- Fashion for mink hats
- Doing a mink hood for yourself
- Other ways of fraying the furs
- Fur yarns on the knitted basis
Mink cap is one of the mandatory attributes that are present in the women's wardrobe and are used every winter every day. However, like any product, the end of service life comes. So, a mink hat can lose its original appearance. What should we do with it then? Today we'll talk about what can be done from an old mink cap with our own hands, what products can come out of it. Also we will consider how to sew a product on a woman's head from fur, which will come out inexpensively, but will have an unusual and beautiful appearance.
to the contents ↑Fashion for mink hats
Before deciding what can be sewn from an old mink cap with your own hands, let's talk in more detail about this accessory from a women's wardrobe. In Soviet times there was only one model of this headgear.
It was meant for middle-aged women, had one shade. To date, the situation has changed dramatically.
Now you can find products of different colors and they are meant for all ages. So, you can meet a mink hat on a little girl and a middle-aged woman.
to the contents ↑We make our mink head
The cost of fur garments on the head is always above average. However, not every woman knows about what can be sewn from an old mink hat with her own hands, a new one. At the same time, having spent a minimum of effort, you just need to have some skills. We'll tell you about how to make a new hat, with a minimum of effort.
Sewing the hat yourself:
- For work, we need pieces of mink fur. They can be taken from an old hat, bought in the market, in a fur store. An excellent solution will be the use of pieces of fur of different colors.
- The base for the cap may be a knitted article or an old sweater. How to make a knitted basis, we will describe below.
- Pieces of fur need to be sewn together. This action must be done very carefully, so that stitches, seams and other shortcomings are not visible.
- After you have sewed all the pieces together, you need to separate the fur on the line, up to seven centimeters thick. To do this, it is necessary to make appropriate incisions on the outlined lines from the wrong side with the help of an acute clerical knife.
- We take our base. You choose what it can be. Some people use an old knitted sweater with large loops for this.
- On the front side of the workpiece, gently sew the fur "paths".At this stage, you can alternate colors, create volume and select the order of shreds when sewing.
Important! It is worth noting that in the beginning they sew the bottom strip of fur, then the upper strip and only then proceed to the middle part of the future hat.
- At this stage, we connect the extra loops using a hook.
- We proceed to the very top of the cap. It is necessary to tie it in gently, and then hide it. However, this method is not suitable for everyone, since not every woman knows how to knit. You can take a flap of skin of any shade and close the top of the headdress.
- After that, we scan the entire product, correct all the shortcomings and advantages and enjoy our own made mink hat.
Other ways to rewrite the fur
If you are already thinking about what you can do with an old mink hat with your own hands, do not throw the product away or give it to someone. We will tell you about knitting from fur "threads".You did not know that you can knit not only yarn? Yes, imagine it possible!
Important! Canadian fashion designer Paul Lishman made a real sensation in the world of fashion and beauty. She began to knit from fur thin rags, creating a new revolution on the podium.
So, let's learn how to do this.
We make yarn from fur:
- At the initial stage you need to prepare and create fur yarn. To do this, take an old hat, a fur coat or a sheepskin coat and with a writing knife from the wrong side, cut the fur product into strips, not more than 5 mm thick.
Important! When cutting a fur linen on "thread" it is best to do it in a spiral. In this case, the strip will be longer and knit in the future will be more convenient. However, you can do as you like, or as the product allows.
- Before cutting the fur threads from the fabric, it is necessary to outline the way you will cut from the wrong side with an ordinary gel pen. It will be better and more equal.
Important! Separate the fur is carefully, without using a scissors in any way, the fabric should be slightly pulled and lifted up.
- If you have very short pieces of thread, you can glue or sew them together. To do this, you may need an ordinary thread or monofilament, as well as special glue.
- It's worth starting to make a fur thread. To do this, you need to lower the workpiece into water, fix the base with an ordinary bracket. After that, twist the fur band in a circle. In its appearance, this should resemble the winding of a woolen thread on an ordinary spindle.
Important! Many people use a screwdriver, drill or other method to accelerate the process.
- You need to wind it up so that you have to have five turns per centimeter of thread. It is necessary to constantly wet the ribbon itself. After you fold it, you need to dry it with an ordinary hair dryer. After doing this action, you will see how at one point the fur became fluffy.
- Now it is necessary to leave the tape until it dries completely.
- After the thread has become completely dry, it is twisted into an ordinary glomerulus, and you can start knitting.
Important! For fur fur, the fur of a mink perfectly fits, but you can use other material.
We knit a fur yarn
Knitting of fur yarn in the last few years is gaining popularity. This is one of the most common ways that you can make a mink head with your own hands. For the manufacture of cloth from fur threads, you do not need to have special skills, because the whole procedure is done in the same way as from ordinary yarn.
When knitting use thick knitting needles. Quite often, often a fur thread is supplemented with ordinary woolen thread in the tone of fur. For this action, the mink blank is the best fit.
Important! From fur thin stripes knit mainly knitting needles. Of course, you can do it and crochet, but you should take into account the high consumption of yarn.
to the contents ↑We impose fur threads on the knitted basis
Many housewives are wondering how to sew a mink cap from an old cap to a knitted base. This is very easy, especially if you have a mesh base. It can be tied independently by crochet or knitting needles. Also can be purchased at the needlework store.
If you decide to decorate your hat and make it on a mesh base, then you need to use a hook and take the knitted blank in the same color scheme as the fur.
Important! The essence of this knitting is that you pass a fur band into each hole. Caps that are connected in this way, amaze with their beauty and look no worse than those sold in high-priced stores.
An excellent addition to the hat will be a fur brooch or flower made of beads or leather.
In any case, when deciding what can be done from an old mink hat with your own hands, it is worthwhile to consider the various options, and only then think about throwing. Although strongly you are not advised to do this. Give a new life to this headdress! Create, experiment, and you will succeed.