Original vase in 5 minutes: work order, instructions

If you have very little time, but you want to make a useful and original little thing that you are not ashamed of present to a loved one, then a master class on how to make an original vase in 5 minutes from the author channel LAKSI - ExclusiveClub, will definitely help you create an original craft. For work, we need the simplest junk things: a glass or plastic bottle, jute twine (you can use regular and even thick woolen twine), PVA glue and some free time.

For work, you can take a bottle of not only a carbonated drink, but also a bottle of champagne or wine, of any shape that you like best. Height, size and design may vary. The most important thing is that your thing will be unique in its kind and inimitable, but isn't this the most important thing for creating a gift?

Original vase in 5 minutes
PHOTO: YouTube.com
We will prepare the materials and tools necessary for us: twine, PVA glue, the bottle itself and a small container

The first thing to think about is the organization of the workplace. After all, you will be working with glue, which means that it is important to protect the table or work surface. To do this, under the bottle with which we will work, you can put an oilcloth or a sheet of paper, as in our case.

Pour the glue into a container, dip the edge of the string into it
PHOTO: YouTube.com
Pour the glue into a container, dip the edge of the string into it

Carefully, starting from the neck of the bottle, we begin to wrap the container from top to bottom, leaving no gaps. We fasten the first loop with a knot at the neck, hiding the “tail” in the winding. It is better to fasten the initial loop with 2 knots, so you will provide additional strength to the entire rope structure.

When wrapping, you can choose two options - pass the rope through the glue, or coat the rope with your finger while working. The process is quite time consuming, but exciting. The already glued string, if necessary, can be additionally impregnated with glue using a brush. But try not to overdo it to avoid unnecessary streaks and stains.

As a result, you should have such a blank. Twine and glue consumption depends on the size of the bottlePHOTO: YouTube.com
As a result, you should have such a blank. Twine and glue consumption depends on the size of the bottle

You can also use plastic mayonnaise buckets to create large vases or decorative boxes. In this case, the rope can be pre-painted in the required color. Wait for the paint to dry, and only then start wrapping. In this case, it is better to use hot glue, since in contact with PVA, paint can flow, so fix it to the bucket from the inside.

After that, you must wait until the glue is completely dry. In our case, this moment can be traced by a change in the color of the twine, it will noticeably brighten. In addition, after drying, the rope will tighten, and the bottle will look beautiful and neat.

Now the stage of decoration has come. The easiest option is to buy ready-made bows and decorations, or make such simple bows from twinePHOTO: YouTube.com
Now the stage of decoration has come. The easiest option is to buy ready-made bows and decorations, or make such simple bows from twine

Also for decoration we need lace braid, several beads and rhinestones of different sizes. Everything is very light, light and airy. Better not to use a lot of heavy jewelry. Firstly, it will ruin the first impression, and secondly, there is no need to create unnecessary pressure on the base.

Openwork lace will be used to decorate the neck of the bottle, fix it with hot gluePHOTO: YouTube.com
Openwork lace will be used to decorate the neck of the bottle, fix it with hot glue

Large indents from the neck do not need to be done, it is the braid that will hide the upper unprocessed part of the bottle.

Then your imagination comes into play. You can make a " skirt", or divide the zones that you want to decorate with different elementsPHOTO: YouTube.com
Then your imagination comes into play. You can make a "skirt", or divide the zones that you want to decorate with different elements
In the same way, we make out the lower part of the bottle.PHOTO: YouTube.com
In the same way, we make out the lower part of the bottle.
We fix a decorative bowPHOTO: YouTube.com
We fix a decorative bow

Next, we begin to decorate our work of art with rhinestones. We also work with a glue gun. You should be extremely careful not to burn yourself.

We distribute rhinestones in any order. In our case, we used them to decorate the neck of the vase.PHOTO: YouTube.com
We distribute rhinestones in any order. In our case, we used them to decorate the neck of the vase.
As a result, a flower should turn out, in the center of which a pebble will flow, and around the beadPHOTO: YouTube.com
As a result, a flower should turn out, in the center of which a pebble will flow, and around the bead

Choose decorative items in such a way that they fit the size.

The same flower, but made of slightly larger beads, we distribute in the central part of our vasePHOTO: YouTube.com
The same flower, but made of slightly larger beads, we distribute in the central part of our vase

The same flowers were placed throughout our vase, and the braid was additionally decorated with smaller beads.

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