, tightly closing the gap and not letting splashes from the cab out.
Examples in the interior
Cabins are built different in size, shape, and material used. The model made of shockproof triplex glass looks very attractive. Even if it is accidentally broken, cracks will appear, and there will be no fragments. Glass cabins are made to order.

A homemade cabin can be installed anywhere, as long as water pipes and a sewer pipe for draining can be dragged there. You can even not make a door to the cabin, but hang a waterproof curtain.

Taking a shower or bath is a mandatory procedure for a person. From time to time you can go to the bathhouse, but this is rather a ritual combined with a hygiene procedure. And you need a shower every day, and you want to take it in a comfortable and beautiful shower cabin.
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