The biggest crocodiles in the world

Crocodiles are among the largest predators living in various water bodies. Currently, there are 23 species among these underwater predators.

The top 10 includes the 's largest crocodiles in the world of that exist or have ever been on Earth ever.


African narrow-necked crocodile Length of 3 meters

The African narrow-necked crocodile opens the top of the largest crocodiles in the world. The largest specimens of this species can grow up to 4 meters, but most often their size does not exceed 3 meters. The narrow muzzle of a predator is adapted for catching fish and other small living creatures. Currently, the population is poorly understood. The species is widespread in the regions of West Africa.


Central American crocodile Length 4.5 meters

Central American crocodile is among the top ten among its family members. The maximum size of the animal is 4.5 meters with a weight of 400 kg. It is not only one of the largest crocodiles, but also the fastest predators. His diet mainly includes fish and small reptiles. Also recorded cases of attacks on domestic dogs and other animals, which hunters attacked from the water. The population is widespread in the waters of Central America and the Gulf of Mexico. Habitat, this species prefers to choose lakes, rivers and marshes.


Cuban or pearl crocodile Length 4.9 meters

Cuban or pearl crocodile - a large reptile of the family of these crocodiles. The maximum dimensions that this species can reach is 4.9 meters. Among his "relatives" the representative is distinguished by a more vivid coloring and long, powerful legs. He lives in the fresh swampy ponds of the island of Juventud, near the coast of Cuba. Hence its name. The water inhabitant basically prefers to eat fish, turtles, crabs and some mammals.


Nile crocodile Length 5.5 meters

Nile crocodile is one of the largest reptiles in the family of these crocodiles. The maximum length of the trunk, to which the largest males are able to grow - 5.5 meters. Such giants weigh about 500 kg. The record among the Nile individuals was an individual caught in 1905.The weight of the predator was just over 1 ton, and the length exceeded 6 meters. The habitat of stalwart monsters prefer to choose freshwater marshes and estuaries of rivers. Like all crocodiles, representatives of this species have strong and powerful jaws, the bite force of which exceeds 2 tons. Feed water inhabitants of mammals, birds, reptiles and large fish. Recently, the population of the species has significantly decreased due to active hunting for the animal's skin.


Sharp crocodile Length 5.5 meters

Sharp crocodile is among the largest among its relatives. The maximum length of his body usually does not reach more than 4 meters, but there are individuals with a length of 5.5 meters. The approximate weight of the largest representatives is 500 kg. The main source of food for the predator is the fish, as their narrow muzzle clearly points out. Sometimes its prey is snakes, birds, turtles, snails, frogs and other not very large livestock. Despite the fact that the kind among their kind is considered less aggressive, there are cases of attacks on people. Recently, the population of sharply crocodiles has decreased very much, because of what the species has been listed in many countries in the Red Book.


Alligators Length 5.8 meters

Alligators are on the list of the largest reptiles from the detachment of crocodiles. They differ from the real representatives of the widest muzzle. They can easily be found in the dark, thanks to red glowing eyes at night. In young individuals, the eyes are highlighted in green. The largest alligators reach 4.5 meters in length, but there are sources that say the maximum length of the body is 5.8 meters. A giant alligator with such a length was caught in the US state of Louisiana and weighed about 1 ton. The habitat of the animal is China and the United States.


Gavial Length 6 meters

Gavial is considered one of the largest crocodiles in nature today. A distinctive feature of the gavial crocodile from other members of the detachment is a narrow muzzle adapted for more convenient fishing, which is the ration of the animal. The largest specimen of this species can reach 6 meters, but most often there are no more than 5 meters of gavials. To walk on the ground, the giants are practically not adapted and spend most of their time in the water. The population is widespread on the peninsula of Hindustan, Nepal, India, Myanmar and Pakistan.


Ridged crocodile Length 7 meters

The combed crocodile , also referred to as the crocodile-cannibal, is one of the largest representatives of its kind. The largest individuals can reach 7 meters in length and weigh about 2 tons. One of these giants was caught in the Philippine Islands. His body reached 6.5 meters, and weighed over 1000 kg. Now the monster lives in the local zoo, attracting a large flow of tourists. The habitat of predators is chosen as fresh and salty waters, so the area of ​​their distribution is wide enough. They feed on reptiles, large fish, artiodactyls coming to the watering place. There are cases when people became victims of bloodthirsty reptiles. The insidious hunter goes out for catching prey in the dark, when it is almost impossible to notice him. In this case, the combed crocodiles are able to run fast enough, developing a speed of up to 40 km for short distances and only along a straight trajectory.


Sarcohause Length of 15 meters

Sarcohause takes the second place among the largest crocodiles in the world. The extinct species of the Cretaceous period belonged to the genus of giant crocodilomorphs. The animal possessed rather impressive dimensions: the maximum length of its body could reach 15 meters, and its weight exceeded 14 tons. He possessed a huge skull 1.5 meters in length and a durable shell, performing defensive purposes when attacking predatory dinosaurs. The predator had powerful jaws that provided the bite force, estimated at 15 tons. As a food, he served as a large species of fish and herbivorous dinosaurs. There lived sarcochuzes in the territory of Africa.


Deinohaus Length 16 meters

Deinohaus tops the list of the largest crocodiles that ever existed on Earth. The extinct species lived approximately 80 million years ago, from the end of the Cretaceous to Neogene. The skeleton of the giant predator found was 16 meters high. According to scientists, the animal's weight exceeded 15 tons. The conducted studies give the possibility to assume that the life cycle of the deunochus was 50 years, while he had the same rates of growth as ordinary crocodiles. Presumably, the predator could kill a large dinosaur in order to have lunch. His victims were also large sea turtles, with which he dealt with his powerful and strong jaws. As a small snack could get off and the usual fish.