Under the hearth and home mean not only burning fireplace and a cozy bed, but the presence of a special place for a comfortable meal. Breakfast, lunch and dinner - is not just a common meal for the drowning of hunger, but also another way to unite with his family to spend time together. The old folk wisdom says that the beauty of the hut, not only in the corners, but also in cakes. Flavorful dishes beautifully served on the large table, behind which are located all family members and guests, nice atmosphere, soft lighting, a leisurely conversation - that's what is really necessary for the person to relax. With dining area in strong families associated with numerous traditions that bring households. The design of the dining area is created not only with an eye to the tastes of the owners of the apartment, but also taking into account the special psychological visualization techniques that may affect the appetite and mood trapeznichayut. To learn how to beautifully and correctly arrange this special part of the house, and discuss in this article further.
Location dining area
- In the kitchen
- In the living room
- In a separate room
- Choosing dining table
- The choice of chairs
- Other furniture and accessories for the dining room
- Lighting
- Color selection
The style
- Classical
- Gothic
- Provence
- Moroccan
- conclusion
Location dining area
Traditionally, the dining area is located in the kitchen next to the cooking area. Unfortunately, the housing problem with Bulgakov times and have not found their solution, and most of the the country is forced to live in cramped, "boxes", which simply is not possible to allocate a separate room under the dining room. If absolutely tiny kitchenette, a dining area that endure beyond it to a bigger room or even on the balcony or loggia. The latter option is considered to be non-standard, as the "round table" will not be able to put in an additional room. We'll have to be content with a linear layout as in a cafe, when to eat sit at a long table-top-sill and chairs are arranged in a single row. In complex embodiments reciprocally dining area can act as part of a large studio, hall enclosing (hall), the living room and the kitchen. If the disposal of the designer has a spacious cottage or vacation home, villa, the dining platform finds its place in a free rooms.

Not recommended to place the dining room away from the kitchen. transfer process plates with dishes to the table and dirty dishes back to the car wash will take too much time, but it is not very convenient and practical.

In the kitchen
A process arrangement dining area in the kitchen depends on the final dimensions. The ideal plan is considered to be an island. In this case, a table with chairs are at an equal distance from the kitchen furniture and the walls. Households will be convenient to approach to any place and there is no feeling of "tightness". If, however, a small kitchenette, the dining area in a corner, close to the walls. To increase the number of "seating" locations, you can set a static soft sofa (corner). If the family is small, it is enough for two or three chairs around the table. When placing a dining area in the kitchen, avoid the use of large quantities of textiles. It quickly absorbs odors and require frequent washing.

At the very sad cases, when owners seriously think about the fact that choosing a refrigerator or stove, so both the unit will not fit in the cramped kitchen conditions, it is recommended to apply to the multi-function furniture. Folding table and "garden" chairs easily be collected and safely hidden in decorative alcove or closet.

In the living room
Dining room combined with living room all the more common. Hall - the largest room in the apartment. Its area makes it possible to fit not only the basic functional area for recreation, but also allocate a place for a table and chairs. As for the location of the dining area, the best will be its location near the doorway. Trays of food did not have to carry across the room, respectively, in the recreation area will accumulate fewer crumbs and debris. Perform zoning can actually (furniture, Arch) or conventionally (color light, different surface finishing textures). Since the dining room - a zone rather "dirty", requiring systematic cleaning, it is certainly better to separate the real "obstacle". If the room is not as big as we would like, then use the "air" partitions (screens, curtains, furniture or the lower through-shelf).
See also:Kitchen design in bright colors 75 photo

In a separate room
Separate dining room, perhaps, was a dream №2 for each family. In the first place comfortable kitchen, where there is enough space for culinary maneuvers. A separate dining area allows you to set a large table in the center of the room, which was comfortably will gather the entire company. Here you can also place the bar, additional furniture for receptions or relaxing after a hearty dinner. In a separate room, and the interior can be unique, without regard to the design of the adjacent zones. Unfortunately, the opportunity to build such a tablespoon usually appears only the owners of private houses. The apartments are for the whole room space for receptions of food, as a rule, no.

Furniture set will be the center of any dining area. If the dining room is located in the combined, selecting its environment oriented towards stylistic solution neighboring areas. For example, plastic table can not be combined with the classic expensive suite in the kitchen. This "mauvais ton", but any furniture should be not only beautiful, but comfortable.

Choosing dining table
The average area of one person at the table has a width of 60 cm. That's enough to neighbors not elbow each other in the ribs during a meal. If someone in the household has a non-standard sizes, this area should be increased. So, before buying a table, counting the number of people that will be on a daily basis for them to eat, and multiplies it by 60 cm along the perimeter of each. Do not forget to add a "reserve" for the couple and guests to remove a useless area on the corners. Countertops may have different shapes: square, rectangular, oval, round. Creative models may have a non-standard shape. From the point of view of psychology, acute angles should be avoided. Even if a square table has been selected, even if the edges are rounded. This "softness" of the situation is conducive to pleasant conversation and wipes the internal psychological barriers at the subconscious level. Table legs can be located on the corners in the amount of four pieces in the center as a "pillar" or form two end supports on the edges. The central location is typical for small tables. Classic versions have four legs. According to the types of materials preference is given to:
- Solid wood. It is strong, has a rich range of natural colors and original drawings. In the elite interiors use precious rocks that break the bank.
- Metal. It is durable and resistant to mechanical damage, but organically flows only in the modern "high-tech" style.
- Glass. It may be transparent or opaque, with the etched pattern. Durable material, as for furniture use tempered glass, which, when a strong impact only adorned cobweb cracks, and not crumble into dangerous shards.
- Acrylic, conglomerate, natural stone. Materials are considered universal and are suitable for both classical and a contemporary style.
- Plastic. Budget option for inexpensive interiors. Ideal as a temporary solution.

Do not recommend buying the table before the creation of the design project of the dining area. Although this element is the central main part of the furniture group, but it must match the overall style and chosen for it, but not vice versa.

The choice of chairs
Chairs should be combined with a table, but it does not mean that they will necessarily be from the same set. Lately it has become fashionable to choose these items of furniture individually. Make no mistake that any comer chair will come to your table. In order not to miss, and the combination of an organic look, be guided by the form. If the table is square, then the chairs should be the same. Rounded edges, too, must be repeated in each cell of prefabricated components. It is advisable to choose a table and chairs from the same material. An exception can only be a win-win combination:
- Metal and wood. The classic combination that is hard to screw up.
- Stone and wood. Expensive and luxurious option that is suitable to the loft and chalets.
- Glass and metal. Original modern solution.
See also:Design of a combined kitchen-living room of 18 square meters. m 50 photo

importance is the presence or absence of upholstery, armrests and even backs. Stools course rarely associated with a comfortable meal. But whether upholstery and armrests need - a matter of convenience.

Other furniture and accessories for the dining room
In the dining area in addition to the main set (table and chairs) additional elements may be located. These include a large (racks, buffet, lockers) and small (shelves, racks, baskets) furniture. It features practical reasons as well as additional storage space in some apartments at a premium. But with the right approach, the furniture item can become a stylish decoration of the dining room. Buffet decorated with hand-painted sets, dishes on trays, sets of glasses. But do not overdo it and turn it into a cupboard, which was an indispensable element of Soviet living. Curbstones and dressers decorated with pictures or thematic paintings depicting fruits, vegetables and other food. For the mood they put a vase of fresh cut flowers. Walls paste over with photo wallpapers with images of romantic landscapes or still lifes. By modern styles suitable modular pattern of condiments, coffee beans, cereals, and other "bulk" culinary attributes.

The original decision will be placement of a large slate with chalk, like the cafe. You can record the wishes of family or notify family of the menu for today.
all pretty simple with light dining area. If the room is small, then over a small table hang a ceiling chandelier. It is necessary even in those cases, when combined room has located its neighbor over the cooking area. Sometimes a lack of light offset by a sconce on the wall or tall lamps on the floor. However, local lighting will not be able to completely replace the main, so it is best to stay on an individual chandelier, designed just for the dining area. If the length of the table, then place a group of lighting fixtures in a row.

Color selection
The color palette of the dining area should prevail warm shades. Studies have shown that they stimulate the appetite is good and uplifting. Draw up the dining room can be on the basis of similarity or contrast. As the pitch is better to choose one of the white or pastel shades: peach, pink, yellow, gray, nutty. On the role of the second color is chosen by his neighbor spectral range. The third shade is bright, it is permissible, because it is used little (only in emphasis). If the kitchen window overlooking the sunny side, it can be diluted with natural "warmth" of the interior in blue, purple, green, turquoise.

The style
Stylistic solution plays an important role in the design of any room. First, choose a direction for the interior design, and only then deal with choice of colors, furniture, decor items. Restrictions on the style of the dining room at all. However, it is often "tied" to the interior of the closest "in spirit" area - the kitchen. It looks spectacular, if the premises are located next to each other. Among the popular destinations found minimalism, hi-tech, loft, chalet, deco, classical, fusion, ethnic, Scandinavian, Japanese, French and oriental style of Provence. On several design options will talk in more detail.

In the classic style of interior composition looks royally gorgeous and chic. This trend does not accept the cheap, imitation or practicality. Classic is always striving for luxury, which deliberately paraded. Walls Wallpapers, richly adorned with floral ornaments. The color palette prevails white, brown and shades. In larger rooms, install a massive, elongated table with rounded corners of precious wood species. Included appended thereto elegant chairs on a twisted, curved legs. They are upholstered in soft velvet or other expensive textiles. The colors selected deep noble tones, or neat pictures on gold, chocolate, bronze background. Walls limited hanging portraits Baguette frame or landscape paintings. The ceiling is richly decorated with stucco, and establish a multi-tiered, heavy chandelier made of crystal at its center. The doorway is decorated with high-grade columns or pilasters.
See also:How to make the bar with your hands in the kitchen

Traditional dining area in the Gothic style reminiscent of the strict palace dining room. The same one where the pigs were fed, roasted on a spit, drinking wine out of goblets, inlaid with precious stones, and ate a troubadour songs. The spacious rooms and vaulted ceilings make decorate beams. The walls are decorated with photo wallpapers with engravings, which depict scenes from the life of heroic knights. In more simple interiors they can drape fabric with luxurious floral pattern. The table must be large, made of durable oak. Chairs used without upholstery, with carved backs. If the table has the shape of a rectangle, then place it over several chandeliers in a row. By the way, the lights on them are arranged so as to give the similarity with candlesticks, which in the Middle Ages lit meal in the dining room.
Gothic prefers dark, gloomy tones, so the style is not recommended to be used in confined spaces, as the palette will play havoc with the perception of space.

Dining area in the style of Provence has a special comfort and softness. The colors predominate white and pastel shades. Window curtain colorful shutters. On the wall is placed the beautiful scenery or a whole gallery of family photos. So better choose round, as Provence prefers soft lines. It can be artificially aged by painting in a single layer on top of the former white tone. Before dinner table covered with a festive tablecloth necessarily. On the windowsill, put a pair of elegant vases with fresh flowers. The walls of wallpaper paste over with a delicate, floral ornaments. On chairs upholstered padding pink, turquoise, yellow, mint or olive green in small flower. If there are a number of cabinet or closet, be sure to decorate their decorative plates on stands, miniature sculptures, vases, jewelry boxes.

Moroccan style belongs to the eastern areas. The domestic interiors, it looks very exotic. In the center of the dining area featuring a small wooden table. Remember that the Oriental peoples partake of food gradually, and most of the time spent on philosophical conversations. Next to it is set in parallel two sofas with colorful upholstery, which top casually "sprinkled" with decorative cushions flirty tassels on the ends. The windows are decorated with colorful mosaics. On the walls hang a painted plates and panels. Floors veiled colorful rugs made by hand. If the dining area must be separated from the kitchen or the hall, then used decorative partitions, which can be decorated with themed designs with curls. Original design will be placing groups of Moroccan lamps on the ceiling, which will emphasize the oriental interior.

When making a dining area need to rely only on one rule: eat it should be comfortable, nice and easy. No pressure on the color of appetite, depressed mood or lack of space at the table should not occur. If this does occur, the dining room was furnished incorrect. Remember, a dining area and a separate room to be adjusted from the calm mood and stimulating appetite, gently encourage the conversation and bring together guests and household.