It is better to lose weight with the help of properly chosen diet and sports load. Coined range of diets and diets that promise instant results. Certain products also help to achieve results. And sports nutrition for weight loss - a reliable assistant in the burning of fat.
- When you need to use
- properties
- Composition sports nutrition for burning fat
- Types and advantages of sports nutrition for fat loss
- additives
- admission rules
When you need to use
With the food we get storehouse of nutrients and trace elements. But often due to the lack of physical activity required, poverty diet with vitamins, we recruited excess body weight, you want to burn.
Nutritional supplements for weight loss, sports nutrition complete or accelerate the catabolism of fat, or lipids help to deliver unnecessary to disposal sites.
Suitable for those who have extra fat mass (checked so - fold of skin near the navel and to the side is normally not more than 3 centimeters in width). The use of such products can be each person, gender, and age does not play a role. The main requirement - that there was no circulatory disease.
In 95 percent of the sports nutrition helps described below, and the side effects are less than the tenth part of the people.
Sports nutrition diet accelerates the catabolism (breakdown of tiny organic compounds) fat. Weight loss is reduced body weight, muscle and the relief forming facilitate training.
These drugs act as follows:
- Increase metabolism, leaving less undigested food, which settles in the form of fat.
- Suppression of appetite. Weight loss products are used as a means, after receiving less than hunger. This is useful for people who have decided to reduce the amount of food consumed.
Without training and proper nutrition fat burners do not work!
Industry offers a huge range of tools, different composite and mechanism of action. Matter of choice serious fat burner, because the same substance acts individually. Hence, the risk of side effects and serious damage to health.
Weight loss products are embedded in the human metabolism, disrupting metabolism.
Composition sports nutrition for burning fat
The main active ingredients that help to lose weight:
- Caffeine. Scientists have shown that coffee without sugar helps to burn weight.
- L-carnitine.
- Guarana.
- Green tea extract.
- Tyramine.
The fat burners contains omega-3 fatty acids, which improve the functioning of the organism. Another use of natural ingredients, although some slimming additives include chemical origin. It employs the law: that natural, useful, and artificial only undermines health.
Types and advantages of sports nutrition for fat loss
The basic types of diet:
- Thermogenics. Increase energy expenditure of the body and suppress appetite. So you use less calories and increasing flow.
- Lipotropics. This slight addition, but designed and workable fat burners. Lipotropics accelerate metabolism, and fats are broken down more.
- Blockers nutrients. Do not give assimilate fats or carbohydrates in the walls of the digestive tract. Suitable fans too sweet or fatty foods.
- appetite suppressors. These additives are needed to man is not so much starving. Will be useful for people with disabilities in elementary feeding behavior. Too does not get involved in them, because it's easy to bring your body to anorexia. The investigation of the normalized consumption, if a person eats a lot, he becomes more moderate in food.
It is worth remembering that it is necessary to work on the psychological causes of hunger. Otherwise, the fat will come back
- cortisol blockers, A stress hormone, which in moderate amounts keeps the body in good shape and ready to fight or adapt. But if the background of cortisol increased during the time of the huge accumulated fat mass and muscle is destroyed.
Yet this substance called the hormone of death, because in addition to the increased likelihood of obesity, cortisol increases the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes. The problem is that in today's world, too many people are in constant anxiety, fear. Cortisol blockers help ease the condition.
- Thyroid stimulants. In theory workable than this body, the faster your metabolism. But in practice, it does not in 100% of cases. If the thyroid function is reduced in obesity, metabolism decreases. The same applies to hyperthyroidism, when the metabolism is accelerated to such an extent that the person becomes thin.
But if artificially influence the pace of work is important endocrine level, the result is not expected, but the negative impact will manifest quickly. Do not use thyroid boosters.
Manufactured and additives, but they are matched only by a professional. Yourself better not use any additives, so that the damage is greater than the benefit. Aerobic exercise are needed - they are the foundation of weight loss in conjunction with the adjustment of the diet.
It is recommended to everyone who wants to lose weight. It is the safest among all sports nutrition, because it does not alter the metabolism of the substance, and fits into it. It helps the body, but does not replace the function.
Digestive and hormonal systems operate in the same rhythm, but there is no load on the heart, which allows to train more effectively.
Without aerobic exercise L-carnitine is useless.
Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acid
Good assistants are omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are very much contained in fish oil. They also help the heart and blood vessels remain in good shape. If you take fatty acids along with thermogenics, carnitine, fat burning efficiency increases by several times.
Optionally, the fatty acid taken in an independent form. A lot of them found in eggs, peanuts, fish, caviar, flaxseed, canola and sesame oil. Omega-3 acid insure the physical overload.
As a result, the additive promotes weight loss and helps to train more effectively. Omega-3 fatty acids help to cope with increased appetite and improve the catabolism of fat.
admission rules
Despite the fact that sports nutrition is now available in every corner, if you do not follow these instructions, you will lose weight, but it will cause tremendous harm.
Follow these tips:
- Be sure to consult with a trainer or doctor before taking.
- Combining different types of fat burners can be, because they variously affect fat. Some right, some - indirectly. Especially because some species insure you from the side effects that can cause other species.
- Combining fat burners of one type can not beBecause it is inefficient, and the likelihood that manifest themselves side effects increases.
Of course, there are other rules. Proper sports nutrition for weight loss - is a system, stick to which is possible only after consultation with a specialist.
Own fat burners, and other products that can help the body to lose weight, can not be used.