Top 10: The biggest sharks in the world

More than 450 million years ago the ancestors of modern sharks were in the seas. The biggest sharks in the world still continue to admire and terrify with their size. These underwater inhabitants are extremely interesting creatures. It is a delusion to consider them exclusively marine predators. There are among them species that feed only on plankton and krill, and some of the sharks live in freshwater.



The shark-mako is the largest and fastest predator from the family of herring sharks. Capable of throwing a high speed - more than 70 kilometers per hour. The shark-mako jumps out of the water at 6 meters, which makes it one of the most agile and dangerous sea predators. It is considered an extremely aggressive species. The average body size is 3.2 - 3.5 meters. The largest caught individual had a length of 4.45 meters. The shark-mako is a danger to humans, but in most cases, attacks on people were provoked. The embryos of these sharks attack each other in the womb and find out which of them can survive. They form tiny, but sharp teeth.


Fox shark

Fox shark in length reaches more than 6 meters and is one of the largest predators of its kind. Most of the length of her body is an elongated caudal fin. Very interesting way of hunting these sharks - they use their tail as a whip and with its help first pound, and then stun prey. A fox shark can jump out of the water completely. Large dimensions make it seemingly formidable, but in fact, it does not represent a danger to a person, since it is rather fearful.

Did you know that there is a goblin shark? The second name is a shark-house. It is named so for unusual appearance and mobile teeth, which are advanced forward during the hunt.


Six-edged shark

The six-edged shark is one of the largest marine predators in its family.5.4 meters is the maximum fixed length. On average, the size of this shark is 3-4 meters. Dangers to humans, it does not represent, but negatively relates to touch and tries to escape from divers to depth. Despite seeming slowness and clumsiness, during hunting six-shark shark is capable of making swift shots for an elusive victim.

In Indonesia there lives a shark Hemiscyllium halmahera, which can move along the bottom with fins. It refers to one of six types of so-called "walking" sharks.


Giant shark hammer

The giant shark hammer derives its name from its impressive body size and is one of the largest sharks in the world. The maximum length is 6, 1 meter. The average size of a hammerhead shark is 3.5 meters. On humans, it attacks rarely, but is a potentially dangerous sea predator.

Did you know that only two individuals of the pocket shark were found by scientists? The last specimen was found in the samples collected by the expedition in 2010.The first individual - a miniature shark Parina( Mollisquama parini) was caught in 1979.


Tiger Shark

Tiger Shark is one of the largest marine predators, which rightfully belongs to the largest sharks. Although the body size of individuals of this species reaches an average of 5 meters, scientists suggest that there are larger specimens. Their size can be more than 7 meters. Like the white shark, this species is the most dangerous for humans. Quite often in the stomachs of these marine predators, parts of human bodies are found. To protect people from attacks in some countries, shooting of tiger sharks is carried out.


Pelagic Great Shark Shark

Honorable fifth place in the ranking of the biggest sharks in the world is pelagic whitecrack shark .It is also one of the most poorly studied species. This deep-sea inhabitant was discovered only recently - in 1976.The maximum size of the caught individual reached 5.70 meters. Scientists have discovered only 60 large-sized sharks.


White Shark

Carharodon, or , the white shark , often called the "shark killer", impresses not only by the tremendous power of its jaws, but also by its size. This dangerous sea predator is one of the biggest sharks in the world. The average size of individuals of this species is 4.5 meters. In history, several cases have been recorded, when fishermen caught carharhodones more than 6 meters long. White shark refers to an endangered species, in the world there are only 3,500 individuals.


Greenland Polar Shark

The Greenland Polar Shark is one of the largest sharks in the world, inhabiting the northern waters. Its size can reach 6-7 meters, and weight - one and a half tons. Because of its slowness, according to scientists, it uses special tactics during hunting - it catches seals when they peacefully sleep in the water. Polar shark is one of the slowest fish on Earth. Its speed does not exceed 2.7 kilometers per hour, which is due to the low temperature of its habitat.


Giant shark

Giant( giant) shark - second place among the biggest sharks in the world belongs to this species. Males are slightly smaller than females, the size of the latter reaches 9.8 meters. Perhaps there are specimens up to 15 meters long. In the XIX century in the network of fishermen there were individuals about 12 meters in length. Due to mass extermination, large specimens are now extremely rare. The giant shark feeds on plankton, krill and small fish. Dangers for a person does not represent, although it looks menacing when it opens its mouth wide. A giant shark allows divers to approach them at close range. But touching it is not worth it because of sharp scales that can injure the skin.


Whale shark

Whale shark - the size palm should be given this kind. It belongs to the largest sharks in the world, as well as to the largest modern fish. On average, the length of the body of the whale shark reaches 12-14 meters, but it is possible that there are some representatives of a larger species - 18-20 meters in length. To feed themselves, this gigantic marine dweller has to absorb about 200 kilograms of plankton and small fish daily. The largest recorded weight of the whale shark was 36 tons.



If we consider extinct species, then here the unconditional winner in the ranking of the biggest sharks in the world will be megalodone. Fossil remains suggest that it reached at least 16 meters in length and could weigh about 50 tons. This super-predator was fed by cetaceans and large fish. It was spread everywhere and, due to its size, did not have enemies.