- Who is a bug-soldier?
- Habitat or where to look for a bug-soldier?
- Why fight red bugs?
- How to understand that the damage is caused by bedbugs?
- When to take measures to combat a bedbug?
- How to get rid of red flies?
- Useful advices:
When the land is cultivated on the territory, there often appears a bug-soldier - how to get rid of it, not all of you think about it. In appearance, these small insects scurrying about their business and outwardly attractive do not cause concern to the owners of allotments. Nevertheless, the harm from them, although not very noticeable at once, but there is. Therefore, we need to know what remedy for bug-selling soldiers can be used and what measures of struggle exist at all. About all the features of this conditional pest garden you will learn from this article.
to the contents ↑Who is a bug-soldier?
Bedbugs are soldiers of the Krasnoklopov family. The size of adults rarely exceeds 12 mm in length, and the larvae are completely invisible, if not puzzled by their search on their territory.
Depending on the specific subspecies, the bug-soldier - how to get rid of which you learn below, can have a different color. But necessarily bright, for example, a combination of yellow with black or red with black.
Important! Most subspecies of these insects live only in a tropical climate. In our country, only a few are common, which greatly simplifies the fight against the bedbug in the garden.
to the contents ↑Habitats or where to look for a bug-soldier?
These representatives of the flora are usually colonized by colonies, which, in combination with the bright color, allows them to immediately notice their nests and places of life.
Most often it is:
- stumps;
- woodpiles;
- fences;
- trunks of dried trees.
Important! In order to facilitate the task and act purposefully, trying to get rid of the bug-soldier, it is not superfluous to know that these insects prefer to gather only in places with good access to sunlight.
to the contents ↑Why fight red bugs?
Modern agronomists refer this species of beetles to conditional pests. The reason for this lies in the fact that in principle the red-flies feed on fallen fruits, seeds, plant shoots, and can also eat smaller insects and even carrion.
But in the absence of affordable food or with close proximity to conditions acceptable to them, crop plants can be damaged. They can be found on cultures of various types, these are:
- flowers;
- cabbage;
- various kinds of umbrella;
- shoots of garden plants;
- young trees;
- grapes.
Important! In the process of searching for food, bedbugs-soldiers can damage various parts of plants - buds, leaves, stems, shoots. As a result, after the insects sucked the juice, the plants lose their vitality, dry out and completely die. Fruits, gnawed by these pests, become unfit for human consumption.
Given these factors, it becomes clear that you need to get rid of bedbug-soldiers as soon as possible after you have noticed the first groups of these "uninvited settlers" of your garden.
to the contents ↑How to understand that it is bugs that cause harm?
To understand whether damage to cultural plantations is caused by bedbugs, not other types of pests, pay attention to the characteristic signs of their activities.
Such factors are:
- , the instantaneous fall of buds after the appearance of the colonies of red-claws;
- rapid death of umbelliferous, especially dill and coriander;
- twisting leaves on carrots;
- appearance of black characteristic spots with holes on cabbage leaves.
When to take measures to combat the bug-soldier?
To think about preventive measures and fight against bug-soldiers is best in the early spring, while the period of vegetation and fruit ripening has not yet come.
to the contents ↑How to get rid of the red-faced?
When choosing a remedy for a bug-soldier, it is advisable to give preference to the most gentle methods. One of these is planting and growing plants that drive off these pests with their smell. These include cimimiuguga.
Important! Growing this decorative plant, you can get another effect - the original decoration of your site, because this looks very attractive and bright.
If the number of pests is so large that it is too late to plant a klugogon plant, it will still be necessary to use special chemistry. For this purpose, the preparation "Bancol" is suitable.
Important! This remedy for bugs-soldiers is relatively safe for humans, does not have a sharp odor. For use, you must dissolve 5 mg of the drug in 10 liters of water and sprinkle all affected cultures. The result in the form of complete death of the entire colony will be visible on the 1-3 day after treatment.
to the table of contents ↑Useful advices:
- Start fighting with the bug-soldier as soon as possible after you notice the presence of insects in your area.
- Plant useful crops away from planting legumes.
- Keep an eye on the amount of alfalfa on your site, as it very attracts this type of insect. When it grows, cut down all the stems under the root, without giving the slightest chance to bugs for life.
Now you have more detailed information about the bug-soldiers and understand what they are harmful. Take preventive measures in early spring and you do not have to fight them during the development of your vegetables, berry bushes and fruit trees.