The thickest women on the planet

The problem of overweight is a real scourge of our time. Hundreds of thousands of people suffer from extra pounds. And it's bad not only from the point of view of beauty. Extra kilograms cause diseases that shorten our lives and make them into torture.

When we talk about the thickest people in the world, we do not mean a couple of extra pounds or even a few dozen. These people sometimes weigh more than five hundred kilograms and can not only walk independently, but sometimes also roll over in bed.

People who have this weight usually do not live long. Their companions are heart disease, problems with the musculoskeletal system, diabetes, metabolic disorders. Many of them became celebrities, but such popularity is unlikely to bring happiness. It is especially sad to see women whose weight is several centners. We have prepared a list, which included the thickest women in the world .


Mayra Lisbeth Rosales

It can serve as an example for all who have problems with being overweight. The woman had a weight of more than five hundred kilograms, but she managed to lose about four hundred kilograms.

Was born Mayra in the US, in 1980.At the age of thirty, her weight reached 500 kilograms and she could not walk. She even had a hard time moving in her bed. She pulled herself together and managed to lose more than four hundred kilograms. In this diet and special exercises helped her. Doctors made her 11 operations.

There is another story associated with this woman's name: she was tried on charges of killing her nephew, and she gave confessions. Later it turned out that she had stipulated herself to save her sister, who had killed the child. The court rendered Mayra an acquittal.

At the moment, Myra conducts an active social life, she helps those who want to lose those extra pounds. It is itself a confirmation of the fact that a person is capable of very much. You need to want this very much.

Myra and now is going to drop a few pounds.


Rosalie Bradford

This woman has just two records. At the moment she is the most fat woman in the world and a woman who was able to lose the most kilograms.

She was born in the United States in 1943.Since childhood, her problems have been overweight. Its maximum weight reached 544 kilograms. This led to a deep depression and attempted suicide.

However, then Rosalie decided to change her life: she restricted herself to food and took up gymnastics. In just one year, she dropped 190 kilograms. She managed to get rid of 416 kilograms.

A woman died in 2006.


Carol Yeager

She is considered the most fat person in the world. Carol is also the most complete woman in the history of .Its maximum weight reached 727 kilograms. She has had problems with obesity since childhood. As a child, they tried to rape her and after that her weight began to grow.

It was tried to treat, sent to medical institutions. It helped, but only for a while.

Extra kilograms deprived her of health. She had serious heart problems and diabetes. She could not move. Carol died in 1994.


Terry Smith

Is one of the of the thickest female currently living. Today, its weight is 317 kilograms. A woman can neither stand nor walk. Problems with excess weight chased Terry all her life: at the age of seven she weighed seventy kilograms. The woman herself explains this by the fact that her family did not have money for healthy food.

The doctors told the woman that she could be expected to die if she did not immediately go on a diet and lose weight. She suffers from a variety of diseases, she is tormented by constant headaches, and physicians can not conduct a normal examination, because the body of a woman does not wander into ordinary medical equipment. She was recommended to eat only healthy food and regularly do physical exercises. This woman has a husband and daughter who take care of her, because for a long time Terry can not move.


Donna Simpson

This American woman at the age of 43 years weighed 273 kilograms. But her weight does not bother her, moreover, she dreams to become even more and get to the Guinness Book of Records. To do this, she needs to weigh 450 kilograms and Donna does everything possible for this.

She has already become a record holder once. She was recognized by as the heaviest mother in the world of , but this was not enough for her. Simpson spent almost twenty years in marriage, her husband's weight was 68 kilograms. The main income for a woman is brought by her personal website, where everyone can see her everyday life. Especially popular are the moments when it absorbs a huge amount of food. Annually, a woman earns more than 90 thousand dollars.


Susannah Eman

Another woman who dreams of becoming the world's thickest .She was born in the US, now her weight is about 330 kilograms, but she dreams of reaching 700 kilograms.

She started to gain weight very quickly after the birth of her two children. At first she resolutely struggled with extra pounds, but when she became scared to stand on the scales, she decided to take advantage of the moment and become famous. After that Susanna stopped limiting herself in food and began to gain weight rapidly.

Later, she caught a glimpse of the thickest people in the world, and a plan was born in the woman's head. She wanted to become famous and get into the record book. Now she sets a task to eat at least twenty thousand calories a day. Her stomach got used to this amount of food for a long time, but then he gave up.

A woman understands all the consequences of her behavior for her own health, but this does not stop her at all.