Top 10 Most dangerous breeds of dogs in the world

In this rating we would like to tell you about the ten most dangerous dogs in the world .There are many factors that play a role in assigning a level of "danger" to dogs, but among researchers, on this account, there is no consensus. Consequently, it would not be entirely fair to consider any dog ​​breeds more dangerous. Nevertheless, some of them have a greater potential for causing serious harm to human health. It is important to note that most often, dogs are wonderful pets, very friendly to people. They are intelligent, sociable, it is interesting to play with adults and children, but under certain circumstances, even peaceful and calm animals can manifest aggression and become angry, and some breeds of dogs in this respect represent a greater danger.

Thus, the top 10 rating of the is the most dangerous breed of dog in the world. is dedicated to animals that are becoming evil and aggressive capable of causing the greatest damage to human health.


Canary dog ​​

  • Country of origin: Spain
  • Growth at the withers: 56-68 cm
  • Body weight: 45-60 kg

This is a breed of shepherds and guard dogs. Has a strong physique. Despite its menacing appearance, in which enormous strength and power is read, is not particularly aggressive. Canary danes are very balanced, strongly attached to their master, and to strangers are treated with suspicion, which is demonstrated by becoming a determined pose. Although the Canaries do not belong to the the most evil breeds of dogs in the world , nevertheless, with an immediate threat to their owner, they will rush to his defense.


German Shepherd Dog

  • Country of origin: Germany
  • Height at withers: 55-65 cm
  • Body weight: 22-40 kg

German Shepherd is well known around the world, including the famous American film K-9: dog work. These animals can be described as excellent companions and guards. German Shepherds are a physically strong and fearless breed of dogs. They need an active lifestyle and are always happy to walk and play games. Despite the fact that the shepherds are fairly balanced and intelligent, it is worth remembering that this is one of the most dangerous breeds of dogs in the world and in a rage that can cause serious harm to a person. Unlike the others, German shepherds are able to find a common language and obey several hosts, which makes them irreplaceable as service dogs.



  • Country of origin: China
  • Growth at the withers: 46-56 cm
  • Body weight: 20-32 kg

Dogs of this breed, in appearance, look very cute and cute, such "fluffy lumps", in principle,so it is, but there are also its nuances. .. Chow-chow is rather melancholic, they seem measured and slightly detached, but do not forget that this is one of the most dangerous breeds of dogs in the world. They are wary of strangers and do not particularly like it when they are aggressively trying to caress not family members. Therefore, with the chow-chow you need to be careful and extremely cautious. Their outward seeming calmness can stop instantly and the dog will become angry and aggressive.



  • Country of origin: China
  • Height at withers: 63-72 cm
  • Body weight: 32-45 kg

Often used as a service, becauseby their nature dobermans have well-developed protective qualities. Externally, dogs have an elegant physique, you can even say high-ampere, but at the same time, powerful, strong and hardy. Dobermanns have a friendly disposition and they treat children well. However, dogs of this breed have an explosive temperament, therefore in case of manifestation of aggression and anger, represent a potential danger.


Caucasian Shepherd Dog

  • Country of origin: Russia
  • Height at withers: 64-75 cm
  • Body weight: 40-80 kg

"Caucasians" are one of the most popular dogs in Russia. These are mighty dogs of large size, fearless and decisive. Depending on the length of the coat there are three types: short, medium and long. Sufficiently easy to train. In our country they were loved for their excellent watchful qualities, endurance and ingenuity. Like most watchdogs, they are extremely wary of outsiders. If you take into account the large size, strength and incredulity, the Caucasian shepherd in the attack represents a big threat to health.


Siberian Husky

  • Country of origin: Russia
  • Height at withers: 50-60 cm
  • Body weight: 15-28 kg

Husky, originally designated "eski" short for the name residing in the Far East of the people - Eskimos. It is a driving breed of dogs, possessing a peace-loving and lively disposition. With proper upbringing, the Huskies are practically in any circumstances unable to harm a person, by the way, only 4 breeds of dogs in the world can boast of such good nature. Huskies will be excellent companions and get along with all members of the family. But with all the merits, with the content of these dogs in the apartment, problems may arise, becausethey need to pay a lot of attention - to walk for a long time( physical activity is necessary), to develop their thinking through various games. Given the above, the Siberian Husky can not be called the most aggressive dog in the world, but this does not mean that it is incapable, under certain circumstances, to pose a danger to man.


German boxer

  • Country of origin: germany
  • Growth at the withers: 53-63 cm
  • Body weight: 25-30 kg

The ancestors of this breed are English bulldogs and the disappeared species - bullenbeysers. By build, boxers are strong, stocky, with a powerful square-shaped head and an extremely strong jaw. Their intimidating and aggressive look does not at all indicate their nature. In fact, they are not evil at all, but on the contrary - energetic and playful dogs( the most playful among the guard rocks) with a calm temperament. They are excellent in training and get on well with children.


Bull terrier

  • Country of origin: germany
  • Height at withers: 40-55 cm
  • Body weight: 20-35 kg

The breed of these dogs leads from England of the 19th century. The Bull Terrier has emerged as a result of a mixture of classic English bulldogs and terriers. As a result, these animals have acquired a frightening appearance( especially the head), which can not be confused with any other breed of dogs. With benevolent upbringing, bull terriers become devoted companion dogs and, usually, do not show aggression towards people. Bulies are very active and they require long walks and games. Bull terrier was not accidentally in our ranking of the top 10 most dangerous breeds of dogs in the world. These dogs have very powerful muscles, an incredibly strong jaw and have a so-called "dead grip".Also, it should be remembered that bull terriers do not get along well with other animals, including dogs.



  • Country of origin: germany
  • Growth at the withers: 56-68 cm
  • Body weight: 42-50 kg

Rottweilers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. These are very powerful, well-built animals with strong jaws, energetic, bold and assertive in nature. The main credo of the Rottweilers is the defender. As a rule, representatives of this breed are very suspicious of strangers, becausemost often, Rottweilers tend to obey only one person, and in cases where the owner is in danger, they become aggressive and angry and, when attacked, can cause serious injuries.


Pit Bull

  • Country of origin: germany
  • Growth at the withers: 45-56 cm
  • Body weight: 14-36 kg

The most dangerous breed of dogs in the world is the pit bull. This is a cross between a terrier and a bulldog. They have fairly large body size and well developed musculature. There are two types of these animals - with the predominance of external features from the terrier or bulldog. On the pitbulls there are many conflicting opinions: on the one hand these dogs have excellent fighting qualities and are often spoken of as one of the most evil dogs in the world;on the other - they say that the pitbullies are devoted comrades and reliable defenders. Despite the legendary dogs surrounding this breed, characterizing it as extremely ferocious and cruel, by nature they are kind, friendly and cheerful animals.

The most dangerous breeds of dogs in the world of video

In conclusion, I would like to add that today we have examined various breeds of dogs that can present a serious danger due to their size, power or character, but this does not mean that they should be considered the most evil breeds of dogsin the world. Remembering the wise expression "We are responsible for those who have tamed," one can conclude that a good attitude towards their pets is often the most important factor affecting their behavior.