With the advent of the baby in a young family there are issues connected with the right organization of space in the apartment. A serious approach to the selection of children's furniture in the future will have a beneficial impact on health and child development.
Cot - a place where the newborn sleeps and is awake during the first months of his life. Prospective parents to choose the most suitable, in which the baby can safely be. Fortunately, there are plenty to choose - on the market there are a lot types of cots: with rocker, with changing table, a chest of drawers, bed-transformer, with compartment, pendulum.
- The device is a cot on wheels
- application
- How to use
- How to Choose a crib on wheels
The device is a cot on wheels
Option on wheels will help in caring for the baby breastfed. An integral part of these concerns is the feeding, so you should read and types of infant formula. The ability to easily move this type of furniture will appreciate the parents who plan to subsequently make changes in the apartment.
The design of a cot on wheels, differing in some details, the device is similar to a standard design.
The structure includes the following elements:
- Frame. Made in a rectangle shape, but there are options, designed as an oval or circle. Typical dimensions of the rectangular frame 128 cm x 68 cm.
- Bed. In modern models assume at least two height levels fixed-base box for easy stacking and secure presence in it of breast baby.
- Side walls with iron rods. Limit the bed for sleep, preventing the loss of the child. Simultaneously, the bars, spaced 5-9 cm from each other, allow crumbs to survey the surrounding area, to get acquainted with the outside world, watch movements room. Adults freely watch the baby without disturbing him.
- Orthopedic mattress. Laid on the bottom of the bed, ensuring that the distance from the top of the mattress to the top of the enclosing sidewalls was sufficient and protect the baby from falling out. Dimensions of the standard bed mattress should close without gaps on the frame perimeter.
Depending on the design features, the wheels are attached to the frame rails or legs. design wheels, if necessary, removed and fixed to the piece of furniture is not rolled back.

Direct appointment of a cot with wheels - a safe and comfortable place to rest and sleep a baby. Greatly simplifies the solution to the problem of organizing space for a small child, allowing the wheels to help move it around the apartment.
If parents decide to temporarily install a cot in your bedroom to sensitively monitor the sleeping baby and his state of health, the design is easy to move from one room to another. Although, especially advanced to observe the child can use webcam.
On the topic of light in movement and convenient devices for kids you may also be interested in the various types of chairs for feedingAmong which there are also mobile options, model to save space and even travel.
Another option is the use of wheels rocking baby. Even if the design is not equipped with runners for rocking or pendulum mechanism, wheels allow the baby to roll gently back and forth, creating the effect of motion sickness. If necessary, the position of the fixed place to sleep.
Increase the level of comfort in the regeneration of a child called to various devices that are part of the design: the pendulum mechanism, rails, wheels.
By adjusting the height of the bed of the parents quietly laid the baby. Equipment design built chest of drawers, pull-out lower drawers and changing table will solve the several problems: the place of the child's changing, for storage of toys, clothes, laundry, personal items hygiene.
Some models are able to transform into a teenage bed as the child grows. Due to the elongated frame a base model with a built-in chest of drawers becomes detached dresser and a full bed length of 1.70 m.
This option especially valuable because it does not require a change of design in all rooms at the kid growing up. Dresser and the bed is a single ensemble in the interior of the room. And if you still decide to change the design, then pay attention to silk liquid wallpaper. Although their use is justified, and while growing up the child, because it is an environmentally friendly material.
How to use

During installation and operation observe the following rules:
- Assembling of furniture is produced according to instructionsProvided by the manufacturer of the regular fixtures included in the kit.
- When assembling pay attention that all bolts and tightly curled. In the future hold weekly check, do not unscrew the bolts and if not whether fixing weakened.
- Location for the crib purchased in a ventilated roomAway from heating appliances, windows and doors, providing protection against overheating and overcooling baby.
- Crib kept clean. To do this, regularly wipe the surface with a soft damp cloth. As necessary, conduct examination of the structure to identify cracks, scratches, knots, can injure the baby.
Bed equipped with an orthopedic mattress, reducing the load on the spine and allow the child to take a comfortable position during sleep. This mattress has a positive effect on the nervous system, it protects from increased pressure, pain in bones and joints.
For free access of air to the mattress frame of the piece of furniture is equipped with a rack bottom. Solid bottom promotes the accumulation of moisture and insufficient drying of the mattress, whereby the fungal infection and develop the baby diaper rash.
Good ventilation protects the mattress from getting wet and moisture build-up after a night's sleep. Impregnation of the surface protects the mattress from the appearance and accumulation of dust mites.

Of particular importance is the design that will reliably protect the child in different situations.
Parents take precautions to ensure a safe and comfortable use of cot:
- As the baby starts to sit up growth check in the crib, so the height of the enclosing walls and the level of the bed should prevent the child to climb over the rail.
- In order to protect against injury and damage to the baby's skin, all the surfaces of children's furniture of this type have a rounded, smooth shape. Furniture is made of the newborn, except for the use of elements with sharp corners.
- The bars, which are equipped with side walls of this type of furniture, should be set in such a way so as not to interfere with the free space around the review and ensure good ventilation of the sleeping bed.
The distance between the rods should be more than 9 cm, to protect children from sticking handles, legs and head between the bars of the structure
Safety Related child offer to view information about types of child car seats (for babies, low-end models, with booster, by weight with a limit of 36 kg, chair-carrying).
How to Choose a crib on wheels

When buying Parents pay attention to the following criteria affecting the comfort, service life and serviceability of structural components and fixtures:
- Versatility. It is important that the model takes into account all the needs of young parents and children. Cots, equipped with additional elements (chest, changing table, the lower boxes), pendulum mechanism, and other options, provides a high level of care for comfort baby.
- Wheels. If you plan to frequent movement of construction, the parents choose a model on durable wheels with locking elements. Included furniture wheel clamps will solve the problem of a possible rollback is securely place the crib location.
- Choosing the right model, consider the requirements of the silent rotation of the wheelsWhereby the movement of the crib will not disturb a sleeping child. It is preferable to choose options, equipped with wheels made of polyurethane or rubber.
- Safety of the materials used. For production use environmentally friendly, harmless materials, not capable of causing allergic reactions and do not contain toxic substances.
Preference is given to natural wood (see. Wooden cot - environmentally friendly and practical!), And sprayed with paint without the chemical harmful substances (formaldehyde, lead). Safe materials certificate is provided by the seller when you buy.
The service life of children's furniture depends on its practicality and reliability. To preserve the flawless look of the model chosen from materials that are resistant to moisture and cleaning media and members of the mounting kit must be reliable (preferably use metal attachment).
- Check the completeness of the selected option. The manufacturer's instructions and the details of the bolts must be available.
- Carry out a full inspection to ensure that the operation of machinery and parts.
- Choose a model that the dimensions allow you to set a dedicated children's area.
Form an opinion about the models will help hosted online customer reviews are already using this design.
- Warranty Card provided by the seller in the purchase, will solve the problem with the repair in case of complaints about the quality.
Compliance with the requirements in the selection of the model and thorough check before you buy will help you select the crib, which is a favorite place for rest and sleep baby.