Top products from Ikea: products with undefined functionality

Every year the catalog of IKEA products is replenished with new works of Swedish designers. Sometimes the question of using such products among Russians causes heated debates or questions. Today we drew attention to such products and ask you to express your opinion, is it really such goods have undefined functionality and even find use, hardly expected of it creators.

Read in the article

  • 1 Bottle holder as a planter
  • 2 RIBBA photo frame as a convenient tray or shelf
  • 3 ROSKUG trolley as an organizer for stationery
  • 4 SOKKERERT vase as a stylish hanging storage container
  • 5 Shoe cabinet TRONES as a closed shelf in the kitchen

Bottle holder as a planter

Russians very rarely store wines in such quantities as Europeans do. For many of us, the storage of alcoholic products is contrary to logic, because you still have to run for a second! That is why a number of proposals for storing bottles in the hands of home craftsmen are turning into something new. Moreover, both metal and wooden structures are used.

Top controversial products from IKEA
So, the bottle holder can easily turn into an elegant planter.
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RIBBA photo frame as a convenient tray or shelf

IKEA designers inspire bold solutions. For example, some housewives often use tall photo frames as a convenient portable shelf for little things. Such a masterpiece can be placed on the dressing table.

This tray can be used for cosmetics, jewelry and small items.
This tray can be used for cosmetics, jewelry and small items.
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ROSKUG trolley as an organizer for stationery

IKEA has always delighted its customers with simple and functional things. One of them is the ROSKUG trolley. Although the manufacturer recommends using it in the kitchen and bathroom, many parents appreciated the possibilities of the mobile shelf on wheels and use it for children's toys, books and stationery.

Compact size will help organize space even in a small nurseryPHOTO:
Compact size will help organize space even in a small nursery
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SOKKERERT vase as a stylish hanging storage container

The vase itself is a thing with quite limited use, but if you approach the issue creatively, it can be quite surprising. The vase can be used both as a jug and as a place to store cutlery or napkins. It's enough just to get it and improvise!

Durable steel will handle both drilling and hot glue soldering if you need extra fastenersPHOTO:
Durable steel will handle both drilling and hot glue soldering if you need extra fasteners
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Shoe cabinet TRONES as a closed shelf in the kitchen

The shoe box is very convenient not only as a storage for shoes, but also for organizing the storage of all kinds of cans, packages, packages in the kitchen, because there is more than enough of this "goodness" in the apartment. It will fit both cereals and cans with seaming. And most importantly, the shoe box will not take up much space.

The main thing is to see the additional functionality of the item, and then just change your space, make it more convenient!PHOTO:
The main thing is to see the additional functionality of the item, and then just change your space, make it more convenient!
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How often do you use store-bought items off-label? Have there been any cases in your practice when you came up with something completely different than the seller originally intended? Tell us about your changes in the comments.


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