We make winter crafts together with children

Most of all, children are waiting for the New Year. The most beloved part of the holiday is gifts and home decoration with themed decor, made by hand with adults. This is an interesting and very exciting activity that brings relatives together, creates that very festive atmosphere in the house, moreover, it is a creative pastime during the holidays.


  1. Snowman made of socks
  2. Funny little animals made of cones
  3. Angel made of cotton pads
  4. Spruce from buttons
  5. Bell from a plastic bottle
  6. Snowflakes from pasta
  7. Deer made of cardboard

Snowman made of socks

7 winter crafts you can make with your kids

When you can't make a snowman out of snow, but you really want to, imagination and a few improvised means that can be found in every home will come to the rescue.


  • 1 white sock (knee-highs or tights);
  • 4 stationery rubber bands;
  • packaging of rice or other cereals;
  • strips of fabric in bright colors.

To make it not quite miniature, it is better to take knee-highs. If you use a sock, then you need to find one with a leg (the distance from the elastic to the heel) is not short.

At the toe, we cut off the toe and the part following it to the heel. We also cut off the pagolet at the heel. You will get 4 parts - 2 straight pipes, a separate toe and a separate heel. Only pipes are useful for crafts.

We will make the snowman itself from a longer tube. Turn the part inside out and tie it at one end with an elastic band. Turn it out and fill it with rice. When the bag is full, we tie the upper part with an elastic band.

It is necessary to outline the place where the head and body of the snowman will be connected. We also put an elastic band on this line. You won't be able to tie it tightly, but we don't need to. You just need to outline the transition between the impromptu snowballs.

We'll put a hat on the snowman's head. We make it from the second part of the sock, shorter. We tie the pipe with an elastic band at one end - the cap is ready.

It remains to disguise the unsightly rubber bands. We will tie a scarf from fabric ribbons to a snowman. We will tie the same ribbon on a hat.

The face can simply be drawn with a felt-tip pen. The toy is ready! It can become not only a decoration, but also an antistress toy, because the grains inside crunch and roll pleasantly if you press the snowman.

Funny little animals made of cones

7 winter crafts you can make with your kids

The easiest way to make cone animals is to stick plasticine heads and paws. An elongated spruce cone is suitable for a bunny. It is necessary that the scales are directed downward. We attach a ball of white plasticine - this is the head. glue long ears to it. On the front there are two small balls. This is a muzzle.

A rounded pine cone is more suitable for a hedgehog. But you need it to be with open scales. We sculpt the muzzle of a hedgehog in the form of a cone.

A more complex option, when the petals of the cones are pre-torn off with pliers. Then these small parts are glued to plasticine or hot glue so that they look like a tile pattern. In this technique, you can make an applique with a bird or a hedgehog. The scales will create the effect of plumage or needles volume. But you need to sculpt the scales from the bottom up, so that the top ones lie a little on top of the next layer.

Angel made of cotton pads

7 winter crafts you can make with your kids


  • Cotton pads;
  • White threads;
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Sequins, glitter, beads, any decor, even buttons will do.

Peel off one cotton pad. It will turn out to be 2 circles. Crumple one circle into a ball and wrap it in another circle. Wrap with thread to secure. This detail is the head of an angel. Glue it to the second cotton ball so that the ball sticks out from the top.

Bend the left and right sides of the second disc so that they wrap around the angel's neck. Fix with glue. Let's make the wings from the third disk. Let's cut it in half, and just glue both halves to the back.

From above, the angel can be decorated with sparkles, beads, sequins. Do not forget to attach the thread for which the angel hooks on the spruce branch.

Spruce from buttons

7 winter crafts you can make with your kids

To make a voluminous Christmas tree, you need buttons of different sizes and colors, decorative pins (with a colored ball at the end) and insulation with a foil layer. Instead of insulation, you can use foam rubber glued to whatman paper.

First you need to make the base. We twist the insulation cone. We cut off all unnecessary. Then, in random order, attach the buttons with pins.

You will get a multi-colored Christmas tree.

Bell from a plastic bottle

7 winter crafts you can make with your kids

We take the bottle, cut it in half across. The upper part with a neck is useful for crafts. We cover it with shiny acrylic paints. We make a tongue from a large bead on a thin ribbon and attach it to the middle of the bottle, after having pierced a hole in the lid. From above we tie or glue a bow or a bouquet.

We decorate the surface of the workpiece with decoupage napkins or paint with acrylic paints in blue and blue or golden tones. Decorate generously with a ribbon or braid.

Snowflakes from pasta

7 winter crafts you can make with your kids

For pasta snowflakes, any form of pasta will do. We will do all the work on the file.

Option 1. You will need a wheel-shaped pasta. We glue a few more in a circle to the central pasta. Then we form the rays of the snowflake. We cover generously with glue, it will then be absorbed. Without removing from the file, paint the snowflake from the spray. When everything is dry, you can gently detach it.

Option 2. Snowflakes made from large pasta. Here it is enough to fasten a few pasta together with the convex side outward. We connect them with their tips to the middle, like flower petals. We paint the blank with silver or white paint. For showiness, you can silver with nail polish or cover with sparkles.

Deer made of cardboard

7 winter crafts you can make with your kids

The deer is one of the traditional symbols of the New Year. You can make an animal figure out of cardboard. We buy cardboard sheets or look for unnecessary boxes from household appliances.

A deer stencil is easy to find on the Internet. We transfer all the details to cardboard and cut them out. It is better to cut with a knife, but you need to put something down so as not to scratch the table.

All elements are connected to each other, then decorated - painted with paints, decorated with sparkles, rhinestones. This method is good if you want a whole family of deer. Bright New Year's toys can be obtained if the cut out parts are wrapped with self-adhesive film before joining them.