The best vitamins for dogs on customer reviews

The advice to buy vitamins for a dog of many owners makes you think: how to choose them, which ones are better, what composition are they needed for, what firm to target and where is it more profitable to shop? Vitamins are not medicines, but can have an active effect on the condition of the dog and often go into the course of treatment prescribed by the veterinarian. Experienced owners mostly choose their own medications. If the dog is clinically healthy, you do not want to distract the veterinarian on this issue. With whom to consult a newcomer? The article's material, based on the responses of breeders and advanced owners, will help you navigate in this category of pet products.


  1. Vitamins for dogs which company choose
  2. Vitamins for puppies and pregnant, nursing females
  3. Vitamin and mineral complexes for adult dogs
  4. Vitamin and mineral complexes for elderly dogs
  5. Vitamins for wool
  6. Vitamins for joints and ligaments
  7. What vitamins for dogsbuy

Vitamins for dogs of which company choose

The leading brands in the rating of dog breeders are:

1. Canvit

Manufacturer from Czech Republic - Biofaktory. Now the company has passed under the management of the international holding company with the Dutch address Nutreco B.V., so the familiar name Biofaktory disappears from the labels.

2. Canina

Products from Germany from the company Canina Farma Gmbh attracts a natural composition and a wide range.

3. Excel 8 in 1

The American brand with an established reputation and clear marketing policy is part of the Spectrum Brands concern. We receive products from the European division of Germany 8in1 Pet Products GmbH.

4. Hokamix

Brand from Germany produces exclusively natural vitamins. The assortment is small.

5. Sanal

Inexpensive vitamins from the Netherlands from the company "Nederma" occupy a niche of everyday products of medium level.

6. Beaphar

The Dutch brand with a broad European geography focuses on the average price category and the mass buyer.

Vitamins in the environment of animal lovers are often called very different products. It will be more correct after all - biologically active additives. They differ in their initial raw materials, composition, form of supply and purpose.

Vitamins for puppies and pregnant, nursing females

Necessary as a daily supplement when fed "natural" - normal food, not balanced enough. If the dog is on full-fledged dry food, they are given during the period of growth, rehabilitation after illness, stress and during increased stress.


Swiss vitamins have authority among professional breeders. There are options for dogs of different sizes. A series with a focus on the full absorption of calcium and the stabilization of digestive processes in puppies after the suckling period and nursing bitches.


  • Wide composition with the addition of probiotics in the form of enzymatic extracts of Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis, which is very important for this group of animals;
  • Calcium and phosphorus minerals necessary for the formation of bones and lactation are provided;
  • A set of vitamins standard: A, D, E plus vitamin B12;
  • The feature of this formula is the emphasis on amino acids, their 10.


  • High price;
  • Not everywhere is on sale.

Excel 8 in 1 Multivitamins for Puppies

A full-blown combination of beer yeast covers the needs of the growing body of puppies. Recommended for unbalanced feeding "naturalka".


  • A wide composition of 11 vitamins and 10 minerals;
  • Fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins are given in the right proportion;
  • Group B is presented in full standard composition;
  • Basic calcium and phosphorus minerals are supplemented with rare microelements.


  • Weakly presented antioxidants;
  • One variant of packaging;
  • The price is slightly overestimated for a product from vitaminized yeast.

Canvit Junior

Well balanced and wide complex, and the composition is painted thoroughly. Two options for packaging. All the features of the age period are provided.


  • Addition of probiotic culture Enterococcus faecium;
  • Minerals are given in highly digestible chelate form;
  • A valuable feature of the formula is the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 in the form of fat salmon and antioxidants;
  • High concentration;
  • The price corresponds to the quality.


  • Not seen.

Vitamin and mineral complexes for adult dogs


Completely original brand product, which has no analogues in our market. Recommended for any type of feeding. Created exclusively on the basis of medicinal herbs. It normalizes the metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the skin and coat condition.


  • Without inclusions of synthesized vitamins;
  • Natural origin of raw materials;
  • Phytocomplex of a wide composition from 30 plant sources;
  • Acts effectively and multifaceted;
  • Suitable for dogs prone to allergies.


  • High price;
  • Not everywhere is on sale.

Beaphar Duo Active

It is interesting to feed this vitamin complex in the form of a paste. The two-color yellow-brown soft substance is saturated with a set of vitamins and minerals.


  • Natural base of vegetable oils and animal fats;
  • L-carnitine and Omega-6;
  • Specific composition is due to the presence of polysaccharides, which positively affect the intestinal microflora;
  • Pasta is delicious, dogs like it.


  • Low concentration of active substances;
  • Higher consumption leads to higher costs.


An effective complex for active dogs, athletes, hunters and guards. We can safely recommend to bitches for the recovery period after lactation, as well as to the formed juniors.


  • High concentration of components;
  • The formula is saturated with vitamins, focusing on group B;
  • Additions of the amino acid sequence in the form of a milk protein casein;
  • Essential Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids from salmon oil and sunflower oil;
  • High level of microelements, including selenium antioxidant;
  • The presence of biotin, zinc, niacin contributes to a good kind of wool.


  • Not seen.

Vitamin-Mineral Complexes for Older Dogs

Anivital CaniAge

The German-made additive is built on a skillful combination of herbal ingredients. The focus of the composition is the maintenance of the cardiovascular system, vision and a comprehensive fight against free radicals.


  • The formula involves powerful antioxidants: grape seed extract, carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, alpha-tocopherol;
  • Omega-3;
  • High content of additional animal protein;
  • Nutrients mutually reinforce each other;
  • Technological concentrated raw materials;
  • Can be given continuously;
  • Slows down aging.


  • High price;
  • Not everywhere is on sale.

VIYO Reinforces Dog Senior

A series of complex supplements from Belgium is aimed at a probiotic effect - the normalization of the digestive system. This ensures active life at any age, facilitates the aging process. With an unbalanced diet, you can give long courses. The composition is very detailed, not limited to probiotics.


  • Complete set of valuable nutrients in the ratio optimal for elderly dogs;
  • The effect is enhanced by the action of inulin and polysaccharides;
  • The recipe is enriched with unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, amino acids from meat protein;
  • Convenient form of feed - portioned sachets with powder for dilution with water and a fresh drink.


  • High price;
  • Not everywhere is on sale.


A solid standard recipe based on vitaminized brewer's yeast. Suitable for daily feeding to dogs with an unbalanced diet.


  • Enough wide range of vitamins;
  • Wheat germ oil and safflower flour;
  • Maintain the balance of the elderly;
  • Democratic price.


  • Minimum antioxidants;
  • Specific strong active substance does not include;
  • When feeding a quality ready-made food, they do not make sense.

Vitamins for wool

Additives of this group help to solve more narrow problems in dogs. The composition is dominated by specific active substances of animal and vegetable origin, bee products, algae. In most cases, these additives are given to dogs not constantly, but by the course and only with the expressed need.

Canina Petvital Derm Caps

Capsulated oil composition of vigorous action. There is a modification of the additive in the drops Petvital Derm Liquid. The components of the oil have a wide range of positive effects on the body, which affects the health of the skin and coat of dogs.


  • Natural base: vegetable oil, evening primrose and cod liver oil;
  • Unique combination of acids Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9;
  • Vegetable tocopherols and retinoids evening primrose oil;
  • Provitamin, biotin and zinc;
  • Can also be given to cats.


  • High price;
  • Capsules are not always eaten by dogs with food, they have to be cut.

Hokamix Skin &Shine

A unique "working" additive in the form of concentrated vegetable oil. In addition to improving the appearance of the coat, it has a general health-improving effect.


  • Fully natural - from different types of nuts;
  • The most complete and valuable combination of Omega fatty acids;
  • Gives a pretty quick effect;
  • Relieves irritation and dry skin;
  • Eliminates off-season moult.


  • High price;
  • Not all dogs like the smell of oil, it has to be masked with food.


The additive of the expanded structure in which biotin - vitamin H is in the lead. Provides an excellent kind of a wool after a course in 4 weeks. Advantages:

  • Biotin content is excellent;
  • The effect is enhanced by the presence of niacin;
  • Amino acid methionine, which promotes the synthesis of sulfur-containing substances;
  • No negative effect on white color;
  • Affordable price.


  • Prolonged reception is not recommended.

Vitamins for joints and ligaments

Canina Petvital GAG

The additive demonstrates a non-standard brand approach to the problem. The formula is impressive and effective, provided long-term use.


  • Original wide composition in the group of chondroprotectors;
  • Combination of flour of mollusks, algae, gelatin and sodium hyaluronate;
  • The composition is enriched with fatty acids Omega-3, 6;
  • Vitamin matrix and antioxidant selenium;
  • Good balance and concentration.


  • High cost of the course.


Proven chondroprotektor with progressive additions to restore the mobility of the joints. There is a lightened traditional version of CANVIT CHONDRO with a gradation in weight of the dog.


  • Glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM in high concentration and the correct ratio;
  • Composition is supplemented with hyaluronic acid;
  • Affordable course price.


  • Not seen.

TRM Stride

The chondroprotector from Ireland is presented in two versions, and there is an improved formula. The form of the additive is liquid.


  • High saturation;
  • Traditional triad - glucosamine hydrochloride, chondroitin sulfate and methylsulfanylmethane from the raw material of maximum purification;
  • Addition of manganese;
  • Hyaluronic acid in the Stride PLUS variant.


  • High price;
  • Not everywhere is on sale.

What vitamins for dogs to buy

Veterinarians and dog breeders-professionals advise:

1. Read the composition. It makes sense to buy vitamins with a high content of nutrients, despite their cost. You will get a guaranteed visible and faster effect.

2. Which brand is better? Foreign brands that give a concentrated product are more preferable: Canina, Canvit, Hokamix, Wolmar.

3. Look for original formulas from the technological raw materials: Hokamix, Anivital, Viyo.

4. The cost of vitamins for dogs. It is directly dependent on quality. The rule works: the higher the quality, the higher the price.

5. Medium-priced vitamins are suitable only for daily maintenance of the balance of home-cooked food: 8 in 1, Sanal, Beaphar, Polidex.

6. Where to buy vitamins? Better in online stores. More choice and delivery from authorized dealers.