10 garden crafts from old things, ideas, tips, tricks

At every dacha you can find old things that are long overdue to throw away. However, don't rush to start decluttering! See what things you can use to create chairs, hammocks, flower beds, and other useful garden items. In today's review, the HouseChief editors will share with you ten original and simple ideas for crafts from old things.

Read in the article

  • 1 Containers for plants from jars, boxes and buckets
  • 2 Oak cut decorative table
  • 3 Garden swing made of car tires
  • 4 A flower garden from an old cart
  • 5 Garden chairs made of car tires
  • 6 Garden bench made of pallets
  • 7 Hammock made of old jeans
  • 8 Plant trellis from crutches or bicycle wheel
  • 9 Comfortable chair made of pillows
  • 10 Shed for storing garden tools from old doors and windows
  • 11 Finally

Containers for plants from jars, boxes and buckets

So that you always have order in your dacha, and the tubs with plants do not stand at random, organize an area for them. At the same time, think in advance what the appearance of the finished composition may be, and use one type of materials - it can be old buckets, wooden boxes or paint cans.

10 garden crafts made from old things
PHOTO: mlstaticquic-a.akamaihd.net
Weld a holder to the metal bucket so you can hang your improvised flower pots on a gate or post

Making such flower pots with your own hands is very simple if you follow the instructions:

  1. Find old buckets, wooden boxes, jars, and anything else you can use to plant your plants. Clean up any dirt and change the look if necessary, such as painting the jar or using decorative stickers.
  2. Backfill the drainage layer down the future flower pot, and also use good quality soil.
  3. Plant seeds or transplant already mature plants.
  4. Place several flower pots side by side, on the ground, or on a shelf attached to the outside wall of your holiday home.

Use anything that can be turned into a flowerpot - it can also be old colanders, mayonnaise buckets painted with beautiful matte paint, or even old pots.

Oak cut decorative table

If you recently sawed down trees in the country and you still have beautiful cuts, use them to make beautiful furniture with your own hands. You can make an unusual and very stylish country table. To do this, you will need: a cut of wood, varnish, screws, paint for metal, fittings, sheet steel.

List of tools for work:

  • plane;
  • Sander;
  • chisel;
  • drill;
  • sandpaper;
  • manual frezer;
  • brush.

If you don't have a pre-cut wood cut, use chainsaw and make a saw cut 7-10 cm thick. After that, you can start assembling the table.

Select the table legs so that they fit into the overall style of your site - it can be a piece of wood installed vertically, or a metal base from an old table
PHOTO: cs2.livemaster.ru
Select the table legs so that they fit into the overall style of your site - it can be a piece of wood installed vertically, or a metal base from an old table

When the saw cut is ready, it must be carefully processed. Use a hand router first, and then sand the surface additionally. Keep in mind that pests can live under the bark, so the bark must be removed if the tree is very old.

Then fix any cracks in the cut so that your tabletop doesn't fall apart after a month. To do this, use wood planks and fix them from below. Cover the entire surface with varnish and dry.

At the last stage, it remains only to attach the legs. Drill the holes and tighten the nuts in them, after which you can attach the metal or wooden legs.

Garden swing made of car tires

Swing Is not only a toy for children, but also a comfortable chair in which you can relax after a working day, swing and even read a newspaper or a book.

Making them is very simple - you need to set up a metal base or choose a tree with very strong branches and hang chains on which the wheel will be fixed. To make it comfortable to sit on the swing, put a hole in the center of the wheel with a board with foam rubber.

Attach the chains to the inside of the wheel and seal the hole carefullyPHOTO: 3.bp.blogspot.com
Attach the chains to the inside of the wheel and seal the hole carefully

A flower garden from an old cart

If you have an old cart lying idle in your dacha, turn it into beautiful flower bed. All you need to do is to remove rust from the cart, paint and dry. After that, you can start planting plants. Be sure to fill in the bottom drainage layer - this will allow excess water to leave and not spoil the root system of flowers.

The shape of the cart does not matter, even if it is an old construction cart. To give it a beautiful look, use matte black paint.PHOTO: asomadetodosafetos.com
The shape of the cart does not matter, even if it is an old construction cart. To give it a beautiful look, use matte black paint.

Garden chairs made of car tires

Making beautiful garden chairs out of car tires is much easier than it sounds.

You will need:

  • base from an old chair or office chair;
  • two car tires;
  • wooden mesh.

Start assembling the chair by weaving wooden nets into the tires. To do this, mark in advance, make small holes in the wheel and carefully begin to insert the rods one by one. Choose rods that are additionally treated with a special compound that increases their flexibility and strength.

You can leave the bars in contrasting colors or paint them with spray paint in black, green or gold.PHOTO: i10.fotocdn.net
You can leave the bars in contrasting colors or paint them with spray paint in black, green or gold.

Garden bench made of pallets

The easiest option crafts from pallets - garden bench. Find all the pallets that you have in the country, sand them with sandpaper and start fastening to each other so that you get benches. You can strengthen the structure by making armrests or placing 2-3 additional pallets underneath.

For connection, use metal corners that are attached from the backPHOTO: rabotai-sam.ru
For connection, use metal corners that are attached from the back

To make the bench beautiful and comfortable, put cushions on it or sew a foam seat yourself.

Hammock made of old jeans

If you have accumulated a lot of denim clothes - also do not rush to throw them away. You can cut denim pants, jackets and bags into strips or squares and sew a beautiful, stylish and comfortable hammock.

Hang a hammock in the garden or under a canopy in the country, choose a place where you will be comfortablePHOTO: i.pinimg.com
Hang a hammock in the garden or under a canopy in the country, choose a place where you will be comfortable

To make the hammock really comfortable, attach the canvas to large sticks, not thin twigs. Remember that the hammock must be able to support the weight of a person's body, so the stronger the workpieces, the better.

Plant trellis from crutches or bicycle wheel

Bicycle wheels, crutches and simple fittings can be used to grow plants vertically. To do this, think in advance how the finished structure should look like, draw a preliminary drawing if possible, and only then proceed with the assembly.

Securely connect all the structural elements so that it does not crumble in the future under the weight of the branches surrounding itPHOTO: mtdata.ru
Securely connect all the structural elements so that it does not crumble in the future under the weight of the branches surrounding it

When the structure is ready, braid around the rods and trellises those plants that have already reached a height of 10-15 cm. Later they will braid the trellis themselves, you just have to correct them from time to time.

Comfortable chair made of pillows

Residents of warm regions of Russia can equip a beautiful corner for relaxation at the dacha by building soft armchairs. To create them, you only need 5-6 m of fabric and filler. You can buy ball filler on the Internet - it is very cheap and is sold with home delivery.

To make it comfortable for you, sew a comfortable ottoman for your legs in addition to the chairPHOTO: forum.sdelaimebel.ru
To make it comfortable for you, sew a comfortable ottoman for your legs in addition to the chair

It is not necessary to choose fabrics in flashy, bright colors. Use the material that you like not only to the touch, but also in color.

Shed for storing garden tools from old doors and windows

If you have recently replaced all the windows with plastic ones, but you still have wooden frames, as well as old doors, then do not rush to throw them away - it is better to build a convenient shed for storing garden tools.

Build one main barn wall from the windows, and the doors can be used to create the body and enter the building.PHOTO: i.pinimg.com
Build one main barn wall from the windows, and the doors can be used to create the body and enter the building.

Such a design can look very stylish and unusual if the boards are pre-treated and covered with varnish or matte black paint. Place beautiful flower pots and watering cans in front of the shed.


Almost all old things that have fallen into disrepair can be remade into something new and unusual. This is especially true now that the tradition has come into fashion to preserve old things, recycle them and use less plastic. Get creative, then you can make a new piece of furniture from an old window or pallet without spending a lot of money.

Which idea did you like the most?
