- How to repair the cable of the "apple" device?
- Lifshack
- Replacement of the lightning cable
- Purchase of the upgrade
- Useful advices
Undoubtedly, Apple has always been distinguished by the high cost of its equipment in the market and not the best quality of its cables. Chinese replicas of wires from Apple are even worse quality, and sometimes can be dangerous for users of mobile devices. Yes, and replacement with repair will cost "a pretty penny," so today we will tell you how to fix the wire from charging iPhone.
to the contents ↑How to repair the cable of the "apple" device?
Broken cord from your phone's charger? Do not rush to contact the service center or choose a new one. Sometimes the situation can be saved with the help of improvised materials and hands.
We proceed to repair. We will need the most common heat shrinkable tube, having a suitable diameter. This thing can be found in any economic or construction shop with electrical goods in the range.
And here's the way how to fix a cord from iPhone 5 and another version:
- Cut a piece of tube with the necessary sizes.
- Then gently put the "component" on the connector of the device and just fix it with your efforts or with the help of an electrical tape.
- Now it is necessary to heat up the resulting design over a plate cooker, a lighter or a low-power gas burner.
Important! Do not use high temperatures for handling and do not hold the wire over an open flame. Use hot air rising above the flame.
- After the procedure you will receive a ready-made strong cable.
Still puzzled by the question, how to fix the cord from iPhone 5?We will answer your question with one more method of repair. You only need an iron spring, the diameter of which allows you to put it on the wire.
Important! Such springs can be found by dismantling a Chinese lighter or an idle clock
Let's go to the very essence: take the spring and thread it along the cable exactly in the place where the defect was found.
Important! This method is relevant only for those cases if the damage consists in violation of the integrity of the cable insulation.
Also, nobody prevents you from replacing the spring with adhesive tape, which can be purchased at any hardware store and in many supermarkets. We are looking for a place where the cable is torn, then rewind all this "disgrace" with an electrical tape in a couple of layers.
If everything is clear with isolation, then with the replacement of the lightning-cable, things are more complicated.
to the contents ↑Replacing the lightning cable
It is not recommended to repair the cord yourself, because by your actions, without the proper knowledge base, you can only worsen the situation and will be forced to seek help from a service center. If nevertheless are aimed to do this, here is a detailed instruction on how to change the Iphone wire:
- First you need to do the "disassembly" of the cable. Cut the case, remove the insulation and carefully remove the lightning itself. Do not throw out the plastic, it's still useful.
- Remove the metal parts from the device, remove the silicone from its surface.
- Inside the plug you must find the chip and with special care to remove the adhesive from it.
- Next, solder the contacts with solder.
- When the coping with the solder, you can proceed to pinout. Detailed instructions for conducting pinouts are recommended to be found on the Internet.
- Now you can do a serial cable assembly, checking it beforehand to work.
If you avoided short-circuits and other amateurish problems, you can enjoy a functioning device that has been repaired with your own hands.
to the contents ↑Purchase of upgrades
Now you know exactly how to repair the iPhone 5 cable. Why not warn yourself against further breakdowns? You can extend the life of the device with the help of "modernization" of the wire. If the "hand-maid" approach, in which we used a spring, is not to your liking, then nobody prevents you from finding in the store or ordering via the Internet special devices that preserve the integrity of the cables.
There are special plastic "covers" for wires that are worn on those wiring places that suffer most during operation. In other words - these devices will help to protect the cord from breakages in the places of its bends.
to the contents ↑Useful advices
By following these instructions, you will save yourself from the need for an untimely replacement of the device and will be able to operate it for more than one year. But if you bought a cable, but do not want to do it, you can follow the following tips:
- Do not twist the wires and fold them several times. Such actions lead to rapid wear at the points of bending of the device.
- Try to find on the Internet information on the "preparation" of the workplace. In the network, you can find a lot of useful videos that demonstrate a variety of docking stations, collected personally, and in the store the docking station will not be banned.
- Avoid any interactions of such devices with water and other substances that can disable the cable.
Now you know how to use the original Apple products and do not overpay for maintenance of accessories. Good luck!