The best option for arranging a vacation spot in a suburban area will be a hexagonal gazebo. The compact design offers good storage capacity. Due to its geometry, it is durable and will withstand wind and snow loads. It is nice to hide in the gazebo from the scorching sun and rain. Glazed options are convenient for permanent residence outside the city. This is the place for friendly teas, quiet board games, romantic candlelit dinners.

The hexagonal gazebo looks very attractive and immediately attracts attention.
Types of designs and design options for gazebos
- Types of designs and design options for gazebos
- What material are the best gazebos made of?
- Wood
- Metal
- Brick
- The main elements of the gazebo
- Interesting ideas for hexagonal gazebos - photo examples
- Video: Building a hexagonal gazebo from foundation to roof
- Photo of hexagonal arbors made of wood
All types of gazebos are divided into three main types according to the comfort of their stay:
- The open hexagonal gazebo consists of supports and a roof, suitable for summer cottages in warm climates. Well ventilated, designed for sun protection. You can enter the gazebo from all sides.
- Semi-closed involves the installation of walls with five faces, the sixth remains open, this is the entrance. When there are a lot of mosquitoes in the evening, it is easier to cover the empty space with a net. But nothing prevents you from enjoying the landscape.
- Closed includes glazing, door installation. You will get a closed space in which it is easy to come up with a heating system.
A convenient heating option is flexible infrared type mats, powered by a standard network. Spread out on the floor, they will create a comfortable climate within a short period of time after switching on.
A few words about functional and decorative additions. Metal arbors with a hearth are popular. This could be:
- small stone oven;
- lined barbecue;
- wood burning fireplace.
You can bake dishes in any weather, regardless of rain or wind.

The photo shows an example of a practical gazebo, one wall of which is solid to protect from the wind
The original type of arbors is considered to be wooden with carved elements. This decor is very beautiful, gives an airy design.

Carved elements make the gazebo much more attractive, but also increase the cost of the structure.
A grass roof creates a similarity to a bungalow. Straw or dry reeds will create a unique color for the site.

Original gazebo with reed roof
If the material is treated with water-resistant impregnation, it will not be necessary to cover the roof often, the flooring will not rot.
What material are the best gazebos made of?
The choice of building material depends on the type of suburban dwelling. Carved wooden, wrought-iron gazebos are appropriate next to a solid brick building. In the country, it is more practical to use a metal profile. A solid closed structure made of bricks will decorate a house made of the same material. A structure made of rounded timber will look harmonious only with such a gazebo.

In order to increase the service life of the gazebo, various materials are often combined during its construction. For example, a wooden roof is placed on pillars of stone or brick.
Each building material has its own characteristics, restrictions on use.
Sustainable wood is the most common material for gazebos. Lightweight tents with flat and slightly sloping roofs are still popular due to their ease of construction and ergonomic design. Working with wood does not require special qualifications, complex tools.

Lightweight wooden gazebo with lattice inserts

Massive wooden arbor made of rounded logs
Craftsmen create author's works with openwork carving. With proper processing, the wood retains its strength for many years, it does not darken under the varnish. It goes well with glazing, plastic, any roofing.
Profile rental is a democratic option for making gazebos. For bolted or welded mounting. It is better to choose metal with a polymer coating applied to galvanized steel. Such material is not afraid of exposure to water, is quite durable, fireproof, goes well with plastic and wooden furniture.

Hexagonal gazebo with a frame made of a shaped tube

Open metal gazebo with forged elements
Forged arbors, made of reinforcing bar, combine good performance and grace, external fragility. They go well with similar outdoor furniture. Special conditions and skill are required to create structures. A wrought-iron structure will become a chic element of garden decor.
Usually, all the elements are ordered in one workshop at once: a wrought-iron gazebo, a fence, a gate, lanterns, furniture, balconies for the house, lattices on the windows, It turns out a chic and harmonious design option plot.
Brick support pillars are combined with solid and blown low walls in half a brick. Massive hexagonal structures complement the composition of the brick house and are installed at a short distance.

A brick gazebo will favorably complement the design of a suburban area with buildings from a similar material
They meet all fire safety rules and are suitable for an open hearth. The gazebo is easy to fold on your own. The roof is made pitched, a soft roof or profiled sheet is laid.
When using soft types of roofs in gazebos of a closed type, there is good sound insulation.
The main elements of the gazebo
When a structure installation scheme is developed, the building material is cut to the required size. Assembling the hexagon starts from the foundation. For heavy metal and brick, they make a pile or tape of shallow deepening. Wooden frames are installed on a timber.

The device of a hexagonal arbor made of wood
When choosing the type of foundation, take into account:
- type of soil;
- arbor weight;
- the level of freezing and groundwater occurrence.
The 6-corner gazebo is installed on a flat open area.

Preparation of concrete supports for a hexagonal gazebo

Installation of uprights and top strapping
The skeleton is formed from the inferior ligament. Then the supports and the roof are installed. The subfloor is performed in several versions:
- concrete bulk;
- wooden or deck flooring on logs;
- gravel backfill;
- laying of paving slabs.

Installation of a truss truss

Roof cladding with planed boards
The roof is 6 pitched, installed on rafters, sheet or roll roofing materials (sheet metal, profile, ondulin, roofing felt and other soft types of roofing) are used for moisture protection.

Laying soft tiles on the roof of the gazebo

Photo of a finished open-type gazebo
Interesting ideas for hexagonal gazebos - photo examples
In a small selection, various stylistic solutions of hexagonal arbors are presented, the photos convey the flavor of the Eastern and African styles. The spacious structure will become an excellent lounge area in the garden - a place for a day's nap, unhurried conversations. A miniature lattice structure, entwined with vines with carved leaves, will protect you from the rain. The insulated winter version with a glass roof will delight the elderly couple and guests. If you install an electric grill in a round table, you get a wonderful dining area.

Closed log gazebo in Russian style

Open gazebo made of thin bars in oriental style
Hexagons are usually made in the correct shape. But if landscape design requires it, it is allowed to make sides of different lengths. Modern roofing materials will provide reliable protection for the structure. If desired, you can transform an open gazebo into a closed one. It all depends on the climate.
Video: Building a hexagonal gazebo from foundation to roof
Photo of hexagonal arbors made of wood