- What's useful?
- Metal and plastic jars
- How to make a glass of seedling paper?
- Film
- Cellophane
- Substrate for laminate
- How to make a container from a sleeve?
- Disposable tableware
- Box
Nowadays a huge selection of containers for seedlings is available for sale, but they are often quite expensive and many gardeners are thinking about how to make cups for seedlings with their own hands. You will spend fewer hands on handmade containers, but it is very important to create them strong and reliable so that they do not fall apart the next day. And how to implement it, we'll tell right now.
to the contents ↑What is useful?
Surely you already knew that, in fact, containers can be made from a variety of items and materials. For example, uniquely successful in this regard will be:
- Tight boxes from under the juice or sour-milk products. If you plan to plant several, put inside the partition.
- Disposable cups.
- Bottles from under the water. Tin cans of beer.
- Roll of toilet paper.
- Cans.
- Paper containers.
- Containers made of film.
This is not all the possible options. Let's consider the most practical ideas further in the text.
to the table of contents ↑Metal and plastic jars
There are many ways to make cups for seedlings by hand. The simplest is to arrange containers of plastic and metal jars.
For an example, you can take cans and cans of beer, as well as yoghurt containers:
- Take one and drill several holes in the bottom.
- If you have plans to use the container several times, put a sheet of paper on the bottom. So, when you need to get hold of a com, all you have to do is pull the edges of the paper.
How to make a glass of seedling paper?
In order to make containers for seedlings from paper, use one of the following methods:
- For the first, cut the cylinder from a bottle or ordinary can. This will be the basis. Then cut out thick strips of paper, wrap the cans with paper. Extract the stem from the resulting cup and you can plant seedlings in it.
- The second way is papier-mache. Prepare everything you need in advance: a glass, a newspaper and a spray with water. Paste the newspaper on the glasses, using a spray gun. After - allow the ready containers to dry, and remove them from the base.
Important! This way to form cups from the newspaper for seedlings with your own hands is the most convenient, since later the seedlings can be immediately placed on the ground without taking out.
to the contents ↑film The next option is how to make cups for seedling from a film that is used in the manufacture of greenhouses. In addition to it, you will also need a stapler and a tin can as a base.
How to proceed:
- Cut the film with strips and, wrapping around the glass, fasten with a stapler.
- In half an hour you should get at least two containers.
- The most important thing is that the film is dense.
Important! Alternatively, it is also possible to use packages left over from sour-milk products. Just wrap the edges, and inside you can plant the seedlings. There is nothing easier, but there is a minus in this method - it is required to use something as an additional support, since the packages are not stable.
to the table of contents ↑Cellophane
The next option is a convenient container of cellophane:
- To get it right, you have to twist the tubes from it, fixing it with a stapler along the circumference.
- It's even easier - to buy small kulechki for packing. Arrange the seedlings inside and put them in the box.
Important! If you treat them carefully, you can use them more than once.
to the contents ↑Substrate for laminate
If recently in your house there was a repair, perhaps you still have a laminate substrate? It can be used to prepare cups for seedlings.
Everything is extremely simple: wrap the strips around it and fix it with a stapler.
to the contents ↑How to make a container from a bushing?
If you are engaged in gardening, never rush to throw out sleeves from toilet paper, because when the season of the summer season comes, they can become excellent containers for seedlings.
For this you need to wrap them with thick paper and secure it with a stapler.
Important! Do not forget to do some holes in the bottom.
to contents ↑Disposable tableware
Disposable tableware can also be used as a container for seedling. To do this you will need glasses.
Important If you compare prices for special containers and disposable dishes - the second option at times cheaper. If the light containers seem unstable to you, install them in the box.
to the table of contents ↑Box
A box plays a very important role, because it is in it that seedlings are most often kept, which is found in thin and unstable mini-containers. With the help of any tool that is suitable for this purpose, put openings in its bottom so that the water from the irrigation can drain and the plants breathe.
As you can see, there are a lot of options how to make containers for seedlings by hand - cups of paper, film, cans, and this is not the limit of human cunning, practicality and imagination. We have looked at many ways, among which you will find exactly what you like and will suit you.