- Should I focus on the problem?
- How to make a shoe dryer for the battery?
- Making an unusual universal shoe dryer with your own hands
During the off-season, many of us are faced with the problem of the constant blotting of shoes, because knee-deep pools and slush for our latitudes are quite common. Often even the best quality footwear does not withstand loads of this kind and in due course starts to let out moisture in certain places. Therefore, coming home in wet shoes, we think about how to quickly dry it, because no one wants to put on his feet again in the morning again cold wet shoes. It is not difficult to solve this problem - you can buy a special device in a store or learn how to make a shoe dryer with your own hands without spending a lot of time and money on it. In this article, we will consider in detail how to translate such an idea into practice. You will find several master classes for the manufacture of shoe dryers at home. Let's get started.
to the contents ↑Is it worth emphasizing the problem?
- Wet shoes are the source of fungus development, from which it is very difficult to get rid of later.
- In addition, if you wear wet sneakers or shoes, the person will inevitably overcome a runny nose or a cold.
Important! The easiest way to try to dry the shoes on the battery with a wooden or plastic grill, on top of which put damp shoes or boots. In this case, the hot radiator will not come into contact with the material of the sole, which means it will not harm it. The natural circulation of heated air allows you to dry your shoes in just a few hours.
to the contents ↑How to make a shoe dryer for your own hands?
This is the safest, most effective and inexpensive way to solve the problem of wet feet. A dryer for shoes on the battery is manufactured by oneself quickly enough. Do it, we will be from the remains of laminate, and this design will have a large number of advantages:
- Attach it can be to the battery side.
- It is possible to install several such homemade dryers on one radiator at the same time.
- It will be easy to understand, for example, in the summer you can hide it so that it does not take up unnecessary space.
Materials for work
For work you will need such materials and tools:
- Remains of unused laminate with a thickness of 8 mm.
- Pencil and ruler.
- Electric jig saw.
- File and sandpaper.
- Electric drill with 8 mm drill bit.
- Paint or varnish, brush.
Construction device
This dryer will consist of the following elements:
- Two stand-holders. Internal locking strip.
- Outer locking bar.
- Screen-stop.
- Two wedges.
Important! To simplify the assembly, we add to the structure an auxiliary bar. By the way, since the holder-holder is the most important element in such a design and has a complicated configuration, it is necessary to strictly observe the dimensions indicated in the drawing.
We will collect the dryer without using glue.
Master class for the work of
And now we will learn how to make a shoe dryer, which will be attached to the battery:
- At the first stage, we need to make special holes for the cruciform joints( linings on the floor of the tree).To make them very simple: you first need to mark the sample in the right place, then drill a hole 8 mm in diameter in the middle, according to the thickness of the laminate. Next - saw the sample with a jig saw on the inside.
- As the cuts under the influence of moisture are capable of swelling and destroying the structure, each sawing must be varnished or painted over.
- Now connect the racks with the auxiliary strap. With one hand holding on the bar, you need to push the lower parts of the racks in the first and fourth under the account of the opening between the sections of the radiator. And the second - by hand we install the internal locking bar, passing it through the central section.
- Then you need to tighten the auxiliary bar a little, install the outer locking bar already from the top.
- While the dryer is in free movement, it is necessary to determine its specific location, then install the wedges.
- Next, you can remove the auxiliary bar, insert the screen-stop.
- As a result, you get the space between the battery and the screen, where, in fact, the shoes will be inserted with their socks down.
Making an unusual universal shoe dryer by our own hands
In this section we will learn how to make a shoe dryer by yourself from the most ordinary computer fan.
Prepare for work the following elements:
- Unnecessary working fan( cooler).
- Metric corrugated tube.
- Power supply for 12 volts.
- Electrical wires for extension and connection.
- Electrical box.
- Screws.
- Electric plug.
Master class for the work of
Assembling our dryer is as follows:
- Cut a round hole in the box to fit the cooler.
- Divide the corrugation into two equal parts, make slits in the box for them.
- Insert the cooler, fix it with screws so that air gets into the attached hoses.
- All gaps and clearances are sealed with rubber gaskets, which will ensure the correct direction of the air flow. So the dryer is ready.
- And now insert both ends of the corrugation into the shoes, plug the device into the socket to test it.
This device is able to work even from the cigarette lighter in the car, which is especially important during out-of-town trips, travel, fishing and dacha. By the way, repairing the dryer for shoes made in this way, a lot of time you will not take away, and judging by the feedback of users, there are problems with it very rarely.