- bricks
- modular
- Thematic
- Mosaic
- Puzzle
- glenoid
- Of flexible plastic tubes
- Magnetic
- labyrinth
- Electronic
- How to choose

Toy in the form of cubes suitable for young children. Development through such toys begins with one year. Cubes are a plastic multi-colored squares, playing with whom, a child learns to distinguish shapes and colors.
In the early stages, until the baby is not able to build the figures, the interest in this type of entertainment will manifest itself in monitoring the actions of their parents, showing the little one how to cope with such a toy.
Cubes made of lightweight high-quality plastic, you can play with them in the water and wash under running water. When this kind of baby master figures, figures added thereto in the form of cones and cylinders.

Kids half years interested in the construction of the figures of the blocks. They are presented in the form of squares or rectangles and are joined overlapping each other.
Producing sets with different block sizes, depending on age group. For children from one year to three years, details of large, do not worry that their baby will swallow. In addition, a small handle is comfortable to cope with large elements.
From three years of the block size is gradually reduced, which helps to develop fine motor skills of hands.
Material for the manufacture of durable plastic blocks. You can not worry about what will break and get hurt baby product.
In most kids collected turret houses, geometric shapes, or even animals from blocks. With a variety of options for the final result, at the baby develops the imagination, the ability to plan and design or even be considered.
This is because, before you assemble the model, it is necessary to imagine the future creation, calculate how much and what parts need. In addition to the function of building shapes, using blocks, the kid teaches colors, or by different uses bright squares in their games.
Set with block details opens a vast field of activity for the baby and his parents.

More advanced theme designer. From block it differs only in that its composition contains prefabricated figures of animals or people for whom being built under the scheme fairytale castles or machines, or even entire cities.
The options for a huge amount of creativity, a little sculptor himself will pick up the story of finished images according to their interests and preferences. Thus, the kits are suitable for girls containing elements for constructing fairy locks for Princess and pets, as well as subjects interested in a zoo, of which pens are built for animals, feeders.
For boys fit kits for the assembly of cars, helicopters, fire stations and cities. The advantage of such a kit is that the toddlers are collected by the scheme or subjects use their imagination. Furthermore, some kits contain identical parts are compatible with each other, extending the previously constructed world.

For children from three years of suitable plastic tiles. It received its name for its resemblance to a paper mosaic. The difference is that the parts are made of high-grade plastic and are interconnected through the slots.
Links mosaic mostly round shape, flat or convex. Of plane figures collected two-dimensional image, and of the convex parts are obtained realistic 3D shapes. The game develops into a mosaic of spatial orientation, it helps to get first knowledge of the science of geometry.

A simplified version of the mosaic puzzle constructor considered. Its details are large and flat, square shape. Constructed from a collection of possible only walls or houses. Plus, this set - ease of handling and the ability to collect a simple three-dimensional shapes, so it is suitable for children of two years in preparation for other types of games.

For children older than five years will be an interesting option articular designer. It got its name from the similarity to these joints, creating a flexible joint bones.
Toy joints are plastic boxes, interconnected by means of a hinge. Due to this rotary joint constructed by figures acquire the ability to move. This opens up broad horizons for the development of creativity and imagination.
It can be constructed so complex mechanisms that child will feel the true creator.
The children gather original toys from butterflies, fluttering their wings, to mobile robots, Transformers. Game set with articular elements will long list of small builder interests, to make people forget about the existence of other toys.
Of flexible plastic tubes

The first place among the innovative product for the game takes the designer of flexible plastic tubes. Such a set consists of several different color tubes that can change shape (flex, stretch, shrink, curl), and mounts connecting tube between them.
The flexible material allows you to make of it something that is impossible with traditional designer: instead of strict walls, buildings or machines, are obtained three-dimensional shapes with smooth lines. The amount of manipulation of the flexible tubes is limited only by the imagination of a small builder.
Due to the fact that the material is soft and squeezable tubes, the baby will be pleasant tactile touch to get a toy.
Collecting structure of the flexible tubes, children:
- acquainted with the spatial orientation;
- developing the motor activity of the hands;
- train the mind and imagination.
Plastic tubes are easy to handle, easy to modeling, not afraid of water, does not require special care.

As soon as a pipsqueak growing and developing, expanding the circle of personal interests naturally. Inspire kid's old toys for a long time becomes a daunting task. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the magnetic designer.
Set of such a kit composed of magnetic bipolar plates coated with plastic, and metal balls for connection into complex shapes.
The plates are available in different shapes and colors:
- triangles;
- squares;
- sticks.
Such a variety of forms allows you to collect a lot of geometric shapes.
Depending on the size, on a ball 20 attached to the rods. The number of elements in the set varies depending on the age group. For children from three years of limited set of magnetic sticks and balls and geometric plates are added to five years and increase the number of available parts.
If desired, the magnetic plates and playing younger children, as their value is large enough to fit in your mouth that prevents swallowing detail. In addition, the inquisitive little one is interesting to consider the details of shapes and translucent shiny smooth balls.
Even the magnetic power to attract and repel immensely fascinated child's mind. Playing with magnetic plates is not limited to collecting the figures. Using them in a playful way the parents explain to the child the nature of the magnetic force and the first laws of physics that has a positive effect on the further study of subjects in the school.

Another educational toys for the baby would be a constructor-labyrinth. There will connect imagination and be smart and logic. The game is to collect all elements of the maze, in which the balls down.
The kid can collect normal hill, or by adding other parts complicate construction. In addition to slides, the set includes all kinds of pipes, jumps, mill funnel carousel track. Overall, the design is similar to the water park rides, but the main visitors are the balls here, inspectors have been holding the assembled mechanism.
The main focus in the set is the ability to gather the crumbs on a maze that the ball rolled down freely.
This is not only an exciting game, but also an opportunity:
- memory training;
- ability to plan;
- ability to construct.
Despite the fact that children have to make serious work before you assemble the finished maze, they do not get tired of the problem.
Parts of the labyrinth can be easily assembled with each other, giving the opportunity to gather all sorts of variants of the final result. As a result, baby gets a fun ride, on which the ball comes down, then speeding up, then slowing down, making unimaginable turns and maneuvers.
Sam Ball is a separate gaming tool that can jump, change color. In some assemblies may even run a few of these balls at once. Labyrinth - an exciting game for both children and their parents.

And even when the child has already started school and is familiar with such complex subjects as physics and geometry, excellent informative game will be e-constructor for it.
Pay attention to this set worth pupils from the sixth to the eleventh grade. This is an indispensable thing for a visual representation of physical processes. A set of electronic devices already use in their arsenal modern schools, and teachers gladly make it into an educational program.
Such interest from pedagogic associated with complete innovative details and the latest advances in science and technology. The main work area is a plastic plate, which is going to order thousands of electronic circuits.
This is possible thanks to the numerous light bulbs, LEDs, switches and transistors, speakers, chips and other components. Even the set includes connectors that do not require the use of a soldering iron, so that the learning process is not only informative, but also safe.
The kid can collect any interesting circuit, as in a set of tutorials are always present, clearly showing how to assemble a particular chain.
Properly assembled circuit will result in the electrical circuit elements: the lamp comes on, the fan will work, it will be the sound dynamics.
The teenager will be able to self-assemble simple devices at home. This game will interest adults and parents, the school had long forgotten times. In particular, the Pope will be able to show off his talent, that will only improve family relationships.
How to choose

Thus, choosing the children's designer, you should pay attention to the following:
The plastic must be of high quality, highly durable, without any odor. Coloring details allowed hypoallergenic, non-toxic paint.
Age group
For children younger than three years, the designer must be assembled and disassembled as easy as possible, contain parts of a large size, bright color. From three years it may be a variety of shapes and components for the development of fine motor skills of hands.
interests of children
When choosing the theme of the plot is to listen to the wishes of the child. Boys fit kits for the assembly of various types of technology: cars, helicopters, aircraft carriers. Even kids interested in stories based on cartoons and movies, with a ready script. He is fond of mechanics, the game is available on the basis of schemes and projects.
Girls should buy designer with figures of animals, cartoon characters, princesses. Sets, allowing to build three-dimensional shapes, will be interesting for both girls and boys.