It is believed that Scooter - transport for children. But the ride it is possible not only in childhood. An adult using a scooter trains your musculoskeletal system, improves coordination, learning to control the body, tightens the muscles. Scooter - an effective way to feel like a child and plunge into childhood.
- Features
- Kinds of scooters for adults
- How to choose a scooter for adults
- Precautionary measures
- Exploitation
Bicycles, scooters, roller skates became gradually replace the cars and motorcycles. Simple and compact vehicles do not pollute the environment, makes it possible to reach the desired location without traffic jams, get some fresh air.
40% of adults were transferred to the bikes and scooters. This is a comfortable workout for the muscles of the legs, hips and press.
Demand creates supply, so the range of such products is constantly growing and expanding. model appeared to travel over rough terrain, smooth city roads. There are sports units, as well as kikbordy and Treader. There is a three-wheeled and two-wheeled products. All of them represent a serious transport, so there is a risk of injury.
To choose the right durable and comfortable scooter, get acquainted with the technical specifications and features. Adult models differ from baby. When choosing it is taken into account. View, age group, material, wheel design - the key characteristics.
Kinds of scooters for adults
Scooters are classified into several groups. First, determine the reason for the purchase. For city trips, commuting, leisure choose the standard model for the city. They are stable, durable, adapted to the pavement, equipped with compact polyurethane wheels. On such a scooter ride along the pavements and tiles.
- strength, compactness, lightness;
- nice price;
- simple operation, excellent transportation.
For trips outside the city choose products with large-diameter wheels. Scooter can even drive on a rough road with pits and bumps. Another name - off-road scooters. They ride on the sand, gravel, gravel and even ground. But it can not be taken literally. Operate the machine too uncomfortable driving on the road is not worth it.
Velosamokat have inflatable tires and sustained strong wheel. Ride it comfortable even on rough roads.
Fans of tricks and acrobatics suit sports models. Characterized by a complex structure and uncontrolled driving. small, compact wheel.
Do not buy a product if the management skills and work with him absent. These units are designed for experienced athletes.
Another type of scooters for lovers - professional. Designed for hazardous and extreme skiing. Such models are addicted teens. They compete with each other in jumping, dangerous bends, tricks.
Professional product durable and resistant, able to withstand complex motion. Extra details and connections available. They can not be adjusted and folded. Lack of - gravity. Due to the rigidity of the structure remains stable.
There were scooters, crossed with a skateboard. Called kikbordy. Used and how scooters, skateboards and how. Three different compact wheels. Have a multi-layered deck of plastic and plywood. It is intended for depreciation.
Kikbord - complex and advanced species. Acquire by those who skate thoroughly.
Kikbord It not always equipped with the wheel. Sometimes it is replaced by a joystick. It is designed to adjust the direction. Kikbordy fit brave young men. For this transportation need is spacious and flat area.
Trike - another complex variety of scooters. It has a three-wheeled design. Each leg has its own platform. Front wheel for common platforms, its rear. Trike ride on another way: do not push off foot and swing the body to the right and to the left.
electric scooters - suitable public transport. Motor directly under the platform. Thanks to him to reach speeds of 30 km / h. Battery works without a break for an hour. Foot repel only the first time, then it can be unnecessary.
Adult suitable elektrosamokat. It does not require active movements and maximum concentration. An excellent choice for those who want to enjoy a walk without a serious effort. Disadvantage - the high price.
How to choose a scooter for adults
Adults aggregates differ complex structures in components and connections. Folding scooters are made of steel. They stand a decent weight. The wheels are made of polyurethane. The deck is designed for an adult foot. The steering wheel is adjustable: convenient to take a comfortable position. Depending on the variety of different diameter wheels.
The design is different from adult models for children. Recent focus on comfort, lightness and durability. The design of a scooter for children unpretentious, but safe. Adult needs more and manage transport intelligently and perform tricks, if necessary.
Designs are:
- Folding. Convenient and compact. Stored and transported easily. Foldable strollers are only models. Sports and professional scooters such does not happen because they require stability and durability.
- Monolithic. Keep them hard, but they themselves are more reliable and secure. Monolithic products are strong, durable, suitable for stunts, sharp turns.
- With footrest. To leave the scooter in an upright position, you can use the footrest. This is a special lever that can be cleaned under the deck. At the three-products do not.
- With shock absorber. If the road is uneven, the unit needs a shock absorber. It softens the shock and discomfort when traveling over bumps and mounds. Model countryside walks have to be equipped with a shock absorber. In sports scooters are no shock absorbers.
The frames are made:
- Steel. Durable, but heavy. Do not buy the standard urban unit with a stainless steel frame. It is used in the production of professional sport and scooters. Due to the steel product is durable and sustainable. Model withstand difficult tricks, twists, turns, jumps.
- Aluminum. Lightweight and compact. Suitable for exploring the city. Sometimes the frame is made of alloy.
- magnesium alloy. Rare. Unpopular due to high prices. Magnesium alloy manufactured elite expensive models. They are lightweight, yet strong.
- Plastic. Rarely used for adult models. He is not heavy, compact. But the case of deteriorating rapidly, the cause of injuries and falls. Buy a plastic scooter convenient for the child, but an adult, he does not fit categorically.
For exploring the city and the woods are choosing a model with aluminum frame or the frame of the alloy.
It is believed that the scooter is equipped with only two wheels. Current models have 3 or even 4-wheel drive. Products for adults and adolescents have two wheels. Two-wheeled designs can not be placed vertically. While driving need to maintain a balance, otherwise the inevitable injuries.
tricycles units - kikbordy and Treader. They are resistant. When driving can be less concerned about balance. It is easy to manage, however, complicated maneuvers are not available. Kikbordy Treader and do not develop speed. Suitable for beginners.
Rigidity. Wheel level of resistance to external influence (the rough road, sediments, mud). The rigidity is marked by the letter A and the number. Wheel with the designation 100A long serve, support speed, resistant to bumps in the road. Soft wheels (50A) are engaged with easy coating. Maintain flexibility, cushioning.
However, frequent and ruthless exploitation quickly wears out the wheels.
Soft castors are suitable for beginners, hard - for professionals. The greater the weight of the person, the harder the wheel should be. A person with 70 kg of body weight should select wheels 70A marking.
Diameter. Adults convenient to purchase products with a volume diameter of the wheels. Urban model have a diameter of 130 mm, sports - 120 mm.
Material. Popular choice - polyurethane. Last a long time, while driving no noise, reliable, easy to adhere to the road. Resistant to wear and sharp detail on the road. Do not pierce. Silent.
Less common rubber. Equipped with a reliable cushioning. Silent. Resistant to damage. Disadvantages - quickly wear out, do not tolerate extremes of temperature.
Plastic adult models are not applicable. When riding plastic wheels loud noise, the movement is accompanied by vibration. Pros - bright colors.
Silicone are the best indicator of depreciation. The tire is made of soft silicone. Rare.
Inflatable hollow tire - inflatable wheel design. Adult scooter with these wheels fit perfectly: excellent shock absorption, quick and easy movement, even on rough terrain. Sizes large.
Tips for Choosing

- For an adult human scooter weight should be about 5 kg.
- Steering rack in 70% of purchases are foldable. If it can not be adjusted, should be familiar with the height of the steering wheel and pick it up for themselves. The optimum height is achieved as follows: rolling around standing on the platform at the same time puts on the wheel arm slightly bent at the elbows.
- Deca - a platform for the feet. Adult suit deck length of 45 cm.
- The distance between the front and rear wheel - the length of the entire product. unit length for adult is not less than 48 cm.
- Each scooter has its limit load. Modern designs calculated on weight of from 20 to 150 kg.
- Together with transport and buy accessories. These include cases (for comfortable transport), belts (for easy transportation). Sometimes manufacturers add a basket for the right details. But it is better not to upload, since then the agility and speed will be reduced.
- Soft wheels are convenient, but also out of order quickly. It is better to stop the choice on the hard: they last a long time, resistant to rough roads.
Precautionary measures

- It is forbidden to ride on a dangerous slippery surfaces and brake sharply.
- If management skills are not available, you can not go down the steep hills.
- Newcomers need protective equipment (knee pads, elbow pads).
- COX only two hands.
- Construction inspected periodically for the presence of faults, breakdowns.
- Pick up the scooter you need based on your weight.

- Before operating, and as you use, periodically check the individual parts, fasteners, brakes, wheels. Unforeseen breakage are eliminated immediately.
- During assembly, be careful, otherwise injure your fingers.
- Impurities were removed with a soft cloth and cleaning agents. Strongly rubbing the individual parts and components can not be.
- Scooters stored in dry and ventilated place. Then the corrosion and delamination of paint will not happen.
- replacement of bearings produced a wrench if necessary.
- Do not operate the scooter in hazardous environments: on mud, sand, water.
- It is impossible to make changes in the design of a scooter. Any malfunction.
- If any item is out of order, you need to immediately stop the operation of the vehicle.
- It is forbidden to ride in a state of narcotic or alcoholic intoxication. You can not use drugs before riding, slow down the reaction and relaxing. Possible injury.
- Before riding, check whether the unit is easy to use. Ride it should be comfortable.