Ornamental shrubs are used to decorate personal plots. Many varieties are considered versatile and unpretentious. There are a huge number of varieties and varieties of shrubs, which will help you choose the most optimal options for different climatic zones. The variety of representatives of the plant world allows you to avoid difficulties with the selection of a variety, type or color.

It is impossible to create complete harmony of the country landscape without ornamental shrubs.
The main types of ornamental shrubs for the garden
- The main types of ornamental shrubs for the garden
- Benefits of decorating a garden with shrubs
- The main types of flowering shrubs
- Hydrangea
- Honeysuckle
- Chubushnik
- Japanese quince
- Spirea
- Caucasian pear
- Rhododendron
- Rose hip
- Three-lobed almond
- Tree peony
- Felted cherry
- Maiden grapes
- Altai wolfberry
- Forsythia
- The main types of deciduous shrubs
- Barberry
- Bubble
- Ryabinnik
- Red japanese maple
- Euonymus
- Hornbeam
- Derain
- Leafy elm
- The main types of perennial shrubs
- The main types of frost-resistant shrubs
- Garden design options using ornamental shrubs
- Creating a hedge from ornamental shrubs
- Tips and tricks for decorating your garden with ornamental shrubs
- VIDEO: 6 shrubs to transform your garden.
- 50 options for decorating the garden with decorative shrubs:
There are several types of ornamental shrubs for the garden:
- winter hardy;
- evergreen;
- variegated;
- exotic;
- blooming;
- fruit and berry.

They make a natural picture complete, vivid and attractive.
They are also classified depending on the season:
- spring;
- summer;
- autumn;
- winter.
Benefits of decorating a garden with shrubs
When decorating with garden shrubs, several goals are realized at once:
- Create a unique and inimitable landscape.
- Protect the site and undersized plants from dust, wind, prying eyes and sunlight.
- With their help, you can easily hide unaesthetic objects.
- Divide the plot or garden into zones.

With the help of low plants, a certain zone can be distinguished, it is advantageous to emphasize decorative elements.
The main types of flowering shrubs
Consider the types of shrubs in detail with a description of the features of caring for them.
Sprawling globular bushes, distinguished by their special decorative effect, with luscious foliage and impressive inflorescences with white and blue corollas. A southern plant, but there are also winter-hardy varieties.

Hydrangea is planted in places where the sun hits in the morning.
Perennial graceful shrubs with fruits that differ in a specific taste, from which jam and compotes are prepared. Curly varieties are used to decorate arches.
Popular with gardeners due to its easy maintenance. Beautiful, unusually shrubs with white and fragrant flowers that delight in beauty in June and July. Easy to plant - grows in almost all types of soil, likes sun or light shade. It tolerates frost perfectly.

Chubushnik is a beautiful and unpretentious perennial bush, better known as "garden jasmine".
Japanese quince
It performs not only a decorative function, but also pleases with tasty and healthy fruits. It blooms in late May and early June with bright red flowers.
Covered with pink and white corollas. Large and compact inflorescences of the plant during the spring flowering period become a bright decoration of the garden.
Spirea feels great both in the sun and in partial shade. These perennial flowering shrubs for the garden delight the eye all spring and summer until late autumn.

Spirea is an ornamental shrub from the Pink family.
Caucasian pear
Can be a tree or shrub up to 2 meters in height. Leaves are medium-sized, whole or pinnately dissected. The inflorescence is corymbose, consisting of 3-20 white or light pink flowers. Blooms in April-May, bears fruit from July to September. Fruits are small brownish-red, yellow-golden. Drought-resistant, wind-resistant, tolerates soil salinity well, does not like shade.
This flowering perennial shrub is a favorite of all summer residents. Pink, red, lilac or lilac bouquets delight in spring with their bright and unusual beauty. Rhododendron loves sun and partial shade, moist and light soil.

The Rosewood is one of the most beautiful flowering trees.
Rose hip
It can be an excellent prickly barrier that blooms very beautifully with pink and red flowers. Grows well in sun and partial shade. Grows rapidly, branches and gives a dense crown. The bright red fruits are used as medicine. Grows well on sandy soils.
Three-lobed almond
Shrubs for the garden with very beautiful double flowers ranging in color from dark pink to crimson and light red, up to 1.5 cm in diameter. Blooms in early May before the leaves open for 2.5 weeks. Leaves are coarsely toothed, three-lobed, densely hairy. Loves warmth, sun and partial shade, winter hardy. Prefers light sandy loam and well-drained soil. After flowering, the branches are pruned by 2/3.

Amazingly elegant, flowering deciduous shrub.
Tree peony
Decorate any site in May-June with large flowers of rare beauty from white to dark red. The shrub has a lush crown and large, interestingly shaped dark green foliage, loves partial shade and light moist soil.

Treelike peonies are a lush shrub with very beautiful many flowers.
Felted cherry
Or, Chinese cherry can be used as a backdrop for a flower garden, it can be placed around a rose garden or as a houseplant on a veranda.
Flowering shrubs up to 2 meters high with several trunks. The leaves are dark green, oval and strongly corrugated. Flowers are white-pink up to 2.5 cm. It should be actively cultivated because of its bright and tasty berries, as well as as a decorative element of the garden.

Small shrubby felt cherry with red fruits of pleasant tart taste.
Loves sunny places and light, loose, moist soil, frost-resistant, can bear fruit the next year after planting. Requires watering during dry periods and loosening, weeding, hilling, as well as pruning. It is very rarely affected by diseases.
Maiden grapes
Fast-growing, hardy, large, perennial flowering vine with luxurious leaves that turn red effectively at the end of the season. Perfect for landscaping walls, not afraid of dust and gas pollution. Survives even without fertile soil, in the shade and in the sun
Altai wolfberry
Listed in the Red Book, grown in many botanical gardens. The flowers are white, fragrant, bloom after the development of the leaves, have a sparsely hairy tube 8-9 mm with protruding stamens. Petals are obtuse, elliptical. Fruits - drupes, ovoid, black, extremely dangerous - poisonous. The bark of young branches is reddish-brown, the leaves are green in summer and yellow in autumn.

The wolfberry is a shrub with beautiful white flowers.
Needs watering, specific need for micro and macro elements.
Low flowering shrubs with bright yellow small flowers, which compete with the sun against the background of a dull landscape of early spring. Leaves appear after flowers. Loves a lot of light and loose moist soil.
The main types of deciduous shrubs
Consider the names of common types of shrubs for summer cottages and the features of their care.
It can be easily recognized by its purple leaves and, in the colder months, by its purple thorny twigs. In the spring, it is covered with reddish foliage, which gradually darkens to a maroon color.

Barberries are beautiful shrubs up to one and a half meters tall with green, yellow, red and burgundy leaves.
Loves partial shade, good lighting and moderate moisture. Good for lawns and hedges.
It has many subspecies, radically different in color of foliage, from dark red to yellowish-fiery, which turns green by autumn. Unpretentious, but loves loosened and moist soil. Can be trimmed to shape.

Bubbles is an ornamental and unpretentious shrub.
Rowan-leaved, very unpretentious, frost-resistant and grows quickly. Seeing the bush from afar, it can be mistaken for a blazing fire. A beautiful openwork leaf can combine pink, yellow, orange, red and green colors at the same time.
Grows well both in the shade and in the sun. Loves nutritious, loose and moist soil. Excellent in combination with many representatives of the plant world.

The fieldfare is a real gift for novice amateur gardeners.
Red japanese maple
It features a voluminous crown of green leaves, which, with the arrival of autumn, turn into red-orange and even black-red. Good neighbors - conifers and ferns, love partial shade.
A low-growing shrub with very variegated foliage: from pale green with a white border to bright green with a yellow border. Height - 60 cm, can be in the form of a bite or liana. It is very unpretentious, frost-resistant and does not like excessive watering.

A picturesque plant that can transform any home plot.
Differs in delicate, almost transparent in the sun, foliage and original fruits, the bark is silvery-gray. Earrings look like hop cones up to 25 cm, which turn into a nut. It tolerates heavy darkening, is wind-resistant, unpretentious, tolerates a haircut well and creates an impenetrable hedge.

This type of hornbeam is called "heart-leaved", as its leaves are shaped like a heart at the base.
Low volumetric and beautiful frost-resistant flowering ornamental shrubs with foliage of the most incredible shades: from white-green to brown-red interspersed with green. Bright red shoots look very impressive against a background of white snow. Derain is unpretentious, frost-resistant, shade-tolerant, grows in any soil, reaches 3 meters in height.

Derain is unpretentious, planting is not difficult, and its use in landscape design is very diverse.
Leafy elm
It has nondescript flowers, bisexual, gathered in bunches with impellers. They are distinguished by a dense and shady crown with small and closely sitting green leaves, which create a dust barrier - this is the best air purifier.
The main types of perennial shrubs
Garden perennial shrubs are divided into:
- decorative blooming;
- decorative berry;
- decorative deciduous.

Shrubs of various sizes and shapes will create a stunning backdrop for perennial flowers.
In height, they can be:
- very large - 3-4 m;
- large - 1-1.5 m;
- medium - 0.75 m;
- small - 0.5 m.
What are the shrubs, depending on the place of growth:
- light-loving;
- shade-loving;
- shade-tolerant;
- shrubs of short daylight hours.

It is better to plant a plant in an elevated area to eliminate moisture stagnation.
The main types of frost-resistant shrubs
Frost-resistant shrubs cope with several tasks at the same time. They are resistant to frost, some do not even require special shelter. Around March, beautiful leaves appear on them and do not fall until December. In spring and summer, they are decorated with bright flowers that transform into fruits or variegated leaves.

Perennials retain their attractive appearance throughout the season.
They do not require special care and are a decoration of landscape design even in winter. Bright representatives of frost-resistant shrubs are: barberry, hawthorn, hydrangea, lilac, forsythia, chubushnik, Canadian roses, Cossack juniper and undersized bushes: Japanese quince, heather, bloodroot.
All frost-resistant bushes are planted in the fall to form a developed root system.
Garden design options using ornamental shrubs
With the right selection and combination of evergreen, flowering and decorative deciduous shrubs, you can create many interesting, bright and unusually beautiful compositions:
- Blue spruce or juniper can be the perfect backdrop for a vibrant barberry with deep purple leaves. Light gray rounded boulders covered with decorative moss will complement the overall picture.
- Thanks to the delicate pink flowers and leaves with white edging, weigela looks very bright. It goes well with bright red brickwork. Most often it is placed in the foreground at the entrance to the house or along the paths.
- Shrub cinquefoil is most often used to decorate hedges or borders. Bushes with bright yellow flowers attract attention both as an independent element and in a composition with conifers. A good addition would be a litter of pebble stones.

Shrub cinquefoil is a magnificent decoration for the garden.
Creating a hedge from ornamental shrubs
A living fence made of shrubs is most often used to delimit various areas of the garden, vegetable garden or fence the summer cottage from prying eyes. The hedge can be made in the form of a low-growing curb or as a dense high fence up to 2-3 meters. A living fence is given various shapes: square, rectangle, pyramid, or elliptical and rounded.

A hedge is a fence made of shrubs and trees that serves both decorative and protective functions.
Shrubs grow quickly and in order for a green, lush and blooming fence to please the whole season, you need select plants of different heights and splendor, with different flowering periods, as well as - plant them in several rows.
It is better to select unpretentious and shade-tolerant plants, and for fences with non-standard shapes, bushes that tolerate a haircut well are suitable: Schmidt's currant, snowberry, chubushnik.

Snowberry - the white and pink poisonous charm of the garden.
Thorny shrubs are also well suited for creating impenetrable hedges: blackthorn, sea buckthorn, roses. Tall bushes up to 3-5 meters: lilac, black chokeberry, elderberry. Shade-loving: honeysuckle, hazel, Mexican jasmine. Low-growing: Japanese quince, graceful deytion, shrub cinquefoil. Ornamental bushes: weigela, hydrangea, Tumberga barberry. Fast growing: clematis, common hops, Aubert's mountaineer.

It is a low climbing shrub vine, the trunk and shoots of which are not woody.
Tips and tricks for decorating your garden with ornamental shrubs
In order for the garden plot to always look attractive, and the plants to please the eye, some rules should be followed:
- Ornamental perennials are most often unpretentious in care and require only systematic and regular pruning, shape adjustments. Old branches are removed to activate and grow fresh shoots, and crown formation directly affects the appearance of the bushes.
- To create a hedge, it is recommended to prune the plants from the moment they are planted.
- It is customary to design dwarf varieties so that they are lush and squat.
- Bright and showy shrubs should be distinguished against the background of green or evergreen representatives.
- Green bushes are more often used as backgrounds, so they should prevail.
- Plants with a rare color should serve as a highlight of the composition. They should be complemented with white or silver shades.
- Plants with variegated foliage need a lot of light, and with a lack of it, they can fade.
- It is important to choose shrubs so that during flowering they merge into a single harmonious picture.
- Ornamental shrubs are planted both singly and in a group. They look spectacular on spacious front lawns, along paths, a fountain or a pond.

Ornamental shrubs are widely used when creating a site design.