A noble aesthetic appearance of the site will be given by beds made of plastic boards. The volume of contamination is reduced, and the digging procedure is facilitated. The edges of ordinary ridges in the form of an earthen embankment are destroyed by irrigation and precipitation. The bevels have to be weeded and leveled regularly. Decorated beds are devoid of such shortcomings, they retain a neat appearance all season. For decoration, special plastic elements are produced that form an integral structure. Such curbs are used in landscape design to form the boundaries of garden paths, paths, and a variety of flower arrangements.

Plastic beds can radically transform the landscape design of a personal plot
Reasons for the popularity of plastic fences
- Reasons for the popularity of plastic fences
- Varieties of garden fences for flower beds and plastic beds
- Curb tape
- Polymer board
- Plastic mesh
- Plastic window sills
- Plastic fence from a garden constructor
- Original options for fences for beds made of plastic panels
- Video: Homemade beds from PVC window sills
- Photo of plastic beds
Tall plastic beds are very comfortable. The care of vegetable crops is noticeably easier, spicy herbs look decorative. Plastic fences buried in the ground prevent the growth of weed roots and serve as protection from slugs. Loose soil, prone to crumbling, does not fall into the furrows, remains with the plants. The paths remain clean, the whole garden looks aesthetically pleasing.

When assembled, the plastic bed is a neat box

The gardener can only put the bed in the right place and fill it with fertile soil
Depending on the style of landscape design of the courtyard, garden plot, you can choose the type of barriers that harmoniously fit into the project. Polymer materials are much more practical than wood, metal, slate and other materials used to fence garden beds.
Plastic is often additionally reinforced with fiberglass, increasing the plasticity of finished products. Aeration of high beds with obstacles is easy to do, with a pitchfork they pierce the soil to the full height of the teeth, slightly loosening it. During watering, you can not be afraid of dirty drains.

A wide range of plastic fences makes it possible to choose a model for any garden
With the help of plastic decor, multi-tiered planting compositions are formed:
- strawberries;
- various types of salads;
- leafy parsley, basil;
- chard;
- radishes, turnips, beets;
- other plants that do not have a taproot that form a surface root crop.
If desired, it is easy to change the configuration of the beds. Elements are easily removed and washed. Moving a fence or curb to another place is not problematic.
PVC garden bed assembly process:
It is advisable to remove plastic for the winter in flooded areas where there is no drainage. If the ice freezes unevenly, the panels can burst, bend. On loose, permeable lands, the decor is left to winter near the beds.
Separately, it should be said about the advantages and disadvantages of plastic. First, about the good:
- By pressing or extrusion, elements of the most diverse shapes are obtained.
- Due to their low weight, the structures are easily mounted and dismantled without the involvement of lifting mechanisms.
- Disassembled fencing elements are conveniently stored.
- Many modifications of plastic structures are produced with reliable ready-made fasteners designed for repeated use.
- The plastic is durable, does not oxidize, retains its aesthetic appearance - for garden structures, a material with persistent pigments that does not collapse from ultraviolet radiation is used.
- Mold and fungi do not grow on polymers, the risk of crop contamination is reduced.
- The beds, decorated in plastic, give the landscape a neat, well-groomed look, the plot looks modern.
PVC panels also have disadvantages. If stored incorrectly, the elements may be deformed. Plastic is not designed for shock loading, it is especially fragile in the cold season. Elements are capable of breaking under uneven snow load, ice pressure.
It is advisable to carry out an autumn cleaning of the site annually. Work is planned before the onset of severe cold weather. The tops, leaf and coniferous litter are removed from the fences, furrows are made for the drainage of melt water.
Varieties of garden fences for flower beds and plastic beds
For the decorative design of the garden area, country farmsteads, a variety of materials are used from deck composite boards to plastic boxes and bottles.

A border made of plastic bottles is an option for fencing a garden, which does not even have to be spent on. It is enough just to accumulate a sufficient amount of used containers
For garden fences, manufacturers offer a wide selection of special products of various configurations from environmentally friendly polymers that do not emit harmful volatile components in the sun. Modifications differ in physical characteristics and design.
Curb tape
The most unassuming type of fencing. The strip is laid perpendicularly along the perimeter of the bed, the lower edge is deepened by ¼, the edge is placed in a narrow groove made with a bayonet shovel.

Curb tape is the most inexpensive fencing option for garden beds and flower beds

Installation of flexible tape does not require any specific skills

Even tiered beds can be made from the curb tape
The profile is fixed by compaction of the soil. The earth is leveled along the horizon or a small edge is made at the tape. Ribbon designs are made of arbitrary configuration, with wavy and straight edges.
It is recommended to add clay and fine gravel to the soil for the density of the belt.
Polymer board
Gardens with a rectangular layout are reinforced with a plastic board for the beds. These are lamellas made of wood composite with a width of up to 15 cm, the length varies from 80 cm to 3 m. There are grooves at the ends of the slats, protruding fasteners. Mount board fences "in the castle".

Quite strong and durable beds are obtained from polymer boards.

The properties of the material make it possible to build even compost bins out of it.
The structure can withstand heavy loads. The joint is decorated with a patch cap. Various types of plastic are used for production: polyethylene, PVC. Wood flour, recycled waste paper is used as a filler.
In color, the boards imitate varnished wood, only much more practical than natural materials.
Plastic mesh
Polymer chain-link is a versatile material used for zoning, garden decoration. Less practical than planks, soil falls into the cells. For vegetable gardens, fine-mesh types of mesh fabric are chosen.

Plastic mesh is perfect for creating protective fences from birds, cats and other unwanted guests
The material is not suitable for tall beds. It is used more often for melons and gourds, serves as insulation from the soil layer.
Plastic window sills
The popularity of this structural element is growing. The polymer does not turn yellow from ultraviolet radiation, it is resistant to moisture. The height of the beds from PVC window sills varies; in a small area, high multi-tiered structures can be built. In such beds, turnips, beets, radishes, radishes are grown.

PVC window sills are a very durable material. Sold up to 6 m long, 10 to 80 cm wide
Plastic fence from a garden constructor
Manufacturers often complete ready-made plastic panels for garden beds in "garden constructor" sets. Due to the properties of the material, fences are durable and easy to maintain. There are modifications of panels for garden and flower bed decoration.

With the help of "Garden Constructor" you can quickly and effectively decorate garden beds or flower beds
Decorative fence "Garden Constructor" is produced in the form of plastic:
- boards with slot locks or corner clamps;
- individual semi-logs of various thicknesses, heights or block structures;
- decorative carved and figured strips of various shapes;
- sector parts forming a light figured fence;
- panels with imitation of corner brick laying;
- wide popular braids of various heights;
- picket fence or solid board fence.
There are no restrictions on the use of garden constructors, depending on the condition and density of the soil, but for in heavy soils, it is recommended to choose small elements with a wide pin so that the load on the plastic is distributed evenly.
The elements are assembled in a row, fastened together with the help of special groove locks or latches. At the bottom, the elements are equipped with dowel pins that hold the structure in an upright position. Pins are made with different sections:
- flat hold lightweight panels;
- round are more reliable than flat ones, they fit well into soft, loose soil;
- ribbed the most reliable, designed for heavy loads.
Each fence differs in the length and configuration of the elements. Garden constructors are made of durable frost-resistant plastic. The polymer is designed for long-term operation, retains its appearance for a long time, is not sensitive to ultraviolet radiation and moisture. The resulting barrier is securely mounted even in loose soil. Strong joints prevent soil edges from sagging and withstand ground pressure. Some structures are quite sealed, capable of retaining moisture well in the perimeter of the garden.

Openwork plastic products are great for zoning a garden plot
High panels are often used for landscaping a courtyard, they shield play or children's areas, barbecue areas, and places for secluded relaxation with plastic.
There are many varieties of garden constructors for flat and volumetric shapes. All have the same purpose - the practical arrangement of beds, rockeries, flower beds, decorative border plantings along the paths.

A neat plastic border on a flower bed
The standard heights of the sides are 15 and 21 cm, there are higher options up to 60 cm. The length of the line formed by the kit is usually 3 m.
Original options for fences for beds made of plastic panels
A small selection contains photographs of the design of plots and backyards using different materials that form the borders. Any fences give the territory a well-groomed look. The most accurate design for plastic garden beds from ready-made panels sold in sets. The color, design of the elements varies.

The shape and size of garden fences can be very different.
The garden constructor gives you the opportunity to show your imagination. Without any special difficulties, it will turn out to build a stylish decorative garden at the summer cottage, to emphasize the beauty of the flower arrangement. The formed curved lines will visually correct the space, make the area wider. With a straightforward layout, zoning is encouraged.

With the help of polymer products, you can arrange a flower garden or garden bed in any style
A good choice for decorating a flower bed is a multi-tiered composition. Absolutely any size and shape of tiers, modern asymmetry and classic layout are appropriate. Plastic sections easily go deep into the loose soil, giving the flower garden a finished look. Additions in the form of plastic flowers, butterflies, and other objects are possible.

In the photo, a multi-tiered bed for garden strawberries

And this is a do-it-yourself tiered construction from polymer boards
The maze border looks laconic, absolutely not striking. Imitation of stone, brick is used for supporting walls for terraced zoning. It is convenient to look after a high garden, the back will not get tired. Elements form a complete contour, easy to assemble.
Video: Homemade beds from PVC window sills
Photo of plastic beds