Freezers: how to operate functions such as select operation

Freezer - a device for freezing and storage of frozen food supplies.


  • How to operate the freezer
  • Kinds
  • Functions freezers
  • pros
  • Minuses
  • How to choose a freezer
  • what better
  • Operation freezers
  • Guarantee
  • Faults and repairs
  • manufacturers

How to operate the freezer

Principle of operation

The main nodes freezer are:

  • evaporator;
  • compressor;
  • capacitor;
  • capillary tube;
  • Filter-dryer;
  • thermostat.

The algorithm of the freezer compartment is identical to the principle of action the refrigerator. In the evaporator, the refrigerant boils and begins to evaporate, passing into gaseous form; thus it removes heat from the inner chamber.

The process takes place at low pressure.

Principle of operation

The compressor draws refrigerant vapor under high pressure and injects them into the condenser. Next, the refrigerant is condensed into the liquid phase and giving heat to the environment. Passing through the filter-dryer and the capillary tube, it is fed to the evaporator.

The cooling cycle is repeated until such time as the temperature inside the chamber reaches the preset parameters, and then operates the thermostat and switches off the compressor.


Types freezers

On the household appliances market offers a wide range of cooling equipment, which varies specifications, design and color schemes.

Case color

Case color

Common colors:

  • white;
  • beige;
  • steel;
  • bronze;
  • red;
  • gold.



The main technical characteristics of the following plants appear nuances for freezing food products.

Form Factor

Depending on the design of freezing units are divided into the following types:

  • freezers;
  • freezers;
  • showcase;
  • ice makers.

chest freezer is a box, the top of which the cover is disposed. Inside the boxes are placed crates for products. Suitable marker storage reserves, such as pieces of meat weighing 30 kg.

freezer external execution is similar to a conventional refrigerator. The interior space is divided into compartments by means of plastic drawers or shelves, the latter option is not in demand among consumers.

Freezers are embedded and freestanding.

freezing showcases - horizontal type installation, the upper lid which is made of transparent material, that allows to see the products placed inside the freezer.

The cover may be a sliding or climbing structure. Showcases are designed for use in retail outlets in order to demonstrate the products sold.

ice maker - a kind of freezing equipment, intended for the preparation of edible ice.


Classification of ice making machines is performed on such parameters:

  • on purpose - domestic and industrial;
  • on the type of installation - floor and table;
  • Cooling method - air and water;
  • by the method of pouring water - and centralized aspic;
  • in the form of ice - Preparation of cubes, cones and pellets, flakes, etc.


The volume of the chamber
  • Characterizes the capacity of the inner chamber, measured in liters, ranges of 100-500 liters.
  • For use in food shops and catering establishments necessary roomy freezers for domestic use rational considered volume in the range from 100 to 260 liters.
  • Calculate the required volume of household freezer can be guided accepted ratio - 50 liters per one family member.
  • In the volume of the chamber affects the type of construction, freezers characterized by a greater capacity than the vertical type freezers.
  • Hopper capacity ice makers stated by the manufacturer in kilograms, depending on the model varies in the range of 1-200 kg.

Number of branches

Number of branches

For the organization of the interior space of freezers used drawers, shelves, or a combination thereof. Number of sections depends on the installation height.

The standard ratio:

  • height 85 cm - 3 compartments;
  • height 100 cm - 4 compartments;
  • height 120-150 cm - 6 branches;
  • height 156-167 cm - 7 offices;
  • height 180-200 cm - 8 offices.

freezing temperature

freezing temperature

Cooling, freezing and subsequent storage in freezers products occurs at medium and low temperatures. Operating mode of storage in refrigeration household purposes varies between -18 - -240FROM.

freeze class

Class freezing - figure temperature in the freezer chamber; parameter, which determines the shelf life of food products.

Marking is performed as asterisks, one star corresponds -60FROM:
  1. * - the maximum period of 7 days storage products;
  2. ** - Storage up to one month;
  3. *** - storage for up to 90 days;
  4. **** - shelf life of six months to a year.

climate class

Determines the climatic conditions of the refrigeration unit operation.

climate class

There are four climatic class:

  • subnormal (SN) to the operating conditions of +10 to +320FROM;
  • normal (N) to the operating condition from +16 to +320FROM;
  • subtropical (ST) to the operating condition from +18 to +380FROM;
  • tropic (T) to the operating condition from +18 to +430FROM.

freezing capacity

freezing capacity

Freezing capacity - an indicator of the performance of the freezer; It determines how much food the camera is able to freeze for 24 hours.

On average freezers for domestic use intended for freezing of from 5 to 15 kg product per day, more powerful units for industrial use was treated up to 40 kilograms.

cold preservation time

The indicator determines a freezer for the period of time will maintain the desired temperature in the chamber when the autonomous mode (during a power outage).

Specified by the manufacturer in the technical installation passport, an average of from 13 to 30 hours.


control type

Freezers are equipped with mechanical or electronic control type.

When motor operation freezer operating parameters are set by the rotary switches. Rotary switches are connected to the cooling circuit and the electric circuit.

In the mechanical type sensor conducts control the fixing temperature on the evaporator.


  • reliability;
  • simplicity;
  • low sensitivity to changes in line voltage;
  • reasonable price.

Minus - mechanical control system does not allow 100% accuracy expose predetermined temperature.

When the electronic control type to regulate the temperature inside the chamber is used Pushbuttons or touchpads. The sensor measures the temperature inside the chamber, and outputs the parameters to the display or indicator lamps.

The main advantages:

  • precision adjustment;
  • convenience.

The disadvantages include:

  • Susceptibility to changes in the power supply voltage;
  • the high cost.

Energy class freezers

Consumption - amount of electric energy spent on the work freezer. Energy class determines the ratio of the actual energy consumption and regulatory energy, denoted by Latin letters.


  • A ++ - electric power consumption of less than 30% of normal;
  • A + - power consumption at 30-42% of the standard ratio;
  • A - Actual power consumption not more than 42-55%;
  • B - power consumption is 55-75%;
  • C - power consumption of 75-90% of the specified value;
  • D - the actual power consumption reaches 90-100% of the characteristic.

Dimensions freezers

Standard dimensions Freezer-cabinets:

  • height is 65-200 cm;
  • width of 40-140 cm;
  • depth of 46-80 cm.

Dimensions freezers, chests:

  • height - from 78 to 100 cm;
  • width - from 48 to 190 cm;
  • depth - from 50 to 80 cm.

Functions freezers

Features and Benefits

When choosing plants for freezing pay attention to the features and capabilities of the unit.

Defrost the freezer system

defrost system

Freezer No Frost function It provides long-term freezer operation without the need for manual defrosting.

Frost on the inner walls of the chamber and the product is formed by creating a proper circulation of cold air within the freezer by a special fan.

Only frost formed on the evaporator surface, which is located on the rear wall of the freezer and is hidden from the user's eyes.

the system works:

  • With predetermined intervals circulation fan stops operating at the time.
  • It includes a heater, under the action of which the frost on the evaporator walls thaws.
  • The resulting water is removed by special grooves in the tray and evaporates.
Features and Benefits


  • uniform temperature within the chamber;
  • It does not require human intervention.


  • It reduces the useful volume of the chamber (20 liter);
  • It increases the cost of the freezer;
  • increases power consumption;
  • increased noise level during operation of the fan.

The freezers are not equipped with the function No Frost, defrosting is carried out in manual mode. To do this, the unit is disconnected from the network, the products are removed from the chamber.

Manual defrost takes place once a year on average. At the defrosting is performed sanitary cleaning chamber interior surfaces.


  • large amount of the freezing chamber;
  • affordable price.


  • It requires human intervention;
  • you need to follow the defrosting time.

protective functions

protective functions
  • door closing signal. The audio signal is triggered if the freezer door is open for more than one minute. After closing the door automatically stops.
  • Protection of children. The system locks the door of the freezer and the electronic control panel.
  • Antibacterial protection. It prevents the formation of unpleasant odors and product contamination by bacteria and fungi. By means of antibacterial protection include anti-bacterial filters, infrared light or ultraviolet light, deodorizers.

Additional functions

  • Repositioning the door. Installations provided in the vertical type, allows opening the freezer door in the desired direction - to the right or left.
  • Ice generator. Integrated device produces ice.
  • Fast freeze. Activating the function creates the conditions for freezing newly downloaded products in a short period of time.
  • Display. It displays the operating parameters of the unit.


protective functions

Advantages of freezer-cabinet:

  • space-saving;
  • the ability to sort products;
  • ease of operation, easy access to products.

Advantages of chest freezers:

  • capacity (inner space of the freezer can accommodate both small and overall packaging);
  • low power consumption;
  • Reliable insulation;
  • low noise levels;
  • reasonable price.



  • In operation of the vertical type freezer require more power.
  • Freezers have a smaller storage capacity compared to the horizontal type units.
  • Cost-freezer cabinets above.

horizontal installation

horizontal installation
  • The main drawback of the horizontal type units (chests) - complex organization of processes and dostavaniya styling products. To get the frozen food from the bottom of a chest need to remove the crates; inconvenient to store small-pieces products.
  • The minus-freezer chests concerns and inefficient use of space, in comparison with the Freezer they require more space.

How to choose a freezer

How to choose

The main recommendations for the selection of the freezer:

  • Before buying, decide for the use of the unit, operating conditions and location of equipment locations.
  • Determine the color of the case, which harmoniously fit into the design of the premises intended for the installation of the freezer.
  • Assess your financial opportunities.

Based on the above factors decide the type of construction, dimensions, and the control system necessary functions.

Choosing a freezer for an apartment worth opt for the installation of vertical type, as they are most ergonomic.

For the organization of long-life products in a country house and expected large volumes of freezing the ideal option would be freezer-chest.

When selecting the freezer cabinet should pay attention to the design of the boxes: a model with drawers containers are more practical and convenient to use than similar apparatus with folding covers. Shelves best option would be glass.

what better

Which is better

universal freezer for home use - the device:

  • a noise index no greater than 42 dB;
  • power class "A +" or "A ++";
  • class freeze ***;
  • freezing capacity of 6-10 kilograms per day.
Which is better

Ideal cabinet for freezing and storage products must have:

  • coverage within the chamber;
  • shelves on the door;
  • wire basket;
  • No Frost function;
  • fast freezing mode;
  • "Security lock";
  • warning indicator raising the temperature inside the chamber.
Which is better

Important parameters of the ideal a chest freezer, They are:

  • comfortable lighting;
  • the presence of the locking mechanism;
  • the presence of the power-on indicator;
  • operation signal;
  • adjustable partition;
  • the presence of at least one basket.

Operation freezers

Transport and Storage

Transport and Storage

Transportation equipment is held in the operating position of the unit. Freezer must not be exposed to impact loads during transportation and loading and loading operations.

Packaged freezer to be stored indoors, the humidity level not exceeding 80%.

Installation and connection of the freezer

Installation and Connection

Freezer installed in a ventilated dry environment away from heat sources:

  • minimum distance from the electric or gas - 3cm;
  • heating appliances - 5 cm;
  • from furniture and walls - 2 cm.
Installation and Connection

Basic Rules:

  • Do not allow direct sunlight to the instrument.
  • Ventilation openings must be opened.
  • Freezer is not intended for outdoor use.
  • After installation of the freezer unit is not connected to the network at least two hours.
  • For freezer power outlet is used to ground. Before connecting the cable to the power socket, make sure that the mains voltage corresponds to the voltage recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Before the first switching device, wipe the surface with warm water, diluted with vinegar to remove excess moisture with a soft dry cloth.
  • Read the manual before operating the appliance.

Terms freezing and storage of products in a freezer

Terms of freezing and storage of products
  • The camera is used only for frozen products, designated by the manufacturer in the instructions.
  • The laying of fresh supplies, avoid coming into contact with already frozen food.
  • Number of fresh products should not exceed the daily rate.
  • To ensure the safety of the products loading level should be at least 3 cm below the edge of the freezer.
  • Avoid frequent opening of the chamber door.
  • Observe the shelf life of frozen products.

Precautionary measures

Precautionary measures
  • Do not use extension cords to connect the freezer or the power outlet with branching.
  • Do not use the appliance children, persons with mental disabilities.
  • Do not touch the stamp outlet with wet hands to avoid electric shock.
  • Do not freeze in the chamber sodas and drinks in glass bottles.

rules defrost

rules defrost
  • In systems with mechanical defrosting the frost on the inner surfaces of the freezing chamber is not more than 3 mm thick plastic scraper to remove that part of the packaging unit.
  • If a layer of frost is 6 mm, freezer completely thawed.
  • With the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the way a manual defrost can be found in the instructions for use.
  • Units with automatic defrosting defrosting do not need to wash the camera enough to once every 1-2 years.


  • Before cleaning the freezer is disconnected from the mains.
  • The outer surfaces of the device are cleaned with water with the addition of liquid detergent.
  • For cleaning lacquered surfaces used alcohol-based cleansers and soft tissue.
  • The inner walls of the freezer washed with warm water and vinegar or small amount of detergent.
  • After washing the surface of the device is dried with a dry cloth.
  • Purification capacitor operate from dust with a vacuum cleaner.
  • When cleaning of the freezer vapor is not allowed to use the cleaner, cleaners containing abrasive particles, or acid.
  • It is necessary to monitor the safety of the nameplate mounted on the inner wall of the chamber.



On average, the warranty is valid for 24 months. They include free servicing, repair and elimination of defects due to the fault of the manufacturer. Warranty terms and conditions set forth in the warranty card.

The guarantee does not apply in the following cases:

  • Breakage caused by the user as a result of improper storage, transportation and operation of the appliance.
  • Fault freezer associated with chemical, thermal or mechanical damage to the device or component parts.
  • Damage to the unit caused by force majeure - floods, fires and other natural disasters.
  • The seal on the freezer power supply is broken.

The guarantee does not apply to the following details:

  • glass shelves;
  • plastic products, including plastic door handles;
  • incandescent lamps;
  • seals;
  • decorative plate.

Faults and repairs

Freezer does not freezes

Freezer does not freezes

If the temperature inside the freezer began to rise, the first thing you should check:

  • close fitting doors;
  • defrost button (if enabled);
  • position of the thermostat.

The problem is not resolved? Then the possible causes of failure are:

  • compressor failure;
  • refrigerant leakage;
  • plugging the cooling system;
  • failure of a thermostat or control unit;
  • failure of the heater (relates to freezers with function No Frost).
Freezer does not freezes

To eliminate identified defects may need:

  • sealing the cooling circuit and the refrigerant filling;
  • replacement of the compressor;
  • purging the capillary tube and replacement of the filter;
  • Replacement temperature sensor, temperature control or control unit.

Carrying out the above operations require spetsialnogooborudovaniya and skills, it is better to turn to professionals.

Freezer not included

Freezer not included

Possible causes of the problem:

  • a low voltage power supply;
  • fault plug socket or power cord;
  • Incorrect installation of the unit;
  • the failure of the thermostat or defrost button;
  • compressor failure;
  • contact oxidation, a problem in the control unit.
Freezer not included


  • Check the supply voltage using a multimeter by attaching probes to the contacts of the device outlet. Average voltage for operation of the unit - 220 V.
  • If the voltage is correct, then you need to check the very outlet. To do this, connect to a power outlet other appliance. If it works, then the cause of failure of the freezer should look elsewhere.
  • Checking the presence of light in the freezer chamber. If you open the door the light does not light up, the cause of the problem is most likely associated with the power cord. If the cord is squashed by, coerced by either interrupted, you will need to be replaced.
  • Modern freezers are equipped with automatic control systems and safety systems.
Freezer not included

If the freezer is installed incorrectly, there is misalignment, resulting in insufficient tight door, the system can block the compressor.

  • To check the thermostat, remove the clamp and connect the two wires are supplied to the thermostat directly. If the engine starts to work, the thermostat has failed and requires replacement. The same method serviceability check defrost button.
  • The causes of failure of the compressor may be open winding, interturn short circuit, ground fault. To diagnose engine will need an ohmmeter.
Freezer not included

Checking if the resistance between the contacts of the compressor, the meaning of which should be 18-20 ohms minimal value indicative of engine malfunction. To resolve this issue will require replacement of the compressor.

  • If all or parts described above are normal, the cause of the problem is most likely associated with a circuit break. To it can cause oxidation of the contacts, to remedy the defect all contacts are protected.

Freezer is not involved? Need diagnostic control module.

Freezer buzzing or clicks

Freezer buzzing or clicks

Increased noise during operation of the unit can be associated with improper installation, to solve the problem, align the freezer.

If during operation of the freezer began to appear flicks along with certain symptoms, it may be indicative of serious problems:

  • Present clicks, the compressor does not start to work, there is no light within the chamber - is out of order puskozaschitnoy relay. The solution - a replacement unit.
  • Periodically audible clicks, the compressor is not running, the light inside the camera lights - the thermostat failure. Path Solutions - replacement of faulty thermostat.
Freezer buzzing or clicks
  • After clicking the motor running, starts to buzz, and then turned off, a loud snapping - faulty motor-compressor. replacement of the compressor is required.
  • During normal operation of the freezer there clicks before disconnecting the compressor - fastening compressor came loose, freezer set correctly.

Yield of the situation - position change freezer adjust spring retaining compressor.

Freezer leaking

Freezer leaking

Possible reasons:

  • problems in the drainage system;
  • failure heater (in models with No Frost function);
  • the wear of the seal;
  • Incorrect installation of the freezer.

Problems with the drainage system:

  • The drainage tube has moved away from the pallet. In this case, the water formed under the freezer compartment, inside the chamber is dry. Remedy - Set the tube in place.
  • Clogged drain hole. Water collects inside the freezer. The solution - cleaning the drainage channel.
  • Faulty heater. When the output of the heater in freezers with moisture No Frost system condensing in the chamber, evaporates, and turns into frost.
Freezer leaking

When you open the doors the frost melts, formed by the liquid flows down the drainage system in the pallet, container overflows and flows to the floor. To resolve this issue needs to be replaced PETN.

  • Rubber seal freezer door is deformed or cracked, resulting in a loose fit of the door to the chamber wall. Solving the problem - replacement of worn seal a new one.
  • When improper installation of the appliance door is loosely fitted to the article body, warm air enters into the inner space of the freezer, which leads to the dripping of water. align the freezer to remedy the defect.

It does not light a lamp lighting camera

A common cause of the problem - the bulb lighting. To solve this problem - installation of a new lamp.



Freezing equipment market offers the consumer a variety of models of domestic and foreign production.



Freezers manufactured in Belarus are popular among domestic consumers.

The range includes three lines:

  • Classic;
  • Comfort;
  • Comfort +.

The company's catalog includes freezers with the body in white, olive, silver, ruby, salad, cappuccino color.

A characteristic feature - the use as a refrigerant isobutane. The units are designed for operation in climatic conditions 10 - 430FROM.

Krasnoyarsk plant Biryusa

The largest manufacturer of refrigeration equipment for household and industrial use in the domestic market. Serial production of refrigeration and freezing equipment at the enterprise started in 1964.

The company's production base is equipped with high-tech equipment made in Germany, Japan, Italy and Korea. Freezing Biryusa camera equipped with Danfoss compressor and ACC, which are manufactured in Denmark and Austria.

The main advantages of freezers Biryusa:

  • High energy efficiency class;
  • reliability;
  • quiet;
  • environmental friendliness.

Product warranty Biryusa plant is valid for 3 years.


The world-famous company Gorenje manufactures refrigeration equipment since 1968. The production base is located in the brand of Slovenia, the company manufactures high-tech freezing equipment with the use of innovative technologies:

  • Fast Freeze;
  • NoFrost absolute.

Gorenje line includes the horizontal and vertical type freezers. The color range includes classic white and silver color.

Feature of freezing equipment of Slovenian production in favor ergonomic with high productivity.

Freezer cabinets Gorenje width not exceeding 60 cm and a height of a chest freezer, is not more than 85 cm. The productivity of the individual models Combustion line reaches 20 kg per day and a volume chamber 220 liters.


The famous Italian brand IndesitCompany founded in 1975, today the company is a leader in the market of household appliances.

Freezers brand Indesit- is roomy, comfortable device with an attractive price and thoughtful organization of interior space.

the manufacturing process, in favor of the fact that Indesit Company does not issue its own compressors, freezers are equipped with engines from other manufacturers.

Italian manufacturers are confident in the quality of its products, the warranty on the freezing equipment brand Indesit is 3 years.


Lineup freezers known German brand includes compact device height and 85 cm, and recessed freestanding model. The company offers consumer freezing equipment classes Premium, Comfort, PremiumPlus.

Freezers Liebherr - is a high-performance equipment, with A +++ energy class A + and A.

For safe storage of food freezers equipped with temperature sensors and acoustic Frost Control indicator system which promptly notify the consumer of the increase in temperature inside freezer.

The main advantage of freezers Liebherr - the legendary German quality, less - cost items refer to goods medium price range.


The Russian company specializes in producing refrigerated equipment for household and medical supplies. Freezers characterized by quiet operation, equipment noise level does not exceed 40dB.

Equipment refers to climatic class N and can be operated in the temperature range of + 16- + 320FROM.

To enhance the anticorrosion properties of the developers propaivayut compressor system nodes freezers special composition, containing a large amount of silver. The refrigerant used isobutane R600a.

In order to reduce energy consumption for domestic uses LED lighting chamber or LED lights. product warranty is 1 year. The main advantage - an affordable cost.


On the market of refrigeration equipment production Saratov Electrical rooms Company is since 1951. Russian company offers consumers low-end models Saratov brand refrigeration equipment.

To date range includes about 15 models, which differ in dimensions, design and technical equipment.

Freezer Svariruetsya volume in the range 90-300 liters. Energy class B and C. Defrost Type - Manual.

the guarantee period specified by the manufacturer, is 3 years.


Lineup includes freezers vertical and horizontal design. All products are certified and meet international quality class.


  • functionality;
  • efficiency;
  • reliability;
  • quiet;
  • ergonomics;
  • attractive design.

The range includes both Shivaki freezers expensive models are equipped with the latest innovative technologies, as well as more affordable options. Energy efficiency class - A and A +.