The strongest animals in the world

The strongest animals in the world of are not necessarily the largest, because their size can be less than 1 mm. Do not believe me? Then get acquainted with our rating and learn about the discoveries of scientists who presented an extraordinary list of the world's strongest living beings. Defined the top ten indicators such as the ratio of size, body weight and weight, which the animal can lift or carry on itself. In some cases, the maximum speed of movement, on which the animal is capable, was taken into account.


Grizzly Bear

Grizzly Bear opens the top ten most powerful animals in the world. The terrible predator is one of the largest among its relatives. The body length of the grizzly can reach 4 meters, and the weight of more than 700 kg. The beast is also one of the most dangerous species of animals, which poses a potential threat to humans. And it is not surprising, because a bear does not mind eating meat and can easily kill an animal that exceeds it in size. The grizzly is capable of lifting objects that are equal to the mass of his body. When hunting, it can reach speeds of up to 60 km / h.



Elephant is not only the largest land animal, but also the strongest. The weight of the inhabitant of tropical forests and savannas is about 7 tons, and the length of the body can reach up to 7.5 meters. With its powerful trunk the animal is able to lift an object that exceeds its own weight by 1.7 times. This unique organ represents a well developed muscular and tendon system. With the help of his elephant can safely tear up the roots of the trees, carry logs and even lift the car for this giant will not be difficult. In addition, the elephant can easily lift small objects with the help of a trunk. The maximum speed that an animal can develop is 48 km / h.



Tiger is the most powerful animal in the world among felines. The predatory beast has impressive dimensions: in length it reaches 3.5 meters, and in weight - 300 kg. Pursuing prey, the animal can reach speeds of up to 65 km / h. Therefore, the tiger is also among the ten fastest animals on earth. The predator is capable of killing his prey with a single paw. He is able to bear prey, which is twice his weight. Often, wild boar, deer, roe deer, moose, buffalo and other artiodactyls fall into the clutches of a formidable tiger.


African crowned eagle

The African crowned eagle is the most powerful animal in the world among birds. The natural predator has powerful wings with a reach of 2 meters. The bird has very strong limbs with tenacious claws, in which it carries prey weighing 4 times its own weight. The production of a crowned eagle is made by animals the size of a monkey or even a small antelope. On a very large beast, winged predators hunt in pairs: one scares the victim, and another attacks. His eagle takes the prey to the nest, where he eats it completely. If the caught animal turns out to be very large, the bird tears it apart and carries it to its nest in pieces.



Gorilla is considered the most powerful animal in the world from the order of primates. An adult can reach 2 meters in height and weigh up to 250 kg. An impressive size and well-developed musculature allows the gorilla to lift objects that are 10 times higher than her own body weight. In addition, the animal is able to deal with such a powerful animal as a tiger. Despite the fact that the animal is able to move on its hind legs, it prefers to do it on all fours. This is one of the reasons why gorillas have so trained forelegs.



Crocodile is the most powerful animal among reptiles. These large lizards, over 4 meters in length, have very strong jaws, whose pressure when bitten is more than 2 tons per square inch. Crocodile from the first time able to snack the body of an adult. The maximum speed at which a reptile is capable of pursuing prey on land is 17 km / h.


ant leaflet ant leaflet is the fourth most powerful animal in the world. Its name is due to the ability to process the leaves. Ants grind the powerful jaws of the plant into small pieces, moisten them with their saliva and put them into storage. So they prepare the soil for growing mushrooms, which will feed the entire colony. Therefore, leaf cutters have a second name of the mushroom ants.

Ants are not only very hardworking, organized, but also very strong. One such small creature is able to transfer an object at one time, which exceeds its own weight by 50 times. Conventional ants carry a mass that is only 20 times their own weight.



Beetle-bearer reveals the top three most powerful animals in the world. An insect of medium size raises a mass that can exceed its own weight by 1100 times. If we draw an analogy with a man, it is equivalent to the fact that he could lift six buses filled with people. The weight of the beetle is no more than 2 grams, and the length of the shell can reach 2.5 cm. Its main food is manure, which it finds thanks to its developed sense of smell. The beetle is able to mold a 50 gram bead from humus and transfer it to its burrow, the depth of which can be more than half a meter. This dung beetle is enough for an insect for about 12 hours. After the ball is eaten, the beetle is sent for a new portion.



Clamp The is one of the strongest living creatures on Earth. They live in the soil where their population is more than hundreds of thousands per square meter. These pincers are so small that they can not be seen with the naked eye. But despite this, microscopic creatures are able to lift a weight that exceeds their own 1000 times. Such indicators are equivalent to the fact that a person could, with its size, raise 80 tons. Armor pliers are of great importance: these workers, thanks to their activities, contribute to soil formation.



The rating of the most powerful animals in the world is headed by copepod .The sizes of the inhabitant of sea waters from 1 mm to 1 cm do not prevent him from being the champion of the planet among the strongmen. The copepod is very well developed musculature, which helps it gain incredible speed for its size - 6 km / h. In one second, he moves a distance of 500 times, exceeding the length of his body. The strength that his legs can develop is ten times that of other animals. If a man could run with the same force, then his speed was 2,000 km / h! Thus, it is not only the most powerful being on the planet, but also the fastest. For scientists copepoda is an object of constant study. Similar to their incredible ability to move, engineers want to create vehicles for studying the depths of the sea.