Website promotion in the top search engines depends on many parameters. There is a technical side, and the trust of the Internet resource, and its link popularity - especially the content and behavioral factors play a big role.
Technical requirements
Server parameters, selected hosting, connection settings during sessions - all these parameters can not directly contribute to improving the position of the site in the SERP.However, if the Internet page is slow to load or access to it is limited by some period of the day, a significant loss of positions is possible.
High hardware or technical capabilities of the server equipment causes the successful promotion of the site. The Internet resource should function fully at any time and provide quality surfing for all visitors. The speed of loading the page, although not considered part of SEO optimization, will still help keep the project in the top.
The search engine evaluates the quality of placed texts and images according to the established algorithm. It is constantly evolving and changing. In the epoch of "bare html", the defining parameters were:
- the selection of the title by tags h1, h2, etc.;
- use of key phrases and their allocation with strong or bold;
- density of key phrases;
- presence of key phrases in headings;
- filling in tags title, alt( for pictures);
- text for internal links and other factors.
The above factors remain important even now. However, if you could previously deceive the search engine by re-spamming keywords, now when assessing the relevance of the page, more emphasis is placed on behavioral factors. When writing the text, you should select the keywords and indicate them in the title, while observing a reasonable frequency of use. As practice shows, an interesting and informative text has the greatest chance of promoting sites in the top 10 search engine.
Behavioral factors
Google, Yandex and other popular search engines conduct an analysis of visitor behavior after acquaintance with the content of a particular page. The parameters of the behavioral factors are:
- how long the person is staying on the site;
- the number of pages viewed on the Internet resource;
- follow-up: the person continues to search for the previous request or not.
Search engines are constantly improving the ability to analyze user actions. The cumulative significance of all the behavioral factors can give an estimate: is the site interesting to the visitor. In accordance with this, its position in the search SERP is corrected. Low performance can result in filters or "fines" that significantly reduce the position of the page in search results.
In this situation, the orientation of the development of the Internet project to the needs of a person gives more opportunities for successful SEO-optimization of pages, texts, drawings, etc., than the use of any "secret" promotion technologies. The site with interesting content for the visitor has every chance to gain a foothold on the top steps of search results.