Fence with brick pillars: a material way to the masonry and the form of best

How to make a fence with their hands? This question is asked by many owners of private houses, suburban areas and other land holdings, which need nicely and securely hidden from prying eyes and from the possibility of penetration of the private area intruders. In the beginning, you need to make a decision and choose the material from which it will subsequently be constructed barrier. You can save and use the columns of bricks in the construction of a fence of a different material such as wood, stone, corrugated, picket, others. This method can reduce the cost of the fence and create a stylish, solid fence.

Garden gate on the pillars of the clinker

Fences on the brick pillars are strong, durable and look solid

beautiful fencing project of brick - where to start?


  • beautiful fencing project of brick - where to start?
  • Features a choice of materials for the pillars and sections
  • Masonry fence pillars: technology
  • The results of successful and erroneous decisions - selection of photos
  • Video: Features of the construction of the foundation for a brick column
  • Photos fence with brick pillars

The decision was made, the project developed - where to start? The first thing to build - it is made of brick pillars for a fence. To understand the way in which they have to do, you must:

  1. To evaluate the kind of soil.
  2. To think - what will be the central part of: wooden, from evroshtaketnika, trapezoidal sheet, metal, figure-forged, concrete.
  3. Mark where there will be gates.
  4. Mark the size of each section, to set time refer to the site of the future pillars.

It should be taken into consideration on site soil conditions establishing brick pillars fence depends on establishing a more solid design or the conventional example.

Do not neglect this point - if you do not want to push through some time with the restoration of the fence because of its collapse, mood, cracks at the base, along the entire length and other things. If the soil is not stable, it may happen over time offset, that drags along and structures erected on the site. In such options make it more complex, robust design that will withstand the precarious position of earth surface, where it A built.

Concrete foundations for fence with brick pillars

Sturdy concrete base ensures that the fence be level and not tilt during the years

At the initial stage - design, you need to indicate the height of the fence, which is planned to be constructed, the size and it will be at the heart of the fence. From this it may also depend on the severity of which will build on the foundation that represents the complexity of the process of reinforcement of the building. If you plan to make a high fence, and then the greater should be the laying of bricks, which rests on the ground.

Masonry with brick base fence poles

The design and appearance of the fence is necessary to think in advance

For a solid load-bearing structure does not matter what kind of bricks will be used, but it is important to take posts in the confident side load, which will take a break. This may be the case - if the place where the fence is installed strongly exposed to weathering, and more specifically - to withstand strong winds. Vibrations from the opening and closing doors, gates - are also important.

Fence on pillars of decorative brick

The distance between the brick pillars chosen individually depending on the device fence sections

In order to protect withstand such loads, it is necessary:

  1. Make more massive masonry.
  2. Mount at the base of the pillars iron bars, which must also be connected with the foundation.
  3. Mounted in the base profiled pipe column.

A more popular method is the last option, because it is less costly for cash and is not as time-consuming. For Sectional tubes can be attached directly to the gate, the gate that will reduce the burden on the brickwork.

Metal profile within the column of bricks

Profiled tube greatly enhances column strength brick

Armature inside brick column

The profile can be replaced by reinforcing concrete with subsequent filling composition

Features a choice of materials for the pillars and sections

For the construction of such a structure can apply this type of brick:

  • Red (corpulent, hollow);
  • silicate;
  • decorative.
Masonry fence post of silica brick

The cheapest will cost lime bricks, but on the strength of it is inferior to other types of

Poles fence face bricks

The most durable is facing fence or a red brick

Decorative brick on the pillars for gates and gate

Decorative brick is manufactured of various designs

Selection of bricks should be done carefully. Should not be compromised his integrity, observed chips, bumps, cracks, which subsequently lead to the brick split apart. two types of brick material can be used: red and white - alternating them during installation. This type of bars is beautiful, aesthetically appealing.

Fence with pillars of multi-colored bricks

Using bricks of different colors, you can create an original design of a garden site fencing

Before making the purchase of bricks, you need to properly calculate the amount. This can be done as follows: divide the height of the pillar on the brick thickness with seam.

To prepare a solution for the foundation will need:

  • lime;
  • gravel;
  • sand;
  • cement.

Masonry fence pillars: technology

Fence with brick pillars can stand on such a basis: columnar or tape.

Drawing combined with brick fence poles

sampling scheme on the basis of the columnar

Drawing brick wall with a tape foundation

sampling scheme based on a belt

In the first embodiment, it may be supported on a layer of earth, which will not sink, and at the second - the entire length of the fence. Tape method is used, if the sampling base is heavy, that is, it is made of concrete, stone or other materials.

Brick fence poles around the perimeter

Strip foundation is required if the construction of the fence is planned with a brick plinth

In a typical method stolbochnom to dig a pit width of 35-45 cm. Where bollards are installed, you need to do a deeper hole. At the bottom of the rubble fill. The holes for pillars to insert shaped tube of desired length and to impose its foundation stones. Using a batch-type metal profile make the grid with a mesh width of 15 cm and welded to the base pipe at the bottom in the hole.

Planking of old boards to fill the post foundation

Around the hole must be made of formwork boards

Pour all the cement mortar, including a trench between the pillars. Mortgage solution produced in such proportions:

1 bucket4 buckets0.5 buckets

After solidification and curing is performed masonry pillars.

Metal supports for brick pillars

Uploaded concrete pillars are left immobile until complete drying of the solution

Between the laying bricks to maintain a distance (seam) - 1 cm. Should be used to check the level. When laying bricks for the construction stability needed at equal distances welded metal plate. Hollow tube profile and to pour grout.

Brick columns for combined intake

After laying of the pillars start to assembling the fence sections

After the erection of pillars on the top of their need to wear a cap to prevent moisture to penetrate inside the column. Do core sampling is possible only after 15 days.

Plans for post cap brick wall

Caps for posts can be purchased ready-made or make yourself from galvanized sheet

The results of successful and erroneous decisions - selection of photos

Beautiful design course will be set on top of the columns - lighting. This can be as design solutions and practical.

Garden lamp on the brick post

Stylish design of the brick pillar with a lamp cap

Metal Art at the heart of such a fence will not only look stylish, but also show the taste of its owner.

Forged fence sections brick pillars

Forged components can be completely different form and size

Also forged tips, you can decorate the top of the column and around the perimeter of the fence - it is beautiful, and can serve as a security against criminals that can climb over fencing.

Wooden fence on pillars made of bricks

At least looks attractive combination of brick columns and wooden sections

Video: Features of the construction of the foundation for a brick column

Photos fence with brick pillars