The village courtyard is a fairly functional part of the common space of the site, where it is necessary to organize everything for comfortable rest, work and access to the house. That is why in this article we will analyze all the ways to make a rustic patio comfortable and stylish.

The rustic landscaping of the courtyard combines the simplicity and charm of nature.
How to decorate a yard: design features for large and small areas
- How to decorate a yard: design features for large and small areas
- We divide the yard into plots by function
- Tracks for movement and decoration
- Decorative elements in the design of the yard
- Examples of arranging a cozy courtyard in a beautiful rustic style
- VIDEO: 30 ideas for decorating a site near the house.
- Photos of beautiful and practical village courtyards:
Before equipping a village courtyard, you need to pay attention to what area is available. The functionality that can be implemented will depend on the available space. But, in any case, it is imperative that the courtyard includes the following elements.

Its most important distinguishing feature is a certain negligence, which manifests itself in every detail of the design.
- A path that leads directly to the house. It can be of different widths - from a narrow path on which two people can separate, to a wide area rolled into asphalt for a car to enter from the street.

Unlike sophisticated French lawns, rustic plots don't have to be perfect.
- Be sure to take into account the presence of a pergola or a small barbecue area when arranging a village house and courtyard. Despite the fact that the word barbecue is associated with many American courtyards, in fact, this is not entirely true. In fact, cozy patios should always include an area where on warm summer evenings you can sit outside, have a cup of tea and relax. In this case, the arrangement can take either a small or a large area, depending on the possibility.

Of course, on each site there should be a recreation area, even if it is very small.
- Also, in terms of functionality, a farm plot should include an outbuilding. It can be a barn, small booths or whole small houses for convenient storage of equipment, fertilizers, equipment, consumables and other things that are regularly needed in agriculture. Such a building will allow you to keep order not only on the site, but also inside the living space, since all unnecessary or rarely used things can also be put here.

Since at their summer cottage, many not only rest, but also do gardening, you need to store the things intended for this somewhere.
- In addition to functionality and ergonomics, it is imperative to take into account the ways in which you can decorate the space. And here you need to pay attention to the variations in the creation of garden paths and their design, the obligatory garden furniture, decorative ornaments that create an atmosphere of comfort.
We divide the yard into plots by function
As you can see from the above list, beautiful rural yards should contain several functional areas:
- For relax. In this area, benches, tables, chairs or other systems can be placed for comfortable rest. Swings for children and adults are allowed. In the case when a full-fledged barbecue and barbecue area is organized, you will have to create a semi-closed area in which a barbecue or even a stove will be located.

If there is enough space, you can put up a gazebo or arrange a dining area with a barbecue.
- For comfortable movement around the site and access to the house. This is not as complete a zone as connecting elements with which you can connect individual buildings or areas on the site. They must be not only comfortable, but, without fail, they must be decorated in the same style with the rest of the site and the house.

A beautiful, rustic-style private plot is what we associate with childhood.
- For organizing a storage system. These are small sheds and booths in which you can put your inventory.
For this reason, the courtyard in the village must be zoned. It is zoning that helps to avoid the feeling of chaos and gives structure and order to everything.
Tracks for movement and decoration
When arranging the tracks, take into account the following points.
The technology with which it will be paved. Naturally, simple cementing seems to be the simplest option. But, in this case, the track completely loses its attractiveness. Therefore, this method of paving is used only when a car drives into the site, and financial resources for more expensive materials are limited.

Looking at the entrance area, guests make the first impression of your site.
If you want it to look as attractive as possible, you need to use decorative tiles. It can be different in color, shape, used material, texture and dimensions. In some cases, when you do not want gaps between the elements to come across under your feet, you can choose products that practically do not form tile seams. In any case, the abundance of building materials now allows you to choose a suitable way to improve the courtyard and the approaches to it.

Do not try to decorate the site with any details that look unnatural.
The second point, which must be paid attention to without fail, is the decorative component. It is better if ornamental plants are planted along the paths, which will give it an attractive appearance. If it is not possible to use ornamental plants, but you want to make the most of every corner with benefit, then you can plant berry bushes along the path. For these purposes, bushes such as gooseberries, currants, or other not too tall vegetation, for example, honeysuckle bushes, tansy, or something else, are suitable.

As a rule, when decorating plots, designers try to do everything in such a way that the garden blooms from spring to late autumn.
Right there, near the paths, you can organize a small garden if you need to use the space rationally and save every square meter.
Decorative elements in the design of the yard
When designing a garden, and decorating a private house in the village, you can see numerous photos. They show that coziness is created with the help of various decorative elements. You should not neglect them, as they are really capable of drastically changing the entire space. Before deciding what to use on your site, you need to consider the following features.

To decorate your site, you can safely use both all kinds of wicker baskets with flowers, and functional things.
Despite the fact that many are trying to use old car tires for the purpose of improving the site, it is still not the best option for decoration. This is due to the fact that worn-out material releases toxic elements and even painting does not save you from this. Therefore, if you prefer more sustainable options, you should pay attention to other ways of decorating.

In order to equip a recreation area, you will need furniture that matches the style.
When there is no financial opportunity to purchase expensive garden furniture, you can use cargo pallets. It is easy to make garden furniture from them. It is only important to paint them in a suitable color and redo them a little, while making a minimum of effort. But the original kit will not only serve as a convenient pastime, but will be able to make the space a designer one. Since today the minimalism style is at the peak of its popularity. If wood surfaces feel too hard, you can always complement them with homemade throw pillows.
If there are a large number of old unnecessary tree cuts, then you can also organize furniture from them or decorate a certain area with them. But here you will need detailed thinking and drawing up preliminary drawings.

The main thing is that the details are combined with each other and fit the definition of a rustic style.
Another option for making your yard cute is to organize a variety of flowerpots. It is not at all necessary to buy expensive products in the store for these purposes. They can be prepared with your own hands from old unnecessary things. Suitable as a basis are old pots of different diameters, an old bathroom or a washing machine. In order to give them an attractive appearance, it is enough to paint them in the desired color with a special paint for metal. Do not forget to choose a color shade that matches the color space of the environment. By the way, unnecessary wooden tubs are ideal for the same purposes.

The wood can be left untreated - this will fit into the overall concept.
Organization of pergolas or special arches on which you can grow not only grapes, but also garden ornamental plants such as climbing climbing roses, ivy and others.

If you plan to install a gazebo in your yard, then it is best to give preference to a construction made of natural wood or beams.
Examples of arranging a cozy courtyard in a beautiful rustic style
To understand what a village courtyard might look like as a result, you can look at the photo examples. After all, it’s easier to navigate not only in the possible ways of creating this or that element, but also to understand the principles of organizing an integral space from the point of view of style.

The main thing is that the details are combined with each other and fit the definition of a rustic style.
VIDEO: 30 ideas for decorating a site near the house.
Photos of beautiful and practical village courtyards:
We present to your attention a numerous selection of photos of how to decorate the courtyard of a private house, making it not only practical, but also beautiful. After all, it is absolutely not worth giving up external attractiveness and aesthetics in favor of convenience. It has long been proven that the emotional state of a person is primarily influenced by an attractive external space. Therefore, make a little effort to create beautiful seating areas in your yard - and you will always be accompanied by a smile.