Baby food - it is made industrially produced food products (the corresponding baby food requirements of the Institute and guests), adapted to the physiological characteristics body of the child.
It is intended to ensure its nutritional needs. On sale a huge selection of baby food, which differ in their composition, texture and properties.
- Types of baby food
- Properties baby food
- Benefits
- Problems
- What baby food is better
- application
- Most manufacturers of baby food
Types of baby food

Depending on the purpose and method of manufacturing distinguish these types of baby food:
- mixture;
- cereals;
- mashed potatoes;
- juices;
- teas;
- puddings;
- dairy products.
Individual milks and teas are designed for use in the first days of newborn life, other products are introduced gradually as they grow older child and the development of its digestive system.
baby formula

Infant formula is the main component of the diet of a child under the age of one year. Because it acts breast milk substitute, the composition should be as close to it.
The components of infant formula:
- fats;
- proteins;
- lactose (milk sugar);
- vitamins;
- minerals;
- natural emulsifiers;
- vegetable oils;
- carnitine;
- taurine;
- dekstrinmaltoza;
- linoleic acid;
- probiotics.

infant formula are divided into three groups:
- dairy;
- dairy;
- dairy-free.
basis infant formulas of cow's or goat's milk. A part of this product, animal proteins, due to the immaturity of the digestive system of the infant, poorly absorbed, may cause allergic reactions.
Therefore, special processing milk passes for infant formula, during which there is:
- reduction parts by weight of protein and minerals;
- Correction carbohydrate composition;
- increasing fatty acid content;
- changing the ratio of whey protein and casein.
Based on the degree of similarity mixture and breast milk, there are several groups.
Adapted infant formula:

- as close as possible on the structural composition to human milk;
- nourishing light mixture;
- It is rapidly and completely absorbed;
- fit newborns.
Partially adapted infant formula:

- similar properties of human milk;
- addition of lactose in the composition include sucrose;
- have enough stable mineral composition of the fat.
Non-adapted infant formula:

- made of dried whole cow's milk;
- They include sucrose and starch;
- do not contain whey.
Dairy baby formula curdled contain protein that has a high degree of absorption.

Such mixtures promote the formation of beneficial microflora in the intestine of newborn prevent reproduction of pathogenic microbes increase the protective functions of the infant body.
It is useful to apply this type of mixture in the first 6 months of baby's life.
Dairy baby formula designed for children who have hypersensitivity or intolerance to cow's milk protein. This product has the following features:

- includes the alternative ingredient - soy protein having a high nutritional value and being easily digestible and low-allergenic substance;
- contains whey;
- nutritional composition does not differ from adapted formulas.
More often than not the basics type of breast milk substitutes is indicated on the packaging, manufacturers include the necessary markings in the product name.
Which infant formula for what age?

Infant formula can be used for feeding a child under the age of three years. There is such a detailed classification, which is indicated on the packaging:
- from birth to 3 months;
- 3 to 5 months;
- 5 to 7 months;
- 7 to 9 months;
- from 9 months to 1 year;
- from 1 year to 3 years.
There is a more simplified version:
- products intended for feeding an infant up to six months, called home;
- from 6 to 12 months - followed.

On packages can be specified and a digital indicator that conforms to the following age ranges:
- 0 - for impaired children (preterm or low birth weight);
- 1 - from birth to six months;
- 2 - from 6 months to a year;
- 3 - from one year and older.
You can not ignore the age classification of infant formula because of this parameter depends on the composition of the formula of this product.
- instead mineralized whey is used as the basis of cow's milk with a high protein content unadapted;
- increased amounts of vitamins and minerals;
- increases calorie product.
Attention is drawn to the fact that mixtures containing cow's milk protein (casein), can only be used for feeding children over 6 months.
What consistency choose infant formula?
Infant formulas differ in their consistency.
Powdered infant formula:

- manufactured by sublimation;
- have the form of a powder;
- feeding them to be diluted with boiled water;
- complete with powder sold special measuring utensils;
- packed in cardboard or tin boxes, laminated aluminum foil;
- after opening shelf life of no more than 3 weeks;
- there is a great variety to choose from, as such products is about 90% of the available range of this type of baby food.
The liquid infant formula:

- manufactured by sterilization or pasteurization;
- available in ready to use form;
- before use for feeding your baby you just need to heat the mixture;
- packed with 200 ml aseptic packaging in special Tetra Pak;
- shelf life after opening the package is 1-2 days;
- quite rare in the sale, as the goods are perishable and have a high price.
Dry mixtures are more convenient for long-term storage, and the liquid mixture indispensable for feeding a child in the absence of conditions for cooking.
Additional baby food

Also infant formula is used, and other products that provide replenishment of its nutritional and energy costs. An urgent need for the use of such products begins to reach the baby is six months old.
During this period, being breastfed baby is not getting enough of biological ingredients necessary for the full development of his body.
For additional power should be included in children's diet the following products:
- cereal-based;
- based on milk;
- on the basis of fruits and vegetables;
- meat-based products;
- fish-based.
cereal based products introduced as an additional energy source. They include new for the digestive system of the child carbohydrates, vegetable proteins and mineral salts.
Baby porridge with cereals:
- They are produced as semi-finished products that contain different cereal flour;
- are monozernovye or mixed;
- for the use of a mixture of liquid necessary to prepare porridge;
- commercially occur instantons mixture, which should be diluted with boiled water to slurry-like state or insoluble mixture that require precooking;
- are on a dairy and dairy-free basis;
- contain nutritional supplements (vegetable oil, powdered natural fruits or vegetables, honey, vanilla, starch, dietary fibers, probiotics, prebiotics);
- enriched with vitamins and mineral salts (fluoride, calcium, iron);
- it is recommended to give the child from 5 months of age.

These products also include:
- instantons flour;
- soluble biscuits;
- children's pasta.
Milk-based baby food introduced for stabilization of the intestinal microflora, increasing the amount of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.
Liquid or pasty dairy baby food:
- manufactured by using special pasteurization sourdough;
- base is whole cow's milk;
- available in ready to use form;
- require increased attention to storage conditions;
- packed in boxes or cups made of polypropylene, glass bottles.

The range of such products include:
- cottage cheese;
- acidophilic mixture;
- kefir;
- yogurt;
- fortified milk.
Baby food for fruit and vegetable based used in the first stage of weaning to ensure receipt of carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals, sugars, organic acids, and fiber.
Baby puree and juices:

- It has a consistency similar to mother's milk;
- commercially represented canned products manufactured by pressing or rubbing;
- produced natural puree or with inclusion of additives (sugar, citric acid, natural flavors);
- Juices may be with pulp or no pulp;
- by the degree of grinding distinguished-blended, small and krupnoizmelchennye puree;
- designed for introduction of complementary foods for children 4 months of age;
- should start giving your child monosostavny product for the purpose of tracking possible allergic reaction.

This group of products also include canned and combined commodity composition:
- fruit and cereals;
- fruit and milk;
- cereals and vegetable.
meat-based baby food enrich the baby animal proteins with high biological value, fats, iron, vitamins A and B.
Children's canned meat:

- consist of a comminuted meat of poultry, pork, beef, lamb or veal with addition of broth, or vegetable butter, starch, flour, salt, and onion;
- produced and mixed mononuclear canned;
- It provides a different degree of grinding (gomogenezirovanye, puree, krupnoizmelchennye);
- should enter into a child's diet from 6 months of age, and if necessary, a little earlier (for anemia can give your baby 5 months);
- accustom the baby to the canned meat should be gradual, starting with one type of meat, and in small doses.
Also, there are cereal canned food.
fish-based baby foods They are indispensable source of fatty acids.
Children canned:
- made of oceanic (hake, cod, pollack, pelengas) or river (perch, trout, carp) fish;
- further may include soy protein, milk powder, cheese or cream;
- there puree and krupnoizmelchennye;
- recommended for administration in solid foods from 8 months of age;
- should be alternated with the use of meat dishes, only one year old, you can give and meat and fish dishes in one day.

Most often used for feeding rybnorastitelnye canned food, which also include:
- vegetables;
- greenery;
- vegetable oils;
- beans;
- pasta;
- cereals.
Introduced range for complementary feeding of products allows you to provide a rich diet of the child, taking into account the state of his health and individual needs.
Properties baby food

The main feature of children's food products is their adaptability to the functional state and the level of the metabolism of infants. Considering these factors, infant development, produced infant formula feeding:
- healthy children;
- or premature babies with small weight;
- children suffering from various diseases.
The second kind of mixtures is marked with a special prefix in the "Pre" title. They have an increased caloric and contribute to rapid weight gain.
From the moment when the baby will weigh 3 kg, it is necessary to stop a feeding and switch to the use of conventional baby foods.
Mixtures of the third kind are classified depending on the child's physiological condition. These include:
- Dairy - a beneficial effect on the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and mucous membranes, help reduce inflammation after dysbiosis, normalize stool, relieve cramps or bloating, improve nutrient absorption substances.
- Antireflux mixture of regurgitation have an increased viscosity or an increased dose of the casein protein fraction.
- Lactose-free mix - designed for children with lactose deficiency.
- Gluten-free - designed for children suffering from celiac disease (intolerance to gluten).
- Without phenylalanine - a mixture of soy for children with the disease phenylketonuria.
- Hypoallergenic infant formula - products for children who are allergic to the protein components of food. Manufactured using hydrolysis which promotes cleavage of the protein into amino acids.
- Fortified - high-energy blend designed to compensate for a lack of vitamins or trace a child.

These mixtures can be used:
- as a supplement to the usual mixture for feeding;
- as the main form of baby food.
Fermented and enriched mixtures can be given to the child and as a preventive measure. Use to feed the child a specialized type of infant formula only after consulting your doctor.

Despite the obvious benefit of breast-feeding up to a year in breast milk, the use for these purposes of infant foods is widespread.
Baby food is used for artificial feeding the baby or for the introduction of complementary feeding. The need for baby food occurs in the following cases:
- the lack or absence of breast milk;
- temporary inability to breastfeed due to the mother's illness;
- conscientious objection women from breastfeeding the baby;
- intolerance baby mother's milk;
- premature infants, or other reasons that impede the child the opportunity to breastfeed;
- expanding the range of baby food.

Use of baby food has several advantages:
- opportunity at any time to provide the necessary amount of food for the baby;
- speed and ease of preparation;
- providing the child with a balanced diet;
- the possibility of picking up the composition of the product, conduct prevention or treatment of existing problems with the baby's health.
Due to the disposal of infant formula and other feeding products, you can care for the child, even in the absence of the mother.

However, keep in mind that, unlike the mother's milk, infant food products do not contain:
- immune bodies;
- enzymes;
- hormones;
- lactulose.
It can also occur with control buffer capacity problems in infant formula, which is not always the same as this indicator in human milk.

By the inconvenience of using the baby food may also include:
- the possibility of allergic reactions to constituents of the product;
- the need for the conditions for the preparation and storage of baby food;
- the high price of quality products;
- additional expenses in connection with the fact that the unused balance will have to be disposed and regularly use fresh produce;
- a variety of choices, since in such a wide range is quite difficult to determine what exactly the product is better to prefer.
Ideal formula feeding a child up to a year is the use of breast milk as the main source, but as a complementary feeding - baby food.
What baby food is better

Quality products should be as close in composition to human milk, is easily digested and absorbed by the body of the child. When selecting baby foods is necessary to pay attention to such recommendations.
- Carefully study the composition of the product by comparing it with others. Finding unacceptably lists ingredients of artificial or synthetic substances.
No need to blindly trust advertising, and should familiarize yourself with the instructions and the description of the goods.
- Avoid products including canola or palm oil.
- To give preference to products with a balanced vitamin and mineral complex, linoleic acid, carnitine.
- Strictly take into account the age recommendations for the use of the product.
- Take into account the health of the child, but do not get involved in the therapeutic and preventive products.
- Acquire infant food products in specialized stores.
- Pay attention to the shelf life of the product and its packaging tightness.
- Check for certified documents.
- Baby monitor the reaction product for use, and the manifestation of an allergic reaction or problems with digestion immediately replace it.
The choice of baby food better be based on the results of preventive examination by a doctor and substantive consultations with them.

infant feeding requires careful attention to the quality of the products offered to him. It is imperative to use only freshly prepared food, so:
- infant formula is better prepared immediately before use (permitted portions of storage the fridge during the day);
- opened jars of baby food should also be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 12 - 24 hours;
- all the opened packages should be tightly sealed, to prevent the ingress of moisture.

It is advisable before giving baby food, try the taste alone.
It is also important to follow the sequence of the introduction of a new product in the child's diet:
- It is always recommended to start with monosostavnoy food.
- Initial dose must be minimal, ½ - 1 teaspoon.
- First, use of the product species in the liquid or puree consistency.
- It can be mixed into a new product to the already familiar to the baby meal or raise breast milk.
It is not recommended to update the diet during the illness of a child or changing their place of residence.
Most manufacturers of baby food

An international company engaged in the different profiles of medical activities, including the issuance of the medical and infant nutrition. It is known for its highly publicized breast Similac mixture, which the firm produces about a hundred years.
It produces breast milk substitutes, as well as food for children aged 1 to 10 years. It manufactures products for feeding premature infants, and a series of infant formula, with health problems.

Domestic company to produce high quality baby milk. There is on the market for over 30 years. Agusha range of products is constantly expanding and currently includes:
- dairy mixture
- fruits and vegetables and meat sauce,
- juices,
- porridge.

"Sivma" Brand of the Russian production and trade holding. Presented products are made based on research in the field of Pediatrics and Nutrition, meets all modern requirements of quality and safety.
brand products "Granny basket" won numerous national awards and are certified independent European organization ECOCERT according to the necessary requirements biologically quality production.
For children manufactured infant formula, porridge, mash, juice, tea, canned meat, water for drinking.

Brand Slovenian company Droga Kolinska. It became widely known thanks to the release of more than 30 kinds of cereals intended for complementary feeding of children under one year.
Among them there are also dairy-free, low-allergenic cereals and porridge with goat milk.
The company also produces infant formula, tea, juice, mashed potatoes, biscuits and water.

New Zealand company, presents a unique children's products on the goat milk. It has a modern technological power and its own research laboratory to monitor the whole process of baby food.
It produces 4 types of dry milk mixture Nanny to feeding children from birth to 1 year of age and older.
Also in the range of eating dry instant oatmeal BIBIKASHA, fruit and milk smoothie with curds Bibikol.

Brand of "Progress", which is one of the leaders on the Russian baby food market.
The company is engaged in production line of hypoallergenic products Frutonyanya that includes dairy products, cereals, fruit, vegetable and meat purees, juices, drinks, fruit drinks, nectars, fruit drinks, water. Under this brand produced more than 150 headings.

A well-known brand of Nestle, which includes about 80 different products. Baby food Gerber - a juice and puree made from natural products and are perfectly suitable for the initial period of weaning.
Production passes minimal heat treatment does not contain dyes, preservatives and artificial additives.

International Company, a recognized expert in the production of baby food. It produces different kinds of products: low-allergenic, rich, dairy-free cereal.
For children from birth to 3 years, also offers a wide selection of soups, mashed potatoes, biscuits, pasta, tea and puddings.

Company with half a century of experience in the manufacturing of baby food. It specializes in the manufacture of infant formula with dietary fiber, lactic acid cultures and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
The product line has a therapeutic mixture, recommended for frequent regurgitation, intestinal problems. Also manufactures cereals, soups, cookies, drinks and a variety of children's mashed potatoes.

Best-selling company in the field of baby food manufacturers. It has extensive experience in the field of healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. It produces about 50 brands, including Gerber, Nan, Nestogen.
Under the brand Nestle baby cereal offered with a variety of composition.

International Company, a member of the Danone group, with a full range of products for the nutritional status of children under the age of 3 years. It produces dairy cereal mixture and Nutrilon, Little, Kid. Also offers products for feeding infants with special nutritional needs.