- Do I need to clean the audio accessories?
- How do I clean my headphones?
- Clean headphones - instruction
- Useful tips:
Those who use expensive audio equipment, for certain from time to time the question arises: how to clean the headphones? To do this is easy enough if you have all the necessary means at your fingertips. What exactly and what you need to do, you will learn in this article.
to the contents ↑Do I need to clean the audio accessories?
Even if you are incredibly clean, all the same on the surface of the mesh wax particles of earwax stick to it on top of the dust settles, which eventually turns into a persistent plaque of black mud. This is not only not aesthetically pleasing, but can also become the cause of the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, all music lovers and those who often use headphones for calls, Internet communication and listening to audio books, you must know how to clean the headphones from sulfur, and do it regularly.
Important! Of course, if you use very cheap items, most likely you will be easier to buy a new accessory, and not look for options for unnecessary waste of time and effort to clean up the current one.
to the contents ↑How to clean the headphones?
The list of tools with which you can clean your headphones is simple enough - almost all the necessary items and substances you will find at hand in your house:
- cotton wool and sticks;
- clean paper or tissue wipes;
- alcohol;
- any cleaner for glass;
- adhesive tape;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- any small capacity - the usual cover from any plastic bottle is best for this purpose.
Clean the headphones - instruction
To clean the white headphones from sulfur and other dirt, proceed as follows:
- Remove the rubber covers.
- Dampen the cotton ball in the alcohol or wiper and wipe it with all the wires and external surfaces of your audio accessory.
- In the cover, pour a little peroxide in a layer up to 4 mm high.
- Gently lower the headphones into this liquid, so that it only has an outer mesh.
- Fix the accessory in this position with tape and leave it for 15 minutes - peroxide will dissolve the dirt and it will be easy to remove.
- Dampen cotton buds in alcohol, wipe them with rubber caps.
- Remove the headphones from the soaking solution, wipe it with a cloth or cloth, but in such a way that it does not push the liquid inside the equipment - it should not be in any way on the contacts.
- Place on a flat surface on a rag so that the audio accessory is completely dry.
- Replace the rubber lining.
Important! To more effectively remove dirt inside the mesh, you can use after soaking the accessory in peroxide vacuum treatment. Then proceed as follows:
- Blind from plasticine a small ball.
- Take a thin tube of diameter equal to the section of holes on the grid of headphones.
- Connect them and insert them into the hose of the vacuum cleaner.
- Turn on the machine to the lowest possible mode and vacuum the mesh.
Useful advices:
- Do not give your headphones to other people - this is a subject from the category of "personal" in terms of hygiene.
- Regularly clean your ears, but do not abuse this procedure so as not to disrupt the natural process of secretory secretions in your body and not to harm yourself.
Clean your headphones at least once a month, following the advice we've provided, and your audio equipment will work for years!