Geranium in the garden: photo, decoration of the site with flower beds with garden pelargoniums

It is customary to call geraniums the abundantly flowering plants of the family of the same name. At dachas, suburban areas in temperate latitudes, up to 40 species of geranium and pelargonium are used for landscape decoration (this is a separate group of geraniums).

Blooming buds of street geraniums of various colors

Geranium can be grown not only in pots, but also outdoors

South Africa is considered the birthplace of wild varieties. In Europe, breeders have been improving the flower since the 17th century. Currently, more than 400 varieties are known, among which there are many cold-resistant, capable of wintering in the climatic conditions of the Moscow region, the Urals, Siberia.

Tall varieties of geraniums in a garden mixborder

Geraniums can often be seen in mixborders and other garden compositions, where they are able to create a bright accent or smooth the transition between contrasting flowering plants.

Perennial garden geranium - application in design


  • Perennial garden geranium - application in design
  • Varieties of garden perennial geranium: descriptions with photos
    • Pelargonium zonale
    • Pelargonium ivy (Pelargonium peltatum)
    • Georgian geranium (Geranium ibericum)
    • Marsh geranium (Geranium palustre)
    • Meadow geranium (Geranium pratense)
    • Geranium gorgeous (Geranium × magnificum)
    • Forest geranium (Geranium sylvaticum)
  • Breeding and grooming recommendations
    • Pelargonium pruning
  • Photos of decorative compositions with other flowers
  • Video: Planting and caring for geraniums in the open field
  • Photo of geraniums in the garden

To create attractive variegated spots on lawns, small-flowered geranium with carved foliage is used as a tapeworm. Often, pelargonium in the garden, photos for decorating the site are combined with evergreen ground cover and undersized shrubs. The flower serves as a decoration for rock gardens, flower arrangements.

Carved leaf of perennial geranium close up

Carved leaves of small-flowered geranium can reach 15–20 cm in length

It is better to plant the plant at the foot of the hill on the leeward side so that the flowering is long and plentiful.

Large flower with white petals on a geranium in the garden

White flower - a rarity for garden geranium

With a mixed planting in flower beds, contrasting colors are chosen. Combine 2-3 varieties, differing in the shape of buds and leaves. In remote areas of the garden, blood red geraniums will become a bright spot that attracts attention.

Blood red buds on a garden geranium

Red geranium will become a bright decoration of the garden flower bed

Any place for geraniums in a flower bed can be determined; the plant gets along well with herbs, other flowers, ornamental shrubs and trees. Many types of pelargonium organically fit into vegetable plantings, go well with bush berries.

A flower bed with perennial geraniums at a summer cottage

Ash geranium looks good in rockeries and rocky flower beds

Large-rhizome geranium as a green rug in the country

From undersized varieties, you can create a dense carpet of leaves both in the shade and in the sun

Gardeners often use geraniums to scare off onion flies, aphids, leaf rollers, and snowflakes.

Varieties of garden perennial geranium: descriptions with photos

Geraniums cultivated in Russia unite several groups of herbaceous winter-hardy shrubs. Geraniums are valued for their large seasonal growth, branching, variety of shapes and colors of leaves and buds. The height of the bush, depending on the variety, varies from 15 cm to 1.5 m. The shoots are dense, strong, sprawling spherical bush is beautiful at any time of the year, not only during the flowering period. In the middle lane, popular varieties are mainly grown.

Pelargonium bushes in a flowerbed with wooden edging

Pelargonium can be a herbaceous or subshrub plant

Pelargonium zonale

Combines semi-shrubs with woody shoots.

Characteristic features of the group:

  • dark brown, dark green or yellowish spot in the center of the leaf plate, the contrast depends on the illumination, the chemical composition of the soil;
  • specific tart aroma of leaves and flowers.
Pink flowers on zonal pelargonium

This type of pelargonium tolerates drought well and absolutely does not tolerate excess moisture.

There are varieties with semi-double and double flowers, collected in inflorescences, one-color and two-color petals. There is a great variety of zonal pelargonium, photos of flowers in a flowerbed surprise with variegated colors.

Hybrids have been bred with pleasant fruity and herbaceous aromas.

Crimson eyes on the Bravo Pastel pelargonium flowers

Pelargonium zonal - Bravo Pastel variety with white-pink petals

Pelargonium ivy (Pelargonium peltatum)

An ampelous semi-shrub, forms shoots up to 1 m long. Leaves are fleshy, pentagonal in shape. For the similarity of leaf plates with a shield, the flower is often called thyroid pelargonium.

Lilac petals on ivy-leaved pelargonium flowers

Pelargonium ivy is a favorite of gardeners for vertical or horizontal gardening

The flowers are simple, semi-double or double, are formed on a long peduncle, form umbellate inflorescences. Colors from white to burgundy with the exception of yellow and greenish shades. Flowers are simple, semi-double and double.

Georgian geranium (Geranium ibericum)

Drought-resistant, shade-loving, profusely flowering varietal variety with small purple flowers up to 4.5 cm in diameter. The culture is resistant to fungal infections, pests.

Adult geranium shrub geranium on a flower bed

The variety is characterized by a powerful and dense bush that blooms in early summer.

The height of the bush is 60–80 cm, foliage with rounded edges, there is pubescence. In autumn, the leaf plates turn red.

Marsh geranium (Geranium palustre)

Early flowering variety, flowers in June. Differs in purple or pink medium-sized flowers. The height of a dense bush is up to 20 cm, taking into account the length of the peduncles - up to 70 cm.

Marsh geranium with long peduncles

Adult marsh geranium bushes bloom for about a month

It grows in flooded areas with a high occurrence of groundwater, near artificial reservoirs. The variety is not demanding on light, grows well in partial shade.

Meadow geranium (Geranium pratense)

A sun-loving type of plant, not very demanding on the composition of the earth. In the group, varieties that form a bush from 50 to 100 cm in height, taking into account the peduncles.

Lilac-blue flowers on meadow geranium

Meadow geranium native to Europe, Western China and Central Asia

Inflorescences are umbrella-shaped, flowers are large with rounded petals. The colors of the buds are lilac-blue, bright. Suitable for solitary planting on parterre lawns.

Geranium gorgeous (Geranium × magnificum)

A medium-sized hybrid up to 50 cm in height, obtained by crossing Georgian and flat-leafed geraniums. The leaves are pubescent, carved, five-part, in autumn they acquire an orange-brown tint.

Lush bush of gorgeous geraniums in garden landscape

The hybrid blooms profusely in places well-lit by the sun.

The variety has a long flowering period from early July to mid-September. Flowers do not form seeds, the hybrid is propagated by cuttings, dividing the bush.

Forest geranium (Geranium sylvaticum)

Wild species, found in floodplains of rivers, along roadsides. The leaves are green, rounded. The flowers are simple, 5-petaled, open, forming an umbrella. The color of the buds is blue-violet.

Blue-violet flowers with dark stamens on meadow geranium

It is advisable to plant forest geraniums in wet places.

The plant blooms in June. Forest geranium in the garden photo site design, use for group planting.

Breeding and grooming recommendations

Pelargonium garden and geranium grows well in drained slightly acidic soil. Loves moderate watering, responds well to feeding and loosening. It easily takes root during planting and transplanting.

Seedlings of geraniums before planting in open ground

Geraniums are planted through seedlings by seeds at the end of winter, or green cuttings are used for plant propagation

Geranium stalk in a ceramic glass with water

Green geranium cuttings root well in plain water

Seedling of garden geraniums in a flower bed of a summer cottage

Young seedlings are planted in open ground after the threat of recurrent frosts

Pelargonium pruning

Pruning is carried out to arrange a bush, remove thickening shoots, stimulate branching, the formation of peduncles. Formative "haircut" is carried out in the fall, sanitary in the spring. Pinching is recommended during the flowering period so that there are more shoots.

Formative pinching of a geranium bush in the autumn

In order for the bush to be lush, it is necessary to pinch the tops of the shoots

Photos of decorative compositions with other flowers

Geranium in landscape design photo is used for single planting in mixborders, rockeries. The plant goes well with ornamental shrubs, conifers, annual and perennial flowers.

Garden arrangement with geraniums and other flowers

Flower border featuring red geranium

Red geranium in the same flowerbed with chlorophytum

Spectacular composition of striped chlorophytum and red pelargonium

In compositional solutions, geraniums' frequent neighbors are:

  • spring primroses of similar and contrasting shades;
  • autumn asters;
  • roses forming lush bushes complement the border decoration;
  • hosta and other herbaceous crops provide the desired background.

Unpretentious types of geraniums for landscape design are a versatile material. Equally beautiful in an alpine hill, in a flower bed, in remote corners of the garden. They create color accents, emphasize the style of the landscape design.

Garden geranium mix in an old galvanized bathtub

Perennial geraniums in flowerpots are an excellent decoration for entering a house

Garden geraniums in a pot on the terrace railing

A container with geraniums will decorate an open terrace or a summer gazebo at a summer cottage

Low-growing varieties perfectly frame fruit trees, form a blooming near-stem circle. Bright varieties are used for container planting, used as potted plants. Medium-sized geraniums are combined with sedums, thyme, mint. Such a charming border will be unpretentious and easy to maintain.

Ornamental bow and pelargonium by the garden bench

Tall varieties are great for mixborders created from a variety of perennial plants

Despite its simplicity and modesty, geranium can give a flower garden a noble look, and a garden - a complete look.

Video: Planting and caring for geraniums in the open field

Photo of geraniums in the garden