Man can not imagine your life without a kitchen sink. For someone sink - sanitary product intended only for easy washing dishes. Some make it a point of pride, which is able to radically change the look of the kitchen.
Accustomed to a comfortable existence people install this plumbing even in temporary dwellings, country houses, country estates. But few people think that the invention was made available to the masses only recently, since the introduction of water and sanitation. Prior to that, I had to do a bucket or basin with water.
Forms for kitchen sinks
- The materials used for the manufacture of sinks
- forms sinks
- Choosing a place for washing
Installation Mortise sink
- Tools and materials needed
- Application marking and cutting niches
- The process of installing and connecting shell
Features of the installation of shear washer
- Materials and tools for installation
- The process of installing washing
- Installing underbench sink
- conclusion
Forms for kitchen sinks
Washing - an important part of the working kitchen triangle. It is an indispensable attribute, without which it is difficult to carry out daily activities associated with food preparation, dishwashing. Therefore, the choice of the suitable subject responsibly. It should be practical, comfortable, durable, fit the interior space.
Sinks are different in shape and size, material of manufacture, design features, design, and price. Depending on the method of installation, all sinks are divided into the following types:
- Mortise. It looks spectacular. Functional and reliable in operation, easy to maintain. Characterized by the low price. Mounted into the countertop, which is made of different materials: natural, liquid (acrylic), artificial stone, wood, stainless steel, chipboard, fiberboard, chipboard. Installation can be done by hand, or to resort to professional assistance. For this purpose a hole is cut in the plane of appropriate size. Between the sink and the working surface of the gasket is located, which is characterized waterproofing and sound absorption properties. Kitchen with a common table top, which combines stone, ceramic hob, sink, different holistic, unique view.
- Integrated. Made of acrylic, artificial stone. Visually look like a cast. There are monolithic and laminated versions. Color, material and countertop bowls are identical. Characterized by the absence of seams, a variety of forms, original appearance, easy maintenance. Suited to any style decision interior. Artificial stone afraid of hot water, sharp heavy objects, abrasive substances, requires careful grooming. The most expensive version of the coating, when damaged, it is difficult to find a replacement.
- Underbench. A kind of tie-sinks. They differ in the way position relative to the tabletop. They are not visible under the surface. Their bumpers have bends must be straight and level. They are made of metal, artificial stone is very rarely used plastic. It looks stylish, but they are difficult to install, are not suitable to all surfaces, have a high price.
- False. Made from stainless steel sheet, china. It got its name from the way of installation. They impose on the free-standing pedestal to which they represent a single structure. Characterized by a rectangular shape, rounded at the bottom of the bowl edge. It is the most affordable option of surfaces, does not require special skills during assembly. Cupboard has a full rear wall. Its interior space is used for storage of auxiliary items: a broom, a trash can, rags, cans, pots.

The materials used for the manufacture of sinks
When choosing a kitchen sink, pay attention to the raw material from which it is produced. This parameter is important because it determines the cost of the product, its appearance, the combination of the kitchen interior. Consider the most popular materials used by manufacturers:
- Stainless steel. The most common type. Characterized reasonable price. Products heat-resistant, shock-resistant, durable, easy to clean. Available in two types: one-piece, made of a single sheet having no joints; welded, consisting of several pieces of metal. The second embodiment has advantages, the product is manufactured with thick walls, respectively less subjected to mechanical damage. Qualitative shell made from non-magnetic steel alloy of chromium and nickel, often these figures are 18% and 10% respectively. Additives to increase corrosion resistance.
Independently verify the quality of the metal from which the product is released, it is possible in a simple manner. Enough to make the surface of the magnet. He is not attracted to the stainless steel.
- Composite material. All sinks made of artificial stone can be divided into two types: made from sinter and acrylic. The first type is a natural stone chips connected together by means of polymers. The most commonly used materials such as granite, quartz, glass. The number of chips affect the quality of the product, the percentage is from 80 to 95%. For the manufacture of the second type are used methylmethacrylate, aluminum hydroxide, colorants. Acrylic resin is very malleable, ductile, so the bowl can have an arbitrary shape.
- A natural stone. The granite is used as a raw material, onyx, travertine, other. The most expensive material, because the product is cut from a single piece of stone. Characterized by resistance to mechanical damage, high temperatures, absorbs sound. It requires constant maintenance and periodical maintenance, which is applied to a surface of a special sealant, at least once a year.
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Besides the above materials, in the production of kitchen sinks use ceramics (sanitary earthenware, porcelain), plastics, glass.

forms sinks
The development of products is constantly new models. But they are all different from each other manufacturing materials, installation method, structural features, dimensions. Let us consider in detail the form sinks:
- Square, rectangular. Standard models. They are functional.
- Round, oval. Very compact and take up less space than rectangular. They do not have additional compartments. The average diameter of the cup is 45 cm.
- Figured. They may be produced as a three-, pentagonal, trapezoidal, diamond. Equipped with additional bowls, side wings.
When choosing figured products take into account the following fact: the more complex the shape of the working surface, the harder it is to maintain it in a perfect cleanliness.

For more convenient use of the shell can have additional elements. Depending on the design and number of cups, products are divided into the following subtypes:
- One bowl. Common models. Occupy minimal space. Rarely have auxiliary elements.
- Several bowls. Shells are divided into sections. Can be: sesquicarbonates, when one of the recesses is half of another; double, triple - equals, different bowls. The mixer must be of high quality as it moves constantly watering.
- Sink with "wings". The working surface is not limited to the section, it can last one, once in both directions. These elements are designed to position them washed, dirty dishes, detergent, defrost.
By way of mounting structure is divided into front (established along the wall) and angle.

Choosing a place for washing
Proper planning of the kitchen space is very important. This takes into account work triangle, which constitute a refrigerator, stove, sink. Washing is often used in the preparation, cooking, during cleaning, so its location is taken very carefully. When choosing the optimal location should adhere to certain rules:
- Conveniently place an object between the refrigerator and a stove, this option is possible with linear, T-shaped layout (sink is in the corner). Location corresponds to the natural course: from the refrigerator products fall into the water, after which they were prepared.
- The sink should not come into contact with a stove or refrigerator. The distance to these objects is at least 60 cm. If there is an overflow of water, it can put out the fire, pour equipment. In an extreme case, with a shortage of space, it is best to move up to the fridge.
- An important aspect is the location of the major communications (water, sewerage). Distance tubes entail not only a significant rise in the cost of installation, but also complicate it, this will increase the risk of breakage, leakage of water.
- Conveniently set in the middle of the sink countertop, dividing it into functional zones. For example, on the one hand, you can put the dirty dishes, and on the other - carve-friendly products.
- To improve the cleaning of comfort can be set by the window. This will allow to enjoy the panoramic view, listen to the rustling of the trees, the birds singing. natural light passes through the window. With this arrangement, the height of countertops depends on the level of the sill.
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Installation Mortise sink
Kitchen furniture consists of different products, each of which performs a specific function. Table top - One of the main elements of the kitchen. It is a work surface, and may become the framework for the sink. Important material from which it is made, load capacity depends on it. Thin composite panels will keep only stainless steel model. Stone sinks require a massive surface, it must be made from a similar material, have a special design, providing holders.
washing installation in a wooden countertop is quite possible to perform with his own hands, and as for the granite, then it is better to entrust the work to professionals. Of course, you can try on their own to carry out the sidebar, following guidelines for working with specific material, but it would require a special router or waterjet cutting, the price of which will exceed the cost of many times holes. Consider in more detail the method of installation of tie-shells.

Tools and materials needed
Before you begin, you should conduct an audit of existing tools, buy more as needed. Standard kit includes:
- measuring instruments, pencil, marker, cardboard, tape;
- Construction knife, glue, sealant, screws;
- adjustable, spanner, screwdriver, pliers;
- electric drill, drill, jigsaw;
- washing, fittings, fittings for water hoses.

Application marking and cutting niches
Defining the place of location of products, it remains to perform a series of simple steps, by which the installation of the kitchen sink will be a success. A step by step process is as follows:
- Inset sinks are sold complete with ready-made cardboard templates and fasteners. If they do not exist, have to cut their own patterns. In this case, the sink itself become a pattern. To it is applied a sheet of cardboard, the contours encircled silhouette cut blank.
- To determine the inner contour, which is done according cutout rim width is measured. Then the data is transferred to the workpiece to designate the final form patterns.
- Countertop sink designated place. To the template is applied thereto, an adhesive tape is fixed, is circled outline. Thus indent from the front end of the working surface to a rim wash should be more than 5 cm from the rear - 2.5 cm.
- The contour of the finished layout with an electric drill holes drilled. To pass the jigsaw blade enough drill diameter of 10-12 mm. On the form established by the cup depends on the number of holes. For round - a step between them will be 7 cm, for square, rectangular - enough drill four passes at the corners. Work on drilling and sawing is performed from the front surface. Next, using a jigsaw sawed hole under the sink. Then slice cleaned of dust, polished with sandpaper.
- Edge saw cut treated with a sealant based on silicone. He protects the wood, devoid of cover, from swelling. Inadequate sealing may lead to rotting countertops in place of saw cut, so it is best to put a double layer.
Countertops made of artificial stone, are normally supplied with a prepared hole washing. If there is no, but there is an overwhelming desire to punch the sink yourself instead jigsaw, use the router, in extreme cases, grinders Discs having diamond spraying. After cutting a hole edge rubbing sander.

The process of installing and connecting shell
- Using a brush, spatula transparent layer of silicone is applied onto the working surface in the vicinity of a side of washing laths.
- Sealant is processed sink rim inside. It provides a secure fit treated subjects, does not pass fluid in the joints of the elements.
- The next step will be the installation of washing the cut aperture. It is imposed by the crane bracket. Gradually pressed until full contact between the objects. Speakers excess sealant removed by cloth.
- By means of the fastening elements fixed to the sink top. They can be plastic, metal. More reliable iron clamps.
- After setup, the connection is necessary communications. Typically, the sink is mounted thereon with a fixed mixer, and the only thing left to do - to fasten the water supply hose (hot and cold) water pipes.
- At the final stage is set plums. Release the siphon is put in the sink, and the corrugated tube is inserted into the sewer.
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Features of the installation of shear washer
The main advantage of the overhead products is their low cost and extreme simplicity of installation. They are well combined with virtually any kitchen design. They may be made of different materials, but nevertheless remains a major stainless steel. Sink elementary worn on the cabinet, the main thing to choose the size, to avoid unnecessary gaps between the kitchen furniture.
Surface preparation tables are not required. It is a rectangular hole, which is limited by the walls of the cabinet. The only thing you need to do is to treat the ends of the wall cabinets silicone to provide the wood from moisture insulation.

Materials and tools for installation
Although installation is not complicated, but the performance of work requires a set of the following set of tools:
- fastening elements, masking tape;
- measuring instruments, pencil, ruler;
- electric drill;
- pliers;
- set of drills on a tree;
- silicone sealant;
- cabinet with the work surface, water hose, faucet, siphon.

The process of installing washing
Before the start of the installation of shear shells are assembled reference tables. Installation of doors on the cabinet after installing the work surface. Before starting work on fixing her sink attach a siphon and a mixer. Further design come together, it can be done in several ways:
- Fixing adhesive. Sink should be wider tables, a cover ends of the walls. Designated contact elements are processed sealant top assist set washer is pressed. After drying silicone two objects are completely glued.
- Mounted on brackets. Universal way. Fasteners are supplied with the product may be sold separately. The process begins with fixing brackets for fixing the ends of the sidewalls assist, for this purpose use screws that are screwed from the inside of the side walls. Next, a washer, wherein the main fastening screw should abut to the end of its metallic area. Pressing the ends is controlled by movement of the mounting bracket.
- Handwritten fixation on the stand. The product is manufactured in the form of battens may be secured to the inside walls of the enclosure. After you install the sink and held on the walls and on the frame. Lathing can be self-bearing.
- The use of wooden bars. In the absence of the brackets, the presence of defects on the cabinet, is possible to use bars which serve as fastening members.
At the final stage of the corrugated tube outputted siphon into the sewer, and hoses connected to the water supply system. Check the design for leaks, we can safely use the sink.

Installing underbench sink
Fixing underbench sink from below the tabletop. For this issue should be approached seriously. This takes into account the thickness of the working surface, the material from which it is made. They can be installed under the ceramic, plastic, granite, wooden top. Stages of work on the preparation, layout are similar to those in the remaining shells. There are some differences between a fixture:
- Using the substrate plywood or chipboard product is pasted to the table top. Shell fixation is carried out with the help of the kitchen frame, special brackets.
- Steel sinks with low weight, can be built only by means of supporting brackets. Such an embodiment is used for delicate surfaces.
- For stone countertops collecting structure may be as follows: wash the edges are treated with silicone, then fasten with screws and plugs. Additional objects can be fastened joints with epoxy.

Sink - an important element of the kitchen. It is not only used for practical purposes, but also able to transform the design of the room. In the regeneration, repair of the kitchen facilities is necessary to select set executed in the same style, so better to take things from a single source, such as IKEA, which produces the whole range of necessary equipment.