💯 unusual adaptation of AliExpress: useful gadgets

How often do you think to yourself - ah, so we came up with such a thing that can... Do you know what has already been invented. In any case, at the site Aliexpress have a bunch little things that will magically make life easier. Let's look at some of them.

AliExpress - a place where there is everything, with at reasonable prices
AliExpress - a place where there is everything, with at reasonable prices

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  • 1 back hackle
  • 2 Plastic Playing Cards
  • 3 Bladeless fan on batteries
  • 4 Gloves that can not be cut
  • 5 Device for cleaning the fish scales

back hackle

No one who does not remember with reverence the man who came up with this gadget. Now, please - Scratch the back, do not pull out, not relevant to you.

The Chinese have even coined a special layout - as a small steel claws
The Chinese have even coined a special layout - as a small steel claws

The device, giving happiness, worth no more than 80 rubles.

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Plastic Playing Cards

If you are a poker-man, then surely besilis what playing cards constantly salted or corners bend them. It is no longer a problem - you can buy playing cards, which are not even afraid of water.

Plastic playing cards are available in different shades
Plastic playing cards are available in different shades

The cost of the deck - 527 rubles.

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Bladeless fan on batteries

If you irritate onset of heat and noise of the cooler - relax. We found a device that does the job air cooling, But it does not make noise - it bladeless fan.

Unusual adaptations of AliExpress - things that surprise their functionality
The device is a bit like a folded fan

Its functions miracle gadget handle 5 plus. Price of the device - a little more than 500 rubles.

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Gloves that can not be cut

Vandal-proof gloves in its composition have special fibers, which do not allow the blade to reach his hands. These gloves are very useful, because it works with sharp objects: builders, the carpenters, cooks.

The cost of such articles - 228 rubles
The cost of such articles - 228 rubles

Dimensions - standard.

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Device for cleaning the fish scales

The final gadget in our small but useful selection, truly magical thing. Those who has ever faced the process of cleaning fish on the scales, will certainly appreciate this device.

Now, all that before flying in all directions, will remain in a sealed container
Now, all that before flying in all directions, will remain in a sealed container
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