The car has won its permanent and honorable place in many families. And such a respected family member needs a comfortable place to live. It's called a garage. In a modern city, rarely does anyone manage to acquire individual garage for your car. In the best case, it turns out to acquire a place in a collective multi-storey garage. But not everyone can afford this very expensive pleasure. Individual garages-shells in cities are practically prohibited. Someone had them, but the city authorities ordered them to be demolished. The only opportunity to own a personal garage exists only outside the city - for example, in summer cottages. And in this case, for the garage owner you need to have stock of non-standard ideashow to organize the perfect order in the garage.
Read in the article
- 1 Formulation of the problem
- 2 How to organize space
- 3 Tool storage
- 4 Rest zone
- 5 Conclusion
Formulation of the problem
Before you start doing anything, you need to clearly and as detailed as possible to articulate your desires. And then these desires are correlated with their capabilities - with the availability of finances, building materials. Ability to translate these desires into reality. For professionals, this process is called "Development of technical specifications." It indicates the purpose of the work, the idea of ​​the final result, methods of its implementation, the necessary tools and technical means are indicated. Financial costs are calculated.
The garage can be built for one car, for two or even three. You can build from iron, wood, stone. Someone needs one floor, someone wants two, but taking into account the observation hole - and three floors are obtained.

There are options for many cars, but for each car there is an individual box, completely isolated from other similar boxes. They are united by their building structures and a common entry-exit zone. Inside his box, each owner organizes the internal space at his own discretion.

The requirement for the garage floor is mandatory. The load on it is significant, it is best to fill the floor with concrete of a grade not lower than M300, and lay a polymer-decorative coating on top.
How to organize space
Since the space inside the garage is limited to four walls, a floor and a ceiling, it should be very well thought out in order to be used effectively. The minimum standard garage has dimensions of 3 × 6 m in terms of dimensions. A little more than half a meter is left on the sides from the car to the walls. Interior designers recommend using the principle of "functional zoning" when planning a space. Its essence lies in the fact that the range of tasks to be solved in a given room is determined, and a zone is allocated for each type of action. And then she appropriately equips herself to perform her type of work.
In an individual box, the main task is to place the car. The vehicle must enter and exit freely. You need to put it so that you can approach it with an instrument from all four sides. The owner of the garage must reasonably dispose of free space.
The garage should be provided with storage space for seasonally changeable wheels. The car owner often has to deal with the repair of any units and devices - and not only automobile ones. For such work, it is also necessary to allocate a place where a work table will be located, on which you can install locksmith's vice, control electrical devices, and the product being repaired.
The garage should provide a place to store tools - and not just a car. You also have to store cans, cans with machine oil, paints, and other chemical reagents. In order to always know where everything is located, all property should be grouped according to similar characteristics and placed in the garage according to these groups.

The garage has always been the location of the "men's club". This means that it is advisable to allocate a recreation area in the garage where you can drink a glass of beer with friends in bad weather.
Tool storage
Accommodation instrument in the garage is comparable to the art of an artist. The list of automotive tools and accessories includes wrenches of various sizes and shapes, screwdrivers, jacks, compressors. In addition, gardening tools are usually stored in the garage - rakes, shovels, scythes, hoes. So that there is order in the garage, and the tool is available for work, products of the same type should be grouped according to their purpose, and the groups should be arranged in an order corresponding to the frequency of use.

The most convenient place for the tool is on the walls. Open shelves and closed drawers are attached to them, racks, hooks, organizers.

On sale there are special designs for finishing the walls of the garage - TekPanels panels. Their grooved design makes it easy to hang and remove various products from the walls - hooks, shelves, etc.
Rest zone
If the size of the garage allows, then a recreation area should be provided. Put there a table with a kettle, a radio, some dishes, a clean towel, hangers for clean clothes.
A well-equipped garage is easier to work with. When everything is at hand, there is no need to waste time looking for the right screwdriver or key, then the work goes faster and there are fewer mistakes.
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