The longest living creatures of planet Earth

Jeanne Kalman is a French citizen who has the longest( documented) life expectancy. Her date of birth - February 21, 1875, the date of death - August 4, 1997, that is, the French woman lived 122 years and 164 days.

Is it possible to say that the person - is the longest living creature on the planet ?No, in the world there are enough animals that lived much longer than Zhanna Kalman. Here are the top 5 long-livers of the Earth, the version of Time magazine.


  • 5. Jellyfish of the genus Turritopsis
  • 4. Elephants and parrots
  • 3. Red sea urchins and giant turtles
  • 2. Greenland whales
  • 1. Bivalve molluscs Arctica islandica

5. Jellyfish of the genus Turritopsis

This species of jellyfish is in the rating of long-liversapart. Its representatives can pass from a state of maturity to a state of infantilism, in other words, to return youth. These jellyfish have a regular life cycle, but after maturation and mating, they return to the initial state of the polyp. This process is called "transdifferentiation" and is associated with the "reconfiguration" of defective cells into new cells. Maybe these jellyfish are the key to the elixir of youth.

4. Elephants and parrots

On average, large parrots live for 50-70 years, and long-livers include cockatoos among parrots. In the San Diego Zoo, since 1925, there is a cockatoos that arrived there already an adult bird, and he lived until December 30, 1990.And some of the owl parrots from New Zealand lived to the age of 90 years.

Do not fall behind parrots and elephants, they live up to 70 years.

3. Red sea urchins and giant turtles

Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, also a red sea urchin( although its color varies from pink or orange to almost black) from the echinoderms class lives in the Pacific Ocean.

The spherical body of the sea urchin is entirely covered with sharp spines, which can grow up to 8 cm. These spines grow on a hard shell protecting the hedgehog. According to the research work of Thomas Ebert from the Department of Zoology of the University of Oregon, the age of the most "elderly" red sea urchins is about 200 years.

Advaita, a 250 kilogram giant tortoise who lived in the city's zoo in Calcutta( India), was the longest-lived turtle in the world. The age of the animal, according to various estimates, was from 150 to 250 years.

2. Greenland whales

Greenlandish whale( Balaena mysticetus) is a stocky, dark-colored whale without a dorsal fin. In length, he can grow up to 20 meters, and loves to eat, "scamping" to 100 tons and yielding only to the weight of the blue whale.

It lives exclusively in fertile arctic and subarctic waters, than it differs from other whales that migrate to feed or give offspring.

Greenland whales survive to 200 years, and in their genome, genes have been found that repair damaged DNA.

1. Bivalve molluscs Arctica islandica

One of the species of edible mollusks, it lives in two oceans - the Arctic and the Atlantic. Also known under several different common names, including Icelandic cyprin and black clam. These oceanic inhabitants live exceptionally long lives. One of the two samples found( he was named Ming) lived 507 years, the other - from 405 to 410 years. To determine the age of the mollusk, researchers drilled a shell and counted the number of its layers.