🎁 Amazing finds from AliExpress for home

Very often, as a gift, we choose things that are not always necessary. It can be very difficult to find exactly what the hostess wants. Today we have prepared for you a selection of products from AliExpress for home, which have become real bestsellers this winter.

Read in the article

  • 1 Wire twisting tool
  • 2 Cat fountain
  • 3 Brush for collecting pellets and lint
  • 4 Mesh for perfect steaming of clothes
  • 5 Rotary table for cake decorating

Wire twisting tool

Such a tool is a must for those who are engaged in home repairs. It is easy to connect cables with it even from the strongest and thickest wire. The tool is an iron rod, one end of which is attached to the drill, and on the other there is a head with four holes for wires.

In just a few seconds, and the twist is readyPHOTO: aliexpress.ru
In just a few seconds, and the twist is ready
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Cat fountain

If your cat is fussy and constantly drinks running water, then this solution will come in handy in any case. The drinking bowl is portable and does not take up much space. It works very quietly, there is a soft and pleasant backlight. The water indicator will tell you when you need to fill the container.

The water can be changed every three daysPHOTO: aliexpress.ru
The water can be changed every three days
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Brush for collecting pellets and lint

Oh, those spools and pile! Even your favorite sweater sometimes loses its presentable appearance. The new brush, which appeared on sale on AliExpress, according to customer reviews, once and for all solves this problem. Thanks to the special design of the blades and the comfortable handle, you can easily get rid of the pellets on your clothes, returning them to their original appearance.

An excellent idea, which has already been bought by thousands of buyers from all over the worldPHOTO: aliexpress.ru
An excellent idea, which has already been bought by thousands of buyers from all over the world
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Mesh for perfect steaming of clothes

To prevent the iron from spoiling your favorite clothes, it is important to protect them from overheating. A special mesh mat copes with this perfectly. With such a novelty, you will never spoil your things, and the complicated ironing process will turn into a pleasure.

The mat is made of threads that are not afraid of overheatingPHOTO: aliexpress.ru
The mat is made of threads that are not afraid of overheating
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Rotary table for cake decorating

If you love homemade cakes and love baking cakes and pastries, then you definitely need to get this turntable. With it, you will perfectly decorate your work of art and get a lot of positive emotions. The table moves smoothly, without distortions. The dish is quite roomy.

In addition, you can always hide the bad barrel of your cake from the guests.PHOTO: aliexpress.ru
In addition, you can always hide the bad side of your cake from guests.
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