Speed, adrenaline, and the comfort and safety - who refuse such a combination of vivid sensations. Saturation of a person's life depends on the brightness of impressions at every moment of his existence.
- Features
- Scooter apparatus with wide wheels
- Characteristics scooter with big wheels
- Exploitation
- Benefits
Scooter with large wheels make the life of the owner of a much more dynamic, energetic, healthier and happier. The combination is impossible to imagine simpler - a platform for feet, wheels and steering wheel.
However, it fully captures the essence of the saying: "The concept is simple." This nimble and maneuverable assistant will appreciate the two-year toddler, energetic teenager or adult successful person.
The degree of risk when riding a scooter is much lower than when riding a bicycle, skateboard or roller.
Futbayk - vehicle imposing size; a variety of professional scooter with wheels with a diameter like a bicycle. They are designed for speeds of 13 - 20 km / h at the sports driving.
Scooter - elementary means of transportation for use by adults and children in urban areas (asphalt, pavement) and on the road (slope, gravel, sand). It will be an effective trainer human vestibular apparatus and strengthen leg muscles.
Scooter apparatus with wide wheels
Nodal scooter parts are:
- Frame. Manufacturers molded frame piece construction or with a folding mechanism. It consists of a steering column and a working platform for the legs (called a deck). On the deck surface is covered with a special ribbed pad or spray to prevent slipping feet.
- steering wheel. The classic version of the helm - a rack and two handles. Additional details are adjusting clamp pads on the handle (rubber, neoprene or polyurethane grips) handles and locks the steering wheel in the folded state. Wheel on some models is carried out in the form of a sphere-like manipulator joystick.
- steering column. When the telescopic mechanism of folding handlebars down into the hollow steering rack. It has a lock switch to prevent unintentional folding.
- steering cup (Column) and clamp. Inside, the steering column is present bearing for smooth cornering.
- An integral attachment mechanism wheels to the frame: fork (simple or reinforced), the sleeve (axle bolt or bolt design - axel Cycle hub) and the wheel bearing (ABEC - Annular Bearing Engineering Counci - classified according to the indices 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9). Bearing class directly affects the speed of product quality. The optimum ratio of the speed-reliability have bearings with index 9 or 7, 5.
- folding mechanism. Produce two types: the mechanism of the addition of the front wheel and steering; mechanism of addition of a base. The first option can be a source of backlash when using low-quality materials in fixtures and squeaks mechanism when contamination particles of dirt and dust.
- Wheel. In the manufacture of large diameter using a cast polyurethane; at least - gel, silicone or rubber bicycle tires. Thickness varies wheels (20 - 64 mm) and depends on the diameter.
- shock absorber. Is placed over the front (at least - over the rear) wheel; This spring system damping shocks and vibrations to alleviate traffic scooter. Sport or stunt model dampers are not equipped.
- Brake. Apply the hand brake (disk or V-brake) and the foot (in the form of the movable wing on the rear wheel "Step-on-Brake"). On models with impressive wheel set the hand brake each wheel individually.
- Footrest - lever (Goes into original equipment or installed option independent).
- Strap and carrying case for transportation will be separate options. Manufacturers soon equip some models of these additional accessories.
- The apparatus for audio signal (Bell, horn). It is mounted on the steering wheel and increases safety during driving by the warning signals.
Types of scooters with large diameter wheels:
- Urban - simple, compact and has a comfortable ride. Gained popularity thanks to the ability to quickly travel long distances in urban conditions, has small dimensions, has a folding mechanism, dampers and brake, relatively small the weight. Equipped with wheels with a diameter of 15 - 20 cm.
- SUV - is provided with a massive protectors with inflatable tires (diameter 18 - 20 cm and more), with enhanced cushioning, front and rear brake for safety. Models monolithic frame with a robust design and impressive weight, large size. Capable of speeds up to 12 - 15 km / h. Ideal for cross-country, as well as for use in extreme weather conditions (rain, snow, and so on. D.).
- Elektrosamokaty - equipped with an electric motor (motor cultivator time average of 60 minutes at a speed of 30 km / h). These models are popular among office workers and office workers.
Attention to the wheels
Considered large wheels with diameters ranging from 13 cm to 50 cm or more. For urban riding optimal diameter is 18 - 20 cm. The larger diameter of the tire - even more stable and higher speed unit, which develops the scooter. From the quality of the material used depends on traffic safety and durability of the vehicle.
The number of installed wheels are standard two-wheeled models (the most maneuverable), tricycles and four-wheeled (two front wheels and two rear).
In scooters with large wheels mounted one front and one rear wheel, the front and rear may be different in diameter.
The material used in the manufacture of wheels affects the wear resistance, noise, comfort and speed to the same extent as the bearings.
For the large-diameter wheels are used:
- Plastic. The most primitive material is used for children's entry-level models. It has a high degree of wear, rastreskivaemosti, noise and harshness. The advantage is the brightness of the colors, a variety of forms, cheapness.
- Rubber. These wheels are made from solid rubber or plastic with a rigid metal rim. Less noisy and stiff in comparison with plastic models resistant to punctures and damage, have a high degree of wear. It also includes rubber and synthetic substitutes.
- Silicone. It has the same characteristics as the tires; is more soft tires and transparency. Used in children's models for young at a complete undercarriage spectacular LEDs of different colors.
- Polyurethane (PU) or a substitute easier - polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The classic version of the material, large-diameter wheels for scooters. The design consists of a hard and cast tire rim. Product advantages - durability, quiet operation and flexibility.
- With inflatable tires. This embodiment of a bicycle wheel (hub, spokes, rigid rim, tape, and the tire tread from a polymeric material). Operation of such products more difficult due to the support of the required tire pressure, tire and camera exposure to damage, punctures and cuts. Characterized by smooth motion, high maneuverability and comfort. Among the shortcomings - the complexity of the quick repair and the high price. In accordance with the name used for a whole velosamokatov robust construction.
Characteristics scooter with big wheels
When selecting the rover with large diameter wheels refer to such characteristics:
- Type of product. Adult preferable urban scooter or SUV. Elektrosamokat has an age limit of 11 years, and the requirement to have a means of protection - a helmet. Elektrorover adult speeds up to 40 km / h. allowable distance 20 - 40 km on a single charge. Child models is limited to 5 - 10 km / h for the purpose of safety of the child while running.
- riding style. Suitable for adults as a scooter for tricks, as well as for a comfortable quiet ride. Wheel diameter stunt scooters do not exceed 130 mm, for the strength and durability of the structure not provided with a shock absorber. Baby models are ranked by age groups: 1 - 3 years 3 - 5 years 6 - 10 years of age or older. Rovers for tricks available from 6+ years. For walking on slopes and terrain model is used with a rim size of 130 mm.
- Height Rider. Scooters with large wheels are fitted with telescopic adjustment for the change in the elevator. Be sure to check the minimum and maximum height of the steering wheel, ease of adjustment, strength locking mechanism. The height of the steering rack ranges from 42 cm to 110 cm. Properly selected wheel ensure correct posture when riding (flat rack on the platform, arms slightly bent, back straight). The height of the steering wheel scooter for adults focused on the growth of 145 cm to 195 cm. In addition to growth, important parameter foot size. It is necessary to determine the optimal size of the soundboard and the length of the vehicle. Size deck length varies from 30 cm to 64 cm, the length of the scooter from 467 mm to 1580 mm.
- The weight of the rider. Taken into account in the selection of the maximum load for the vehicle. The level of maximum load depends on the materials used in the manufacture of the frame and wheels marker; It ranges from 20 to 160 kg. Accordingly, the scooter designed for a maximum weight of 50 kg, adult model able to withstand 50 kg and above. In the manufacture of frames used plastic, steel, aircraft aluminum, magnesium alloys.
Plastic frames are cheapest, the least durable, can have bright colors and shapes; used for the manufacture of children's entry level scooters.
Steel frames have high levels of strength and durability. The disadvantage of these frames becomes a large mass of products. Steel is used mainly in the manufacture of frames marker velosamokatov not provided with a folding mechanism.
Aluminum (air) is very strong material with low specific weight different; products with aluminum frames compact, easy to fold and transported. It is used for manufacturing different kinds and types of scooters.
New technological product in the manufacture of frames is a magnesium alloy. Lightweight, durable and expensive material. Used in the issuance of elite models.
When the choice is made scooter, a happy owner (large or small) is in joyful anticipation of the first trip. And forget about caution, ignores the rules for the use of the individual vehicle.

Before you ride on a brand new scooter with a larger diameter tires, be sure to read the instructions or operating rules, which are designed by the manufacturer for each model and are attached complete with product.
- Be sure to check the mounting Scooter before every ride: the frame, the folding mechanism, wheels. Weakening of fixation elements can lead to a fall or injury.
- With self-assembly Refer to the attached schematic or manual assembly.
- Do not ride on wet or dirty pavement, in the elevator, turnstiles, when crowded. Remember that the brake does not stop the downward movement on a steep slope; each vehicle has a braking distance.
- In the absence of lights on the steering wheel movement in the dark on a scooter is prohibited.
- The roadway is not intended for traffic on scooters (except some models elektrosamokatov). Use sidewalks trips or special cycle paths.
- Avoid sudden changes of direction, unexpected turns.
- The manufacturer assumes no warranty or liability in case of accident after an independent product design changes.
- For safety and health, use protective gear: helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, cycling gloves in order to avoid rubbing the palms of the grips. The ride barefoot or in shoes with long laces is not recommended.
- Children under 10 years old should ride in the care of persons over 18 years.
- Do not overload the product data sheet in excess of the stated maximum load.
- It should be cleaned regularly with a vehicle without the use of abrasives.
large-diameter tires increase ground clearance of the frame, stability, which extends the life of the product. The main problems arise in the operation of non-compliance with safety rules and speed limits.
Some disadvantages are eliminated themselves. Possible problems and solutions listed below:
- Scrape backlash or wheels, the folding mechanism, the steering - tighten with a special key. Lubricate moving parts.
- Steering column broke off from the deck - when choosing a scooter note that the weld has been continuous (no spot welding). Fix the problem can only be a welder.
- Puncture - when operating a scooter with large inflatable wheels carry an individual set for cases of cuts. Needs a pump for pumping the wheels.
- Stretched or torn a manual brake - pull up a rope to replace the better to see a mechanic.
Scooter wheel must be replaced due to erasure of the coating during normal wear. Failure of the bearings and bushings, wheel axle frame. When replacing these parts is important to use replacement parts from the same manufacturer as the product itself.
Give preference to models with a large diameter wheel scooter in the selection, if you plan to use is not for fun and tricks, as well as a reliable transport.
For suburban travel preferable scooter-SUV.