There are several tens of thousands of animal species on our planet, but only some of them have impressive dimensions. Animals live everywhere: on land, in air, under ground, and in water. At the last place of residence of living beings, we will stop. Since childhood, everyone knows that whales are the largest animals that live in an aquatic environment. But few people realize that among them there are incomparable giants. We present to the attention of the reader information about which are the largest whales in the world.
Small minke Minke Length 10.7 meters
The world's largest whale tops opens the smallest Whale of the Whipweed family. An animal feeding on plankton and small fishes has fins and belly of white color, and a dark gray upper body color. A distinctive feature of the minke whale is its white stripes behind the head.
Dwells in the waters of both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. The length of the largest specimen reached 10.7 meters.
The leader in the number of annual minke whales is the "Land of the Rising Sun" - Japan. The whaling industry is about 900 individuals. On the second and third places are Norway and Iceland, respectively.
Northern smooth whale Length 13-17 meters
This species of the smooth whale family is common in the northern waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Individuals, 13-17 meters in length, have a mass of more than 100 tons. A distinctive feature of the whale is the absence of the dorsal fin. An animal of black color, occupying the 9th place in the top of the largest whales in the world, has a large number of parasites on its body. Especially the mammal's forehead teems with them.
The speed of the whale's movement is no more than 8 km / h. As a result, it becomes an easy prey for a person. Currently, it is on the brink of extinction. The number of preserved whales does not exceed 300 individuals.
Humpback whale Length 17-18 meters
Another animal of our rating of the largest whales of the world, from the family of the striped whales. Its name was due to the dorsal fin in the form of a hump. The largest specimens of this species of animals reach a size of 17-18 meters. The mass does not exceed 50 tons. The whale has a specific shape and body color, very long pectoral fins( 30% of the entire body), and a large caudal fin. The species is distributed throughout the world's oceans, except for the Arctic. In Russia it is found only in a small part of the Barents Sea.
Southern smooth whale Length 18 meters
Another species of the family of smooth whales. Animals, 18 meters in size and weighing up to 80 tons, have a color ranging from dark brown to blue-black. Distinctive feature of southern whales are growths under the jaw and above the eyes. Head size is 1/3 the size of the body. There is no dorsal fin. The females of the southern smooth whale are physically larger than the males.
Animals, being one of the largest whales in the world, live in the Southern Ocean( temperate and subpolar latitudes).
For a long time this species was under threat, but, at the present time, the number of individuals exceeds more than 7,000.
Japanese whale Length 19 meters
This species of whale is hardly distinguishable from the smooth North Atlantic, but it is larger. Especially large individuals reach a size of 19 m. The weight of a Japanese whale does not exceed 80 tons. Specimens of black color with small dorsal fin feed on crustaceans. They swim slowly, but they often jump out of the water. The fertility of the Japanese whale is low. Females give birth to one cub every three to four years. At the same time, they must reach the age of 6-12 years. They live in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, sometimes they are found off the coast of Mexico. Now the Japanese whale is under threat of extinction. On the planet there are 400 individuals of this species of one of the world's largest animals.
Sperm whale Length of 20 meters
Sperm whales live in groups of several dozen individuals. This type of mammal has a pronounced sexual dimorphism, that is, females are smaller, differ in the shape of the body, head. The largest specimens of males reach a length of 20 meters and weigh 50 tons. Females - 15 meters, 20 tons.
The mammal, which occupies the middle of the ranking of the largest whales in the world, feeds on shellfish and squid, reaching 14-18 meters in length. It is considered an aggressive animal, so hunting for it is very risky.
The habitat of the sperm whale is distributed throughout the World Ocean, with the exception of the coldest areas.
Seyval Length 20 meters
The individual, reaching a length of 20 meters, and a mass of 30 tons, belongs to the family of rorquals. A dark gray whale with a large dorsal fin feeds on mollusks, fish gathering in flocks, and crustaceans. He lives for more than 60 years. Sexual maturation occurs in 5-7 years. It develops a speed of more than 25 km / h. Habitat: the entire World Ocean in places with a temperature above 8 degrees, but below 26. In Russia, this species of one of the largest whales in the world can be found near the Kuril Islands and in the Barents Sea( rarely).
Greenland whale Length 18-22 meters
The most seasoned whale in the world lives in the polar regions of the Arctic and off the coast of Greenland. It has a size of 18-22 meters and a body weight of 75 to 150 tons, depending on the sex of the animal. The mammal accelerates to a speed of 20 km / h. Dives to a depth of more than 200 meters and can stay there for 40 minutes.
Lives about 40 years. Individuals can exist more than 100 years. The record of the life expectancy of the Greenland whale was 211 years. The animal, located on the third line of the top of the largest whales in the world, feeds on plankton and crustaceans.
Finval Length 27 meters
Is the second largest animal in the world and the closest relative of the blue whale. The species inhabiting the Northern and Southern Hemispheres belongs to the family of the striped ones. The maximum length of an adult reaches 27 meters. The size of females is larger than the size of males, but their weight is approximately the same - 40-70 tons.
An animal with a back of a dark gray color and a white belly, prefers to live alone. But, sometimes it gets into flocks of up to 5-6 individuals. It is considered the fastest whale in the world. Its speed reaches 50 km / h. Immersed to a maximum depth of 230 meters.
Blue whale Length 33 meters
And here is the leader of our ranking of the largest whales in the world. It is considered the largest creature that ever lived on the planet. A mammal, 33 meters long and weighing more than 150 tons, feeds on plankton and small school fish.
Blue whales live alone. Sometimes they get into small groups, but even in them they float separately from each other. They live on the entire territory of the World Ocean. On average, the individuals of the blue whale live about 80 years. The oldest officially registered age of the animal was 110 years. Currently, the blue whale is on the verge of extinction. And in the 60s of the last century it was practically exterminated. Scientists are doing everything possible to increase the population. Now the number of mammals is 10 000 individuals.