Why are gypsum figurines not the best option for a garden? Gypsum is pouring, the need for a mold and the constant risk of breaking the product. They are heavy and fragile, crumble from water and fade in the sun. And nevertheless - if you are looking for decoration for your site - you are unlikely to find something else. Don't you want to try your own hand at garden sculpture? It's not so difficult if you know a couple of secrets and use the experience of the author of the YouTube channel. Dmitry Piskunov, which offers to make a knight's move and get literally an eternal garden figurine, light, durable and resistant to any external influences.
Read in the article
- 1 How to make a sculpting mass
- 2 What a mass of starch and silicone is capable of
- 3 What can be made from silicone mass
How to make a sculpting mass
Only two ingredients are required to prepare the sculpting mass.

The main problem is that the silicone is very sticky to your hands, so you need to do two things that will make it easier to mix the composition.

In this case, you can achieve subtle color transitions and colorful effects, but the surface paint will fade. But if the pigment is inside the mixture, then it will retain its brightness much longer.

What a mass of starch and silicone is capable of
The resulting mass is very plastic and elastic at the same time. It is a pleasure to sculpt from it, but keep in mind that there is not much time to implement your idea: only about half an hour. The fact is that silicone with a filler hardens rather quickly. So it's best to think ahead about what and how you are going to do before you start.

If you are making some parts with thin legs, it is better to reinforce them by inserting sticks, thick fishing line or at least cocktail tubes inside.

What can be made from silicone mass
The elastic and pliable mass of silicone and starch will give you a lot of pleasure from the process of work. And then it all depends on your imagination and skill. You can safely experiment.

Instead of silicone, you can use another adhesive. Here's an example:
Be sure to give it a try and share your experience in the comments! What happened? Where will you use the lessons learned?