The dacha is a great place to stay, especially if the place is well-maintained. High-quality drainage of the site is necessary when located in a lowland, swampy area, with a high level of groundwater. To remove excess moisture from the territory, a whole network of underground canals is being created.

Excessive wateriness is harmful to plants no less than a systematic lack of moisture.
When do you need a drainage system
- When do you need a drainage system
- Options for the device of drainage systems on the site
- How to use surface drainage in landscaping
- Photos of examples of beautiful drainage systems on a site with a slope
- Conclusion
- VIDEO: How to make drainage around the house with your own hands.
- 50 options for arranging the drainage system on the site:
The main task of the drainage system of the site is to collect excess ground, rain, melt water, and remove its surplus outside the dacha. Adequate drainage involves underground and surface drainage, but this is not always necessary.

During the acquisition of a land plot, it is far from always possible to know and foresee all the difficulties of its improvement and use in advance.
Drainage pipes are laid underground in cases where there is almost a swamp or groundwater close to the surface of the earth. Surface drainage is needed in any area - practically throughout Russia.

The climatic conditions and the amount of precipitation are also not the same every year. Groundwater tends to rise and fall depending on certain factors.
If the soil is clayey, then it absorbs moisture extremely slowly (melting snow, rainwater), which leads to seasonal flooding and spoils the appearance of the site, destroys plants, damages the foundation of the house and decorative structures made of wood, which quickly rot.

The words "drainage" of foreign language origin. In English, there is "drain", which means "drain".
High-quality drainage of the suburban area is required in the following cases:
- Placement of a summer cottage on a steep slope. To prevent water flows during heavy rains from eroding the fertile soil, it is required to install transverse channels that intercept most of the water and drain it into the storm sewer;
- The location of the house with a garden in the lowlands. All water falling on the slopes goes down, falling into the territory. To remove it, channels are laid along the perimeter of the cottage;
- The plot is on level ground, but the water is absorbed extremely slowly - it does not go away and does not drain anywhere. A whole "grid" of drainage canals is being built here.
Water needs to be collected through "sleeves", drainage canals, in order to drain it into artificial or natural reservoirs, special wells, use it for irrigation and other purposes.
Tip: the most economical option for a drainage device is when the entire system works by itself, without requiring the participation of pumps and frequent cleaning.

Drainage of water from the site can be done independently. Initially, it is required to determine which drainage system on the site will be most suitable.
Options for the device of drainage systems on the site
The modern drainage system on the site is performed in two ways:
- Soil - it is designed to collect and remove ground, surface water from the drained place, representing a whole system of drainage pipes with many holes, wrapped on top with filter materials (geotextiles and etc.). They are laid in gravel channels;
- Deep - required in those summer cottages where the house is built in a lowland, and the level of groundwater is high. The latter fact is usually established during the construction of cellars, garages.
For pipes made of ceramics, plastic, a gravel-sand "pillow" is made. When all the elements are laid, the trenches are covered with gravel, sand, and on top - with simple earth. Large stones are not used here, the exception is decorative design. At the lowest point of the system, a collector is set up that accepts all the moisture that has come in. You also need a discharge pipeline that discharges water outside the territory (into a ravine, river, etc.), for which it is permissible to use a drainage pump.

For drainage of an area with a high groundwater level, a deep or closed drainage system is more suitable.
Advice: when building a house, the pit under it must be drained in order to avoid premature destruction of the foundation.
How to use surface drainage in landscaping
Proper soil drainage of a large or small garden plot can also become its decoration at the same time. Even if the global drainage of the territory is not required, surface drains around the house, blind areas, grooves - must be created. To begin with, it is advisable to make a project - a diagram of how moisture will be removed from the soil. Usually, water simply collects in grooves, trenches, wells and leaves the territory itself.

Also, for such cases, you can build a backfill drainage.
The design depends on:
- garden style;
- the presence or absence of sewerage;
- depth of water occurrence;
- drainage method;
- location of buildings, large trees;
- the slope of the relief.
There are two options for drainage trenches. Gutters, which receive water coming from above and already collected before, are made with watertight walls of concrete or plastic.

Surface drainage and backfill can be considered the cheapest and simplest. A deep or closed drainage system will require significant costs.
Drainage structures are designed to absorb excess moisture from the soil, therefore their surfaces are water-permeable. Surface drainage systems are sometimes created above deep drain pipes as an additional measure in excessively wet areas.

When creating a drainage system for a site with your own hands, first of all, you need to think over its scheme, determine the lowest place on the site.
It is permissible to decorate any trenches, for this they use:
- decorative lattices made of metal or plastic, special hatches of square, round, rectangular shape (for ditches made using ready-made trays);
- natural stone - if the drainage ditch, the elements are fastened with cement mortar, the drainage is created by "dry masonry";
- Reno mattresses are the closest analogue of gabions, which are metal nets filled with stones. They are stacked obliquely or horizontally. With their help, not only drainage trenches are formed, but also crumbling slopes that are easily eroded by water are strengthened.
Tip: an interesting drainage system on the site is created with the participation of an artificial or natural pond, streams flowing in the territory. It is important that such reservoirs are located lower than the house and various outbuildings.
Photos of examples of beautiful drainage systems on a site with a slope
There are many beautiful and original drainage options in a swampy summer cottage. Colored pebbles are one of the most beautiful ways to decorate a ditch located on a slope. The stones are fastened with cement, at the same time small steps are made - it turns out a semblance of a stream-waterfall.

If the problem arises on the surface of the soil due to precipitation, melt water, it is best to use surface drainage, which is also called open drainage.
Imitation of a natural winding stream, suitable for almost any area. It is dug out not too deep, with an angle of inclination of the walls, no more than 20-25 degrees. So that the soil does not crumble, it is strengthened with stones, turf, and water and moisture-loving plants are planted.

The correct slope is most important for the drainage system. It depends on the correctness of the creation of the trench whether the water will drain into the water intake.
Another simple method, often seen in the photo, is the "French ditch". This is a deep (at least 40-70 cm) trench covered with gravel. The convenience of this option is that water does not "bloom" here, plant "debris" does not accumulate. They construct such a drain along garden paths, a fence, a lawn. The element is usually made straight.

With surface drainage, the bottom is lined with geotextiles, which are fixed to the walls; further - wood chips, gravel, finer gravel, soil.
The "dry bed" option resembles a place where there was once a river that has already dried up. Here, the winding trench is also completely covered with stones, at the same time performing the function of zoning the garden.

The best idea of the options is given by a photo of the drainage system at the site.
Paths covered with a thick layer of crushed stone or coarse river sand, with a slight slope along the edges, will also perfectly cope with the drainage problem. They mask the ditches or are located separately. The surface is made water-permeable, without the use of a binder solution. Drainage trays are installed along the edges, which discharge water into a common drain well.

The main thing is to think over the entire system in detail, draw up a project and make some efforts to bring it to life.
A natural body of water on the territory will also cope with the issue of drainage. The pipes are laid at an angle to it so that the water can drain off on its own. A slight slope is necessary for the trenches themselves. If it is not possible to dig a pond, water is directed into deep storage wells located at the lowest point of the site.

Nowadays, there is a great variety of materials that will help make drainage more aesthetically pleasing and beautiful.
Competent water disposal at the site is carried out with the participation of invited specialists or with your own hand - if you have sufficient knowledge and skills. Decorated drainage is not only the most functional, but also an excellent decoration of the country "hacienda".

The location of the drainage systems can be anything. It all depends on the landscape and the preferences of the master.
VIDEO: How to make drainage around the house with your own hands.
50 options for arranging the drainage system on the site: