Under the sports nutrition understand a special type of food - concentrates, dietary supplements, developed and made on the basis of research in physiology and nutrition, primarily for athletes and active lifestyle.
Certain types of these products are designed to increase the rate of weight increase, decrease fat layer, protecting ligaments and joints from destruction under the influence of load, speed up recovery training, etc.
- Sports nutrition for weight set
- Sports nutrition for burning fat
- Sports nutrition for weight loss
- Sports nutrition for joints
- Sports nutrition for drying
- Sports Nutrition for Beginners
- Sports nutrition for ectomorphs
- Sports nutrition for women
Sports nutrition for weight set

The main purpose for beginners and professional bodybuilders - a set of muscle mass. To this end, in addition to exercise, you need a "building" material for muscles - proteins.
Protein in the form of a protein - basic components of sports diet bodybuilders seeking to gain the fat free mass.
Depending on the origin share five major types of protein:
- serumal
- lactic
- egg
- soy
- casein
Among the key indicators taken into account when selecting a protein enters the speed of assimilation substance. The smallest time expends cleavage of whey protein, which is considered one for first-class set of muscle mass. In addition, it has a lot of amino acids, it is combined with the other components during mixing and is inexpensive.
It recommended for use in pure form because of the speed of absorption the protein before and after workouts, but if used in the course of the day, it is only a complex with other protein species.
From the "slow" casein proteins demand for assimilation which the body requires eight time period.
Bodybuilders appropriate to use casein protein before going to bed, if you can fully take food.
sports nutrition industry offers special and protein complexes, which are mixtures of unequal protein origins and with different assimilation rate. They included both fast (whey and egg) and slow (casein and soy) proteins.
In stepping up mass such complexes are used at night, and before the start of training.
In addition to protein, athletes seeking to build muscle, it is recommended to use the following types of sports nutrition:
- Gainer - represents a saturated calories mix of proteins to carbohydrates, granting you lost energy and provocative muscle growth. With proper use of the additive saturates the body with the necessary amount of proteins carbohydrates and fats for early muscle building. In this gainer with caution to make people predisposed to be overweight, as it sometimes provokes the accumulation of excessive amounts of adipose tissue.
- creatine - nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid species, the use of which (in the monohydrate form) provokes an increase in force characteristics of the athlete and intense muscle growth. Creatine itself in a number contained in a person's body and works on energy production, however, when active classes and the desired capacity speedy mass expedient use of this additional volume substances.
- pre-workout complex - a specific type of food supplements for athletes, which is a mix of creatine, L- arginine, vitamins and trace elements. Taking the product to the beginning of training to achieve tangible increase in productive employment, which has a positive effect on the set weight.
- amino acid complex - a mixture of diverse amino acids whose purpose - to prevent decay of muscle tissue and activation of muscle growth.
- Vitamin-mineral complex - a balanced mix of diverse vitamins with minerals, which are essential for the normal functioning of the body and build quality muscle mass. Given the increased loads attributable to body bodybuilders, intense metabolism induced by exercise, athletes require an increased amount of minerals and vitamins.
- anabolics - a specific type of additives, which are designed to perform multi-directional functions, including acceleration metabolic processes and protein synthesis, shortening recovery and muscle growth acceleration muscles. In addition, some of the anabolic steroids are aimed at increasing the level of testosterone in the body.
Sports nutrition for burning fat

Along with the ectomorph, which is not an easy task - weight set are allocated endomorphs that, on the contrary, quickly recover and suffer from the presence of too massive fat. To solve this problem sports - pharmacological industry offers special drugs called fat burners.
This specific type of sports nutrition, providing the melted fat during exercise. If traditionally during training spent a significant amount of carbohydrates, fat burners that when using the emphasis is primarily on the fat reserves.
Preferential amount of additives of this kind are made from natural ingredients like guarana, green coffee extract and green tea, caffeine.
Depending on the way of fat loss effects on the body, are distinguished:
- thermogenic - substances that provide the burning of fat cells is primarily due to the increase in body temperature during exercise. Also, due to the acceleration provided by a thermogenic metabolism, activates the central nervous system and suppress appetite. This group of sports nutrition products is among the best selling in the world, but it is not each person who uses these supplements, it is possible to achieve effective reduction of fat interlayer. This is largely due to the huge amount of counterfeit or simply not bringing the resulting product.
According to experts, one tenth of those present on the market is really a thermogenic includes working components, so the choice of these products fit very carefully and cautiously.
- lipotropics - specific additives that increase the rate of the exchange reaction which occurs during decomposition of fats. Leads to the release from adipose tissue fatty acids during exercise and helps to dispose of the fat by the use as an energy resource. Often called lipotropics substances which are involved in the lipolytic processes, however, do not accelerate these processes. In this group of sports nutrition products usually include vitamin-products low zhiroszhigatelnymi abilities, in particular: L-carnitine with betaine-choline with melatonin, CLA with Omega-3.
- fat blockers - sports nutrition category of pharmaceuticals containing chitosan, which irreversibly binds to fats, without allowing them to digest. Also, these substances provide blocking lipauzy - enzyme aimed at lipolysis, increase the viscosity of the substances contained in the stomach, complicating evacuation.
- carbohydrate blockers - a special type of sports nutrition, the effect of which is based on the blocking of enzymes, traditionally involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates, either irreversible compound with food components, whereby the output produced in carbohydrates are not digested form, and the body gets smaller amount of calories from drinking food.
- cortisol blockers - a biologically active additive with antagonistic action with respect to cortisol - hormone, leading to fat deposition, reducing the level of hormone secretion or inhibiting the activity of the hormone.
- thyroid regulators - a kind of sports nutrition, the main purpose of which reception is to increase the activity of the thyroid gland, whose hormones accelerate metabolic processes and fat burning.
Often, excessive fat deposition due to hypoactivity of the thyroid gland, so that the use of these stimulants will not only get rid of excess fat, but also will have a therapeutic Effect.
Sports nutrition for weight loss

On the role of the basic products of sports nutrition people set a goal to lose weight, it is recommended thermogenic. The mechanism of action of drugs and efficiency of heat production due to the fact increase and accelerate catabolic.
Thermogenic stimulate the central nervous system, improves mood, create a reserve of endurance and physical activity, pushing the body to extract preferential volume of energy required for the training of fissionable lipids.
The individual thermogenic furthermore provoke decrease in fat digestibility, inhibit appetite. The drugs in this group contain caffeine, versatile vegetable alkaloids, amino acids, beneficial influencing the cardiovascular system, activating the functioning of the thyroid gland and cortex adrenal.
As a result, enhancing the activity of hormones is more effective weight loss.
In addition to the thermogenic advised to take the following types of sports nutrition:
- L-carnitine - vitominopodobnoe substance from the class of amino acids, with a deficiency which the body accumulates excess weight. Due to the L-carnitine is simplified extraction of fat cells from the fat cells and accelerated transport to the muscle cells, where they collapse, releasing energy.
- BCAAs - a complex of branched chain amino acids, consisting of valine and leucine to isoleucine, provocative muscle protein synthesis and protecting the muscle cells from destruction at an elevated level loads. As a result of this action fats become virtually the only source of energy intake, and their decomposition is significantly intensified. In addition, BCAAs stimulates increased secretion of the hormone leptin, which stimulates the consumption of fat and suppress appetite.
- Protein - a protein involved in building muscle. In itself it is not engaged in the process of losing weight, but it is necessary for people to lose weight and sitting on a calorie-poor diets. In using protein athletes avoid some negative effects associated with losing weight, in particular destruction of muscle cells. In addition, protein digestion is required by thirty percent more energy than the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates. Increased energy compensates for the organism to the active consumption of fat. Studies have shown that from all kinds of protein is best for weight loss manifests itself casein.
- Omega-3 - fatty acids of the kind of polyunsaturated category, the use of which is accompanied by a reduction in cholesterol levels, accelerated metabolism, increased tone and endurance. Furthermore, the value of this product with weight loss seen in the fact that it acts as an additional energy source, without leading to an increase in body fat.
- Blockers fat / carbs - specific substances forming inseparable compound with fats / or carbohydrates ensure neutralization enzymes whereby zhirorasscheplenie occurs. As a result, it becomes impossible to digestion and assimilation of data elements. Purchasing organism significantly reduced calories. Admission blockers should be carried out in strict compliance with recommended dosages, in order to prevent food disorders and risk of critical reduction of fat-soluble vitamins search and unsaturated fatty acids type.
- cortisol blockers - drugs, whose action is aimed at reducing the quantity and the suppression of the activity of one of the main stress hormone - cortisol. This hormone is known that increases appetite, provokes the deposition of fat with simultaneous destruction of proteins, causing a pressure increase raises the level of blood glucose. Introduction to the diet of an athlete blocker cortisol leads to suppression of catabolic processes occurring after exercise and get rid of the extra kilos while maintaining muscle.
- Anoretiki - a special kind of sports nutrition intake which reduces appetite due to the fact that suppressed hunger center with simultaneous activation of the satiety center.
Sports nutrition for joints

With regular bodybuilding and powerlifting, involves working with significant weights serious burden should test the ligamentous apparatus of cartilage and joint tissue. To protect these parts of the body shows the reception of the following types of sports nutrition:
- glucosamine sulphate - preparation on the basis of one of the most common monosaccharides constituting the chitosan and chitin. It represents one of the key building components of connective tissues - cartilages and ligaments. This material provides a bunch of cells with each other, resulting in increased fabric strength, increased resistance to stretching. Takes part in shaping and improving the quality of cartilage and ligaments, tendons and muscles, synovial fluid with bones, skin nails hair. Also has beneficial effects on heart valves and blood vessels.
- chondroitin sulfate - a significant component that belongs to the structure of the cartilage tissue and ligaments, which provides an increase in strength data systems of the body and stability of the tensile or compressive. Education takes place in the cartilage, but also present in the synovial fluid lubricates the joints. Improves elasticity and shock-absorbing characteristics of the cartilage, preventing the development of osteoarthritis, adds the strength of connective tissues of ligaments. It suppresses the activity of enzymes that lead to tissue destruction. Remove or completely removes the chronic pain caused by inflammatory and degenerative processes, improves the regeneration of cartilage tissue, provides them with adequate nutrition.
- Collagen - one of the proteins found in the human body in large quantities - up to six per cent of body weight. It is a part of almost all body tissues, providing body shaping and higher bone strength due to confinement and ligament cells with each other.
Especially many of the substance in connective tissues, bones, ligaments and cartilage. To strengthen these tissues in the first place and sent the reception of collagen. In addition, it improves the nutrition of muscles and skin properties.
Sports nutrition for drying

The main product of sports nutrition in the drying period must become fat burners that provide fat reduction, weight loss and increase muscle relief.
In addition to fat loss, it is recommended to use the following products:
- L-carnitineAccelerating the delivery of fat cells to the site of utilization, which protects the heart and blood vessels from the negative effects of large loads.
- proteinThat when drying is required at least at a set weight. Due to the low-carb diet, which adhere during drying, the body begins to feel a lack of energy, he will try to make up due to the breakdown of proteins.
As a result of these processes takes place the disintegration of muscle, they decrease in volume. To prevent this, and necessary protein intake, feed the muscle, and decreases hunger.
- amino acidsWithout which it is also not possible to complete the development of muscles. Prevent decomposition of muscles as a result of degenerative processes that cause loss of appetite, and with fat burners do an excellent job with the task of reducing weight.
- Vitamins with mineralsWhich are particularly necessary for the body during drying, since due to the diet they, along with food coming in insufficient quantities. Without these elements deteriorates the whole body, significant for complicated processes, including degradation of fat cells and the formation of muscle.
- diureticDeducing from the body fluid. Taking these drugs mostly bodybuilders before competitions.
Sports Nutrition for Beginners

The body is not accustomed to the stresses experienced serious stress after each workout, and help is needed for recovery. In addition, at the initial stage of training receiving the supplement will enable faster to achieve visible results.
The beginner it is advisable to focus on the reception of the following types of sports nutrition:
- Protein - is the basis of the diet, bodybuilding athlete, including beginners. Preference is better to give whey protein, as it has a high cleavage rate in short time saturating the blood and muscle tissue free amino acids, allowing for longer and more intense train.
- Gainer - protein-carbohydrate mix which seeks to build mass and energy replenishment. Eating gainer before exercise or immediately after power will allow beginners to improve performance, achieve noticeable weight gain.
Take this product should not be athletes, full-bodied, so as not to cause additional fat deposits.
- creatine - nitrogen-containing acid type, which is involved in metabolism and energy metabolism in muscle and nerve cells. The use of the drug leads to the release of a significant amount of energy in a short time, draws the relief muscles, accelerates the recovery process after stress.
- Amino acids - building material, which forms a protein molecule in the body. Acceptance of this product allows you to build muscles and increase strength, to break down body fat, get more energy, reduce recovery time after training.
Sports nutrition for ectomorphs

Overriding problem with athletes ectomorphic body structure - a slow set of muscle mass, so the reception of additional sports nutrition they just need.
The main product for them - gainer, saturating the body with carbohydrates, which give extra energy and protein, from which new muscle cells are built. Use shown after training, and as addition to breakfast, lunch or dinner.
From other sports supplements ectomorph is recommended to focus on:
- Vitamin-mineral complexesWhich will allow the body for a short time to pass the regenerative processes, improve the tone, provide a burst of cheerfulness and energy.
- proteinIt is acting as a building material for muscle and especially necessary ectomorphs. It is advisable to use the two types of product: whey - immediately before or after workouts, casein - before going to bed.
- amino acidsThat are part of the protein and are characterized by rapid and complete assimilation does not require significant energy consumption by the organism. Inclusion in the diet of these substances provokes the formation of muscle tissue and prevents destruction already Accreted accelerates recovery processes and normalizes metabolism.
Sports nutrition for women

Acceptance of sports supplements in women is aimed at a set of lean body mass and a decrease in the percentage of body fat.
It is recommended to include in the diet:
- Whey ProteinQuickly absorbed by the body and provides the necessary amino acids your muscle tissue. It improves blood flow to the muscles.
- Casein, The reception of which bedtime will ensure rapid muscle growth.
- CaffeineWhich gives vigor and energy to training, accelerating the breakdown of fats.
- Green Tea ExtractThat promotes recovery from stress, burn fat, and the normalization of the functioning of the joints.
- Fish fatA positive effect on overall health, accelerating the breakdown of fats.
- Amino acidsTo stimulate protein synthesis, accelerate recovery processes that provide extra energy, increases muscle strength and endurance.
- The complex of vitamins and mineralsEspecially the need for women-athletes experiencing regular exercise. Taking these elements restores the normal balance in the body, it gives energy and vigor.