Before the age of 12 years of traffic rules is prohibited to transport children without special restraint.
To transport the baby will need baby car seat. It must meet the requirements of safety and be comfortable for the child. Price - according to the quality.
Choose quality child restraint at an affordable price is possible if the approach to the selection seriously.
- Features
- The construction budget of child car seats
- Pros and cons of fiscal child car seat
- Exploitation
- malfunctions

The locking device of each type is designed to ensure the protection of the baby in the event of a road traffic accident and hold the crumbs during sharp turns.
By the principle of operation of the device for transporting children is divided into a cradle, a chair and combined types. As well as a separate group of isolated frameless chairs and adapters for fixed seat belt.
Seat is a chair with an adjustable backrest tilt angle. It has a soft liner, the head restraint, seat belts. Placing the baby in the seat, fix by means of belts and choose the right back position.
Until the age of one year set against a course of movement, after - against, for security purposes.
The apparatus is equipped with a rigid flanges, which perform the function stops. Tiny will not tip over and do not overturn in the event of abrupt maneuver. Side impact will cause minimum damage to young passengers.
Price varies depending on the functional and structural features of the device.
The construction budget of child car seats

Classification in the category of "reasonable price" for age ranges:
- 0. Such a device is also called auto-cradle. By design, it looks like the upper part of the classical or traditional stroller bassinet. Baby carriage with a horizontal position, as the spine is not yet fully grown.
Forced vertical position is strictly prohibited, it causes the development of abnormalities in the formation of the musculoskeletal system. Baby just fit this option.
Set the type of back along the seat, it occupies two passenger seats. Fastened car seat belts. A passenger cage is fixed inside the inner straps.
Manufacturers claim that the baby carriage up to 10 kg using "0" device category. In practice, as soon as the baby learns to sit up, put him in the cradle is not possible.
Therefore, after six months would have to change the device to the next age and weight categories.
In the event of an impact to the side of the car category retaining device 0 does not protect young passengers from injury or damage.
The material from which the chair is made - durable and reliable. Lining made of hypoallergenic tissues. The cost varies. Acquire an option at an affordable price possible, but there is a minus - short-term use (from birth to six months).
Thus, the purchase is impractical and does not justify the investment.
- 0+. Weight passenger from 3 kg to 13 kg. Perhaps a semi-horizontal and vertical position of the backrest. Change your position if the crumb will fall asleep on the road. But if the kid does not hold back on their own, such transportation is short.
Is set as the back and in the front seat, depending on the situation.
There are stationary models, and models that combine several functions. The latter may also include a rocking function, a highchair, a game center, sunbeds. Carriers are narrower in comparison with stationary counterparts.
Weigh no more than 3-4 kg. Newborns sleep on the road, and to wake up the sleeping crumb not everyone will be decided. Putting forward a model of the special chassis without disturbing the baby, carry him in his chair.
The disadvantage is that the children quickly grow from them. In the first 9 months of the baby is not comfortable in the narrow space. Thus, the minimum period of operation - from 5 to 9 months. Practicality purchase in question.
However, if you plan to use as a carrying chairs, Rocking and / or sunbeds, the cost is within the "reasonable price" category. Since you are paying for multiple items.
Set against the motion, it occupies a passenger seat. If you are in the front seat - definitely off the airbags.
All models feature a 5-point safety belts. Weight is less than the seats of category 0.
- 0+/1. Combined category from birth to three years. The maximum weight of 18 kg. While category and determined from birth, but the newborn will be uncomfortable in a bowl. Therefore, in practice, the category applies to 5-6 months.
Weight up to 10 kg. carrying function is not available.
This species, as well as the following, referred to as "reasonable price" category. Since the purchase more than one product, and a transformer, covering the 2-3 age range.
- 1/2/3. Combined category from one year to 12 years. Calculated on the weight of 36 kg. Preschoolers are tied by internal belt, and with 6 years - the car belts.

Once the passenger has become weigh more than 18 kg, the 5-point fixation belt becomes impossible. Back length is adjustable retractable headrest.
A large age range leads to the fact that in its extreme points of the children uncomfortable. Year-old kid is great, and the teenager - a little. Finance economy is not always is beneficial to children's health. Affordable price sometimes turns into a low level of comfort.
- 2/3. Combined category for children weighing 18 to 36 kg.
- 3. The weight of the child is in the range of 22 to 36 kg.
In the last two kinds of children fastened car seat belts. The belt passes through the zone and rests on the shoulder and breast, without squeezing them. The upper part of changing direction with a special loop for the comfort of a small passenger.
- A special category - frameless car-seat. According to the principle of the matter, they are sewn with her seat belt. The cost is ten times less than conventional.
- Another budget option - holding device FEST for children weighing between 9 and 36 kg.
It is a stationary vehicle belt adapter. In the normal position the belt is at the neck of the kid and it does not ensure its protection. Using an adapter strap changes its position and passed through the thigh and stomach crumbs.
The cost is minimal, as well as data provided by the device security.
Pros and cons of fiscal child car seat

Advantages of the frameless models of "reasonable price" category:
- Suitable for kids of any weight and age. By purchasing a product, decide the problem of the baby carriage through adolescence.
- It takes up little space when folded. It allows you to make the trip in a taxi or public transport safely and comfortably.
- Can be installed in any car. Condition - the presence of car safety fixtures.
- They take up little space. In the back seat is easy to fit three children in these chairs. In the case of a large family it is important.
- It is easy to remove and wash. The long road children will want to eat. Appear stains from food and drinks. Available laundry in the washing machine.
If the parents do not have their own transport, this is the option for them.
Disadvantages frameless child seats from the "Affordable" categories:
- The lack of side protection. In the event of a side impact the entire burden falls directly on the baby.
- the use of frameless risky crumbs before reaching the age of three. The back is not supported by anything. There is a risk of spinal defects.
- It is not recommended to use for longer trips. After a short time since the travel body numb and starts to hurt, because he can not change the situation. The kid will not be able to sleep on the way. Long trips are not possible.
Advantages of the device FEST:
- Quickly put on and take off.
- Weight and growth of the child is irrelevant.
- It reduces the risk of death in case of an accident twice.
- It minimizes the risk of injury in the event of a dangerous situation on the road.
- Unlike frameless models, this restraint webbing provided for fixing the legs and to prevent slippage. Their use is possible up to a maximum weight of 18 kg.
- It can be installed on the front and on the back seat of the car.
The most reasonable price of all types of views.
Disadvantages FEST restraint device:
- It can be used when the child reaches 4 years of age.
- The child is not protected in side and frontal impact.
- The lowest level of security.

Frameless seat is mounted on the front or back seat. It is important that the back seat firmly against the vehicle seat. Straps adjustable for weight and growth of the child. Before every ride check that your baby comfortably in a chair.
Installing restraint Fest takes a few seconds. SDA allows the use of this device. The traffic police have no right to be fined for its use.
For full protection of the child choose the auto-chair with rigid frame, secure straps and adjustable back tilt. An additional advantage - the presence of a soft rim, which does not allow a child to fly, and supports for the feet.
However, these features result in an increase in cost of goods.

Before you fix the problem yourself, check whether the warranty period has passed. The warranty period the manufacturer is obliged to repair the broken part, or to change the product for the same.
warranty period is from six months to three years. The stronger the manufacturer confident in the quality of goods, the longer warranty period. Refer to the warranty center or the store where you purchased the chair.
Over the life of Keep a check, packaging, and product documents. Without these papers shop the right to refuse you in making a claim.
Frequent faults:
- Wear cloth upholstery. Angles are erased first. Contact a specialized workshop for hauling furniture. This defect does not affect the level of security provided by the device. Therefore, in order to save parents shrouded over abrasions cover the appropriate size.
- Defect plastic fasteners. If one half of the seal is broken or burst he has to change the lock. Look for service delivery of spare parts on site at the company-producer. Sewing thread fastener should be reliable.
Check the strength prior to use. The width of the lock and a belt to which it is attached, must be the same.
If you buy the goods, second-hand, take to the choice of 10 times closer. Do not buy the chair, had been in an accident. Even if there are no visible changes inside the material glance it is not possible. Microcracks formed during the impact, becoming more every day use.
Auto-chair must meet European safety standards.
Bring a baby into the store. At the site a try, if they feel comfortable, whether the size to fit physique. Do not skimp on the safety and health of children.