Top 10 most beautiful cats in the world

Cats belong to the class of the most famous and popular pets. Only in the US more than 65% of the population keep fluffy pets of different breeds in their homes. As for the content of cats in Russia, people with money prefer to have a pet not only because of their love of cats, but also because individual breeders are relatively expensive. Here is the current rating of the top 10 the most beautiful cats in the world .


Cat Sphynx

Incredibly good and affectionate creature, which has an original appearance and strikes with its beauty. As a rule, the cat is bald. The price threshold can range from 300 to 3000 dollars. An important condition for keeping a pet at home is an irresistible sense of a person's love for him. If you do not give this unique animal enough time, it will lead to his sudden death.


Bengal cat

Not only a very beautiful breed of cats, but also one of the most expensive, the cost can reach 2500 dollars. This cat has a very exotic and attractive appearance. Especially the attention of her eyes. Their bright orange color and other shades of bright colors can scare you at night with their luminescence, and in the daytime simply to strike on the spot with inimitable charm and depth.


Shorthair British cat

The purebred kitten of this breed can cost from 500 to 1500 dollars, has incredible beauty and rightfully takes 8 place of our rating of the most beautiful cats of the world .The main residence of these cats are the houses and apartments of Great Britain and America, in which people bring out thoroughbred pets for the subsequent demonstration of them in various competitions and exhibitions.


Blue Russian cats

This incredibly caring and relatively expensive animal is the favorite pet of millions of families around the world. The price range is quite extensive and can reach a value of 400 to 3000 dollars. Cats, as if born to be "nannies" for your children. They willingly play with children and always please their household with their magical green eyes, the fire in which never fades.


Persian cats

Homeland of these pets are the United States and the developed cities of Great Britain. Incredible grace, plastic, inimitable appearance make people admire the tenderness and beauty of the Persian cat. A thoroughbred kitten and even an adult cat can cost between $ 500 and $ 5,500.But, believe me, it's worth it!


Cats of breed Allerka

The cost of one specimen of this unique cat can reach a figure of 6000 dollars. Such a high price is due not only to the external attractiveness of the pet, but also its unique property not to cause any allergic reactions of a person to wool odor and other irritants.


Cat Savannah

This is a completely domestic cat, which at first glance looks like a representative of the wild. The specific color of the pet is similar to the structure of the coat of a leopard or lynx, but the growth of an individual is not as great as that of a wild ancestor. Suffice it to mention that the value of this cat can prevail and reach the figure, just think about it, at $ 50,000.The breed is very popular in America and takes the fourth place in our list of the most beautiful cats on the planet.


Cats of the breed Asher

We can say that this is a hybrid domestic pet, which appeared in Africa. The animal is incredibly smart at any age, always very thoughtful and adequately responds to the current situation, knows how to listen to the owner and very quickly understands what they want from him. In DNA, a link is found with the Savannah cats, but it is still a separate species, which on the market is estimated at an average of 600 to 10,000 dollars.


Petersburg Sphinx

It's worth mentioning that the nominal value for one individual of this breed is $ 1,200.The record maximum is at the level of 5000 dollars. This is a relatively recent sight of a bald cat, who is used to living in a temperate climate. Her almond-shaped blue eyes are simply mesmerizing, and the characteristic membranes on the paws make her physiological structure wonder. Many consider this breed one of the most beautiful in the world .


Folded Scottish cat

The rating of closes the rating of the most charming breeds of cats. The Scottish representative of the genus of felines, which costs up to 3000 dollars. This is a very curious and quick-witted by nature animal, which also strives to "get stuck" in another adventure. These cats from birth have the talent of sitting down on their hind legs and holding their backs, and their interesting muzzles with drooping ears evoke ineffable tenderness and delight.

Special popularity of this breed of cats is observed in the USA, Canada and Great Britain, and also in the countries of Asia.

An important condition for keeping a pet is thorough care for it and a rational food system. It is necessary to devote time to these events.

The most beautiful cats: video