Three-wheeled scooter: the pros and cons, how to choose

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The construction of all models of scooters in general is the same: they consist of a frame, wheel, foot rails and wheels. Some products are equipped with brakes. bringing the principle of movement of such vehicles - foot pushing away from the ground - simple and convenient. Ice scooter develops motility, improve posture and response. Therefore, it is one of the ways of development of motor coordination in children.


  • Kinds
  • Pros and cons of the three-wheeled scooter
  • How to choose a three-wheeled scooter


There are three main types of scooters:

  • trick, designed for teenagers and adults;
  • A city is used as a means of transportation;
  • children, child develops skills and provides a means of leisure and recreation.

By choosing such a gift for the little ones, consider the development of children's skills and abilities.

Solution to the problem, even with one year of age will be trucks with three wheels, which helps the baby maintain balance, but at the same time develop the vestibular system and bring a lot of fun.

In terms of development of the child scooter surpasses even the favorite in the bike people by utility. Riding a scooter properly selected, baby strengthen muscles of the arms, legs, improve the musculoskeletal system. To make the right choice, parents should pay attention to the details of transport and take into account some of the subtleties when buying gifts.

Choosing a scooter produce, focusing on appearance, color, material, and the following rules:

  • Accounting toddler age and evaluation of its physical development;
  • weight of the vehicle;
  • appearance of the model. Here, consider the color preferences of the child. At this stage, the choice is reduced as much as possible.

Next, you will get acquainted with the peculiarities of the model chosen, the specifics of its operation and maintenance. It is worth to know the opinion of other owners of identical vehicles. Reviews will help to form an opinion about it and reveal the hidden disadvantages.

Pros and cons of the three-wheeled scooter

There are scooters with four, three and two wheels. Accordingly, each of the subsequent more difficult to manage. Number of wheels in transport chosen, based on the physical development of the child: the better developed his vestibular system, the smaller wheels would need for a comfortable ride.

For children from year three-wheeled model is suitable up to three years, as it is objectively more stable.

Due to this for the development of the vehicle, this design will suit better than others.

A distinctive feature of three-wheeled scooters - the presence of the boot, which is equipped with some models. This is a significant advantage in favor of the construction with three wheels, as the child is able to carry a favorite toy and necessary things, which teaches him to be independent at an early age. However, such models do not add up, and therefore take up much storage space.

It is important to the location of the wheels on the vehicle. Discharged with one front and two rear, and vice versa.

The first - a classic, is not equipped with brakes and bearings. This was done on purpose, so that the child could not accelerate much, as a small child is not yet able to coordinate movement to the full, and hand or foot brake is only a hindrance. These models feature low price and ease of use.

For a child with a more developed second coordination approach, with two front wheels. Such designs are more difficult to manage, since the rotation does not use the wheel, and the spring, which will be triggered when tilted transport. Such control is correct and useful from an anatomical point of view. Also there is the foot brake.

Particularly distinguished from each other in these models do not have: the steering wheel is adjustable, removed, develops, handles and brakes made in different ways. But the main feature of all models is the durability. However, the price level is a bit higher.

For a child older than three years can be purchased and a two-wheeled scooter, but it is worth remembering that even though he and more maneuverable, but also much faster tricycle. Therefore, it is recommended as a first three-wheeled scooter acquire a child to learn to master and control the vehicle.

How to choose a three-wheeled scooter

An important factor in the selection of such a gift is its weight and frame design. It is worth remembering that the less weight, the smaller the resistance of the whole structure.

If you expect that the scooter will last more than one year, it is not worth spending money on a model with a plastic frame.

It is short-lived. Therefore, the model is stable and served for a long time, you should pay attention to the metal frame. One downside to such scooters - transportation weight, but this disadvantage is mitigated easily reliability.

At this stage, the choice of a scooter should also take into account the child's weight. Manufacturers indicate product packaging maximum weight. But most of the producers deliberately understate the value that the product has served as long as possible.


Most manufacturers of three-wheeled scooters focused on preschool and primary school age, so the models are made in bright colors used in the design of shiny elements and images of favorite characters cartoons. Even colors scooters fashion trends for children are present.

When choosing a color of the product, remember that the picture may differ from the original due to the color perception and the lighting in the studio and in vivo.

color also makes a different way to perceive the quality of the product. For example, too bright coating metal frame gives the impression of plastic and unreliable, and compacted plastic, which often cover items to increase the density, it seems translucent, making product looks substandard.

Features details

Determine the number of wheels, the frame and the color, pay attention to the details of a particular model that you have chosen. Details of any model presented on the official website of the manufacturer. There you can find the technical characteristics of the vehicle and make sure it fits you.

There are some details on which to focus, namely, wheel, wheels and brakes. two types of wheels are used on the scooter - rubber and plastic. Rubber wheels preferable as plastics though is a bit cheaper, it does not provide adequate cushioning, causing the child during the ride will feel all the bumps in the road.

In addition, the plastic unpleasant noise and not being able to boast durability.

Unlike plastic, rubber wheels will last much longer. However, they are smoothed roughness and pits on the road, providing comfort to the child while driving.

Think in advance where a child rides a scooter more often - on the asphalt in the yard or on a rural road in visiting grandmother - it affects the choice of the diameter and wheel width.

Little Wheel suitable for flat surfaces, large diameter wheels better behave on bumpy terrain, but it is true will serve small and the driver on a flat road. The width of the wheels is also important: the more they are wider, more stable scooter. However, it will affect the speed - the vehicle it will decrease with wide wheels.

Choose a model with wheels suitable note on the steering wheel. Ideally, it is adjustable, so you can adjust the height of the steering wheel under the baby's growth and increase it as the child grows. This can save the budget, and the child will not have to give up ahead of time with your beloved scooter.

Handles at the helm of the children's scooter rubberized or equipped with special soft pads to avoid hand slip factor. Anti-material handles directly affects driving safety and, therefore, quite important when choosing such a gift.

Another important factor is the safety brake, if present in the model. As mentioned earlier, three-wheeled scooters do not develop high speed, but depending on the location of the wheel brake is required. The most reliable and easy to use is considered to be the foot brake.

Sometimes there are hand brakes - both front and rear. However, they are not too comfortable for the child and under braking to increase the risk of falling.

A small but important detail when choosing a gift - deck or platform legs. To it is attached the rear wheel and fender-brake. Deca scooter compulsorily covered with rough material to prevent slipping feet child on its surface. Rubbered or coating or is made from so-called skin.

The width of the deck is the same size as the child's legs. It is believed that the platform should be placed on both feet, but for a comfortable ride is optional, as the second leg is used for repulsion. On the three-wheeled models deck width is chosen in such a way that the child was comfortable.

Requirements for mechanisms

Scooter Trolo MAXI FLASH (luminous wheel included) zelenyy_enl
Some manufacturers of scooters for kids trying to "tune" to attract customers. Most often an abundance of sequins, bells, lights, hanging toys used to hide the flaws.

The more on the scooter such details, the more likely that the manufacturer saved on quality and trying to attract a buyer brightness by masking their poor quality.

The manufacturer offers a reliable product like parts purchased separately, to the choice of scooter directly in the eye, first of all, we throw quality rather than vivid details, which so susceptible children.

Having defined the model, color and other properties of the scooter, it is useful to read reviews of people who already operate.

Summed up, select the main points that are worth paying attention to when choosing a three-wheeled scooter for your child:

  • frame design, and steering wheels. Frame - metal; steering wheel - adjustable, with overlays; wheel - medium size.
  • Compact size for easy storage and transport.
  • If there is a brake, make sure that it is the foot.

The best way to choose a scooter and make a child happy - to come to the store with him to a place on the touch favorite model, test ride, and the seller-consultant or representative of the manufacturer will talk about operation details and help with choice.

Buying children's transport to the store, make sure that you have issued a guarantee on the product service. In that case, in case of breakage or malfunction of the scooter, you'll have no problems to receive warranty repair or replacement scooter to another an identical model and advisers will prompt, what is the problem, and help you avoid a similar situation in the further exploitation of the transport facilities.