Water filters in private house: types, selection criteria, models

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One of the main advantages of autonomous objects is the ability to create improved living conditions. But the comfortable surroundings of the modern criteria associated with an impeccable environment. install a water filter in a private home for the implementation of the respective plans. This article will help you choose the right equipment without errors.

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  • 1 Application domestic water filters: basic definitions
    • 1.1 What tasks are successfully solved with the help of high-quality water purification system in a private home
    • 1.2 Features of operation of water purification systems in the apartment
  • 2 The apparatus and classification of water filters
    • 2.1 The classification of the installation site
      • 2.1.1 Preliminary and main water treatment unit
      • 2.1.2 flow-through filters
    • 2.2 The degree of purification: the right choice of equipment for different tasks
      • 2.2.1 Coarse cleaning: cost savings, proper pre-treatment
      • 2.2.2 Realistic possibilities fine water purification technology
    • 2.3 Advantages and disadvantages of different designs
      • 2.3.1 mesh
      • 2.3.2 volumetric
      • 2.3.3 cartridge
      • 2.3.4 disc
  • 3 Review filters based purification method
    • 3.1 Prices and mechanical characteristics of the filters of water purification
    • 3.2 Appointment of technology, the market offers in a segment of the ion exchange equipment
    • 3.3 Rules for the choice of reverse osmosis home filter
    • 3.4 Environmentally friendly treatment: aeration installation
    • 3.5 Can I use ozonation at home
    • 3.6 Ultraviolet treatment: protection against disease
    • 3.7 Overview of the market of carbon filters
    • 3.8 Other equipment
  • 4 How to choose a water filter in a private home: a summary table of popular models with comments
  • 5 Conclusion additional tips

Application domestic water filters: basic definitions

"A good wife, a good house - what else does a man to meet old age ?!". Unlike Abdullah wise Sukhov know about the benefits of clean water for a healthy and long life
"A good wife, a good house - what else does a man to meet old age ?!". Unlike Abdullah wise Sukhov know about the benefits of clean water for a healthy and long life

Would you like to enjoy fragrant tea? Given sufficient attention to quality of the liquid used. Profiled experts advise to do so, to feel all the advantages of a good drink. It is necessary to remove odors and flavors. Absolutely possible presence of mechanical impurities, harmful chemicals, dangerous biological objects.

In theory, the necessary result should provide relevant municipal services. However, it is no secret the high level of depreciation of domestic utilities.

Breakthrough running water - is not only a beautiful fountain in a completely unexpected place
Breakthrough running water - is not only a beautiful fountain in a completely unexpected place

Such accidents are accompanied by the penetration of dirt into the main pipe. Impurities contained in them can be harmful to health, damage the domestic equipment. To obtain adequate cash compensation in such cases could not be counted. These and other troubles will prevent an individual filter for drinking water.

But it does have a value listed concerns when it comes to the owner of your own home? Let's try to examine this issue in detail.

For example, take the territory of the Moscow region, as a region with a relatively high level of environmental control
For example, take the territory of the Moscow region, as a region with a relatively high level of environmental control

This map displayed integral evaluation. Light green represents areas with a satisfactory situation. Critical values ​​start from yellow hue. Red areas are unfavorable for three of the environment. Unfortunately, here and in other public information sources is no exact data. Specific figures are only up to 2000.

It is unlikely that with the advent of the new century, the situation changed for the better. If we examine the experts' opinion, they are advised not to use open reservoirs and wells throughout the territory of the Moscow region, without high-quality water treatment for drinking.

Wealthy person may think that he is able to solve all the problems with the use of personal artesian well. However, an expensive piece of engineering is not a panacea. In deep water natural purification methods remove unfavorable "traces" of modern civilization. However, there are rocks, saturating liquid hardness salts. They turn into a scum, which spoils household appliances, creates other problems.

Modern household water filter will help to get a positive result with a reliable guarantee
Modern household water filter will help to get a positive result with a reliable guarantee

What tasks are successfully solved with the help of high-quality water purification system in a private home

In suburban areas other than the typical household needs must take into account the need glaze, Washing the car. Accordingly calculates the required performance of a water filtration system for the home. First, you can use the current health and hygiene regulations. In different modes there point of 200 to 300 liters per day per person. We will not save, to ensure a supply of potential needs. For a family of four people set the "limit": 300 * 4 = 1200 liters.

It is clear that water is not in operation around the clock. Assume that the working hours are not more than 10. In this case, water treatment in a country house must perform their function with processing speeds of up to 120 liters of water per hour (1200/10 = 120).

Do not rush to go to the store for purchase. It is necessary to take into account peak demand. Use the data from the table:

Sanitary appliances Nominal water flow rate in cubic meters. in an hoursimultaneous use
Faucet in the sink guest bathroom on the 1st floor0,25
Mixer in the kitchen0,25+
filling bath0,8+
Mixer in the master bathroom on the 2nd floor0,25
in total1,9

Here are parameters at a system pressure of 2.5 atm. Consumption bidet, toilets, washing and dishwashers not taken into account. Considered the option with the highest needs. If the standard range of commercial enterprise there are models 1.8 and 2.0 cubic meters., Preferable to the latter. More efficient water filter in a country house performs its functions with a smaller load. It will have to be replaced less frequently fillers cartridges. Increased reliability, extended service life overall, decreases the likelihood of breakdowns.

special calculator on this case has been designed for the convenience of our esteemed readers the editors:

Note! Profiled experts recommend making a stock of 20% or more to the calculated value.

Spare parts for water filters in a private house
Spare parts for water filters in a private house

The figure marked with the following types of components (a detailed description and working principles are described later in this article):

  1. prefilter.
  2. Aeration column.
  3. Volumetric water filter for home with backfill.
  4. Installation of ion exchange.
  5. Buck with regeneration solution.
  6. fine filter.

Attentive person will notice that there are not considered part of the requirements.

A downhole filter prevents penetration in large mechanical impurities
A downhole filter prevents penetration in large mechanical impurities

This equipment can be taken outside the scope of this article as well as a specific topic should be considered separately. However, in cold water should be added filters treatment of drinking water. The composition of this set is selected with consideration of the characteristics of contamination.

To avoid errors, do not use primitive tests in the form of paper strips
To avoid errors, do not use primitive tests in the form of paper strips

Such products are used to control the composition of the water in the aquariums. By itself must be treated with more attention than to the aquarium fish.

It is necessary to take out the sample wells in a clean container, pass them to a specialized laboratory for detailed analysis
It is necessary to take out the sample wells in a clean container, pass them to a specialized laboratory for detailed analysis

From it you can get accurate data on chemical, biological and radiological impurities. They help make the right decision when choosing a water filter in a private house.

Features of operation of water purification systems in the apartment

Country house requires sufficient space to accommodate a large set of equipment. you can make an addition to the main building if necessary. water purification system for the apartment has to be selected carefully:

  • In such real property is less free space.
  • Here difficult or completely impossible to increase the total area.
  • We have to reckon with the opinion of unpleasant neighbors who inexplicably hampered technological noises.

When you select a filter for the water in the apartment, you can save. In spite of the objective facts, certain obligations mentioned above (the remnants of conscience) in public services workers are present. They are forced to make an effective disinfection, perform other requirements on the composition of water.

Sometimes even without a laboratory analysis can ensure that there is a problem
Sometimes even without a laboratory analysis can ensure that there is a problem

Using quality water filtration system to remove rust apartments, other mechanical admixtures. It is useful for cleaning fluid from chlorine and other harmful impurities, odors.

Delivery of drinking water without drawbacks only posters
Delivery of drinking water without drawbacks only posters

This service is not cheap. We have to adjust their actions based on the schedule of deliveries. Certain difficulties arise in handling the heavy bottles. It is impossible to completely eliminate the sale of products of dubious origin.

Note! Some contaminants can not be detected with the use of the senses. Particularly dangerous heavy metals that accumulate in the body gradually to form a visible manifestations of physiological lesions diseases.

Installing the filter for water purification for apartments will fully keep the situation under personal control. With precise selection of equipment and compliance with operating rules can ensure perfect quality with reliable guarantees of cleaning.

Important! When equipped with facilities that are connected to a centralized network, be aware of a possible sharp rise in pressure. The pressure increase in the regular-season tests for inspections after accidents elimination. The protection provided by a special adjusting and limiting device, which is set in the input highways.

The apparatus and classification of water filters

A large variety of products in this category makes use distribution groups. This approach simplifies the learning operating principles and apparatus filters for certain categories of water:

  • Mechanical impurities detention It based on the creation of obstacles, through which the particles are not able to enter a certain size.
  • "Reagent" technology based on the use of special chemical compounds, drugs. They, in particular accelerate the process of deposition of fine suspensions.
  • physical methods perform their functions on the basis of the relevant principles. Temperature effect, for example, convert dissolved salts of calcium and magnesium in the solid particles.

In some cases, use several different household filter to purify tap water. Properly chosen combination of equipment working efficiently, with reasonable operating costs.

In any case, it is necessary to take into account the intended purpose. Thus, water filters out of the well is set to reduce the level of stringency, protect the connected boilers and other processing equipment. In the closed loop is allowed presence of unsafe contaminants.

Water for drinking, perform hygiene procedures prepare carefully. Ensure its supply of individual pipesTo prevent recontamination.

The block diagram of training system and water with three loops
The block diagram of training system and water with three loops

The classification of the installation site

According to the diagram it is clear that it makes no sense to install equipment in all circuits with maximum efficiency. Optimizing the parameters of the project can be done by selecting the appropriate filters for water in a private house. This will help to get the right quality inexpensively.

Preliminary and main water treatment unit

In the first phase delay clay particles and other major impurities. To this end mounted in the intake pipe of the well holes. At the bottom of the filter layer create granular materials. deep pump protect louvered hood.

Bulk water filter in a private home selected taking into account the overall needs. If necessary, mechanical treatment complement iron removal installation. This approach prevents the penetration of impurities which are capable of quickly clog and incapacitate cartridges subsequent blocks other training system.

Mechanical cleaning of the control and protection functions
Mechanical cleaning of the control and protection functions

Components and features of a modern main filter to purify water in the apartment:

  • Pressure gauge (1 and 3) the need for visual control pressure to the inputs and the output, respectively.
  • This regulator (2) establish the desired pressure in domestic water system.
  • Durable metal housing (4) without damage to withstand high temperature. Inside a filter element. This way the device is intended for installation in the networks of hot water.
  • At the bottom of accumulated contamination. They were removed in the drainage without disassembling the case. For manual washing using a valve (5).

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Filters for water in a private home: the right choice and rational exploitationFiltering the water coming from the tap, it is now regarded as the first necessity. To clean it use flow and a main water filters. What they look like, what is the difference, devices varieties, popular models, installation Secrets - read our publication.

flow-through filters

Typical flow filters for water purification in the apartment
Typical flow filters for water purification in the apartment

Compactness kit simplifies the selection of a suitable place for installation. Quite often, this is done using the free space under the sinkOr in the nearest locker cabinet furniture. Top fix a separate tap for drinking water prepared.

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Filters for water in a private home: the right choice and rational exploitationwater filter under the sink. Which is better for a house, an apartment, and what can be, is not very effective, let's find out in this review. After all, this question is quite important - our health depends on the quality of tap water. A particularly relevant water quality, if a family has young children.

In the flask, a replaceable cartridges. The parameters of these components are selected to meet the requirements to the cleaning system
In the flask, a replaceable cartridges. The parameters of these components are selected to meet the requirements to the cleaning system

The degree of purification: the right choice of equipment for different tasks

These devices are installed in the boreholes for the primary separation of the largest solids. They are used in the finishing stages of the preparation, washed to contamination from the fluid stream treatment system is not penetrated on. In each case, the parameters are selected taking into account obstacles particle sizes.

Coarse cleaning: cost savings, proper pre-treatment

This category includes the equipment for retention of suspended impurities with the size of the individual particles of 50-500 microns and more. There are no standards, so you need to carefully study the technical possibilities of water filters coarse a certain brand. In order not to impede the flow of water to promote, apply consecutively several nets with sizes ranging from larger to smaller cells.

It should be noted that without appropriate protection, mechanical impurities can eventually completely block the pipeline performance. The fastest way to become clogged turns, fitting. Strong abrasive particles damage the rubber and polymer sealants, incapacitate cranes. They create scratches in the oxide layer, provoking corrosion processes.

Especially dangerous is the penetration of such contaminants in the heat exchangers, and other small ducts. For this reason, filters for cleaning of industrial water is often installed in front of boilers, boilers
Especially dangerous is the penetration of such contaminants in the heat exchangers, and other small ducts. For this reason, filters for cleaning of industrial water is often installed in front of boilers, boilers

Realistic possibilities fine water purification technology

Immediately mechanical methods retain particles ranging in size from 15 to 50 microns. For this purpose the grid is used with the smallest pores, different volumetric structure. Carbon filters fine water for apartments able to create a reliable barrier to the smallest impurities (1-10 microns). In this case, a useful function performs adsorption.

In the next stage reverse osmosis is applicable. Suitable water Hepa filters do not pass bacteria, microbes, chemical compounds. According to the final result is comparable to such treatment by distillation.

Advantages and disadvantages of different designs

The following are the methods of mechanical filtering contaminants. The easiest - defending. Throw a pinch of debris in a glass of water to see slowly formed on the bottom layer under the influence of gravity precipitation. The accumulated waste can be removed, and the consumers - feeding clean liquid.

The key word in the description of this technology - "slow". Low-speed process need supplemented regular precipitation extraction. It requires large capacity, but open water in local climatic conditions will not be used.

Hardly appropriate to create such a sump in the basement of his residential facility
Hardly appropriate to create such a sump in the basement of his residential facility

The following are the more practical filters for water in a private home.



This name accurately explains the purpose of the device. With the help retain large fraction of contaminants. They settle in the nozzle. To remove the sludge twisting flanged tube, mesh washed with pure water. To this point accumulated in the iron particles, bottom fixed insert of magnetic material.

modern design
modern design

Such a strainer for the water in a private home is installed in the cold manifold. Transparent plastic housing simplifies operational control. In order not to drain the dirt by hand, instead of a valve installed with a solenoid valve timer.

Note! It is more effective in flushing the reverse direction. When you purchase should check the availability of the corresponding function. In the closed embodiment, clogging of the mesh can be controlled by the difference of the two pressure gauges (inlet and outlet).


Water Softener in a private house pool
Water Softener in a private house pool

According to this figure, you can explore the principle of operation of the equipment in this category. In a large tank is filled purified granular material. To use the universal cleaning sand. To remove impurities, the flow is directed in the opposite direction (from the bottom upwards, through the central feed pipe). The main advantage compared to conventional grid is effectively the detention of impurities.

Note! Instead of manually set the drive control unit with dedicated solenoid valves. The integrated electronics of a given program are rinsed automatically, without any control, and other user actions.


If you prefer the convenience - pay attention to cartridge filters for water. In these products use multilayer mesh, three-dimensional structures of polymeric fibers, activated carbon fillers. To replace just follow a simple procedure that takes a couple of minutes, no more. The only significant drawback is a one-time use.

Jug integrated cartridge filters for water purification
Jug integrated cartridge filters for water purification

With a relatively small needs using such products. Pitcher is inexpensive. It should not be connected to the water supply, electricity. He moves easily. For him, there is always a suitable place in the kitchen.

The design of a typical main filter cartridge for water in the private house
The design of a typical main filter cartridge for water in the private house

Pay attention to the following elements:

  • Rubber seal prevents penetration of contamination into the "pure zone".
  • Tabs at the bottom ensure a stable vertical position.
  • Metal threaded insert strengthens the connection to the backbone.
  • A special button, you can reset the internal pressure for the easy separation of the flask.


In these products establish a particular filter element is a hollow column. It is formed from a disc. On wide planes are made recesses which after assembly form the narrow channels of a complex configuration. That they stuck dirt.

In disc filters for water barrier is created volume, more efficient in comparison with conventional nets. In the present embodiment has a cleaning mechanism. It is more economical than using disposable cartridges. Accumulated impurities decrease the outlet pressure, after which the flow is fed in the reverse direction (from the middle part toward the housing). Wheels are driven unclenched. Contaminants are washed away in drainage. Pressure returned to normal, items are being returned to the operating position.

Components of the disc filter for water
Components of the disc filter for water

Review filters based purification method

To find out which water filter is best, it is necessary to examine the current market offers. Below are the new items and proven model with comments and reviews of the owners. This information is useful for comparative analysis.

Prior to the selection of household filters for drinking water should be accurately articulate individual requirements. As noted above, it is better to make an adequate supply performance.

During the study of filters for tap water in a private home pay special attention to ease of use, reliability. Such objects have been removed from service centers, so to get a quick expert help will be difficult.

Prices and mechanical characteristics of the filters of water purification

Photo Brand / modelInlet Pressure, atm.The minimal particle size, micronsprice, rub.notes
Filters for water in a private home: the right choice and rational exploitationHoneywell / HS 10S 1 "AA1,5-1610017300-23900The cold water reducer, pressure gauges.
Filters for water in a private home: the right choice and rational exploitationGeiser / SL 10 TyphoonUp to 83600-6800Performance up to 15 liters per minute, the hot and cold water.
Filters for water in a private home: the right choice and rational exploitationHoneywell / FF 06 3/4 "AAM1003800-7900One stage of the process.
Filters for water in a private home: the right choice and rational exploitationFAR / FA 12 2390600460-590Sump. Brass body. Grid - Stainless Steel.
Filters for water in a private home: the right choice and rational exploitationUSFilter / PBH-410 1 1/2 "to 6.99100-9800Performance up to 57 liters per minute.
Filters for water in a private home: the right choice and rational exploitationBWT / Infinity M 1 "DR9022200-23560For cold water Hand backwashing, pressure reducer.

Reviews of mechanical filters for water purification to help make the right decision:

Geyser-A100 / A20
Geyser-A100 / A20

Anka2310, Almetyevsk: Advantages: The following filters become clogged much less. The water passes through the fine metal grid in which all delayed - in this case the sand. And importantly, the filter can simply be washed and sand and other dirt is discharged to the sewer via the valve.

Disadvantages: None.

More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_2076855.html

water Workshop, cartridge PP-10
water Workshop, cartridge PP-20

Polla, Kiev: Pluses: price, quality. I have a semi-transparent filter through which you can control the process-syak. Earlier, I was taking, and 5 microns, still period was well, at least three weeks! And a surprise it was when he took 2.5 weeks and the cartridge 10 microns is not that pure white, but not rusty-brown. Still can not believe that water is rapidly corrected and cleared themselves of the pipe.

Minuses: no

More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_4935577.html

Appointment of technology, the market offers in a segment of the ion exchange equipment

Components of a standard installation
Components of a standard installation

To eliminate hardness salts used ion exchange. Purification of water and auxiliary operations are performed as follows:

  • The tank (1) is filled granular resin (2).
  • The feed water is fed through the nozzle (6) in the upper part of the container. When passing through the existing filling there retained calcium and magnesium ions.
  • Simultaneously fluid saturation sodium compounds which are not capable of forming a scale on heating.
  • The treated water through an intake device (10) of the central tube (3) is supplied to consumers (7).
  • In a separate tank (5) is a sodium salt solution (9). For initial washing and recovery functionality resins it is fed in the reverse direction through the tube (11). Contamination is directed to drainage (8).
  • Regeneration and other process controls the electronic unit (4) with valves.
Photo Brand / modelInlet Pressure, atm.Dimensions, cmprice, rub.Features
Filters for water in a private home: the right choice and rational exploitationAquaphor / WaterBoss 7001,4-837,5h65,4h 47.657500-68700Saves at functionality rigidity to 24 eV mg / liter. Initial iron content - up to 10 mg per liter.
Filters for water in a private home: the right choice and rational exploitationAtoll / S-28 EcoLife1,5-635h110h 5133700-58200Performance up to 33 liters per minute. Reagent container 28 liters.
Filters for water in a private home: the right choice and rational exploitationPentair / TS 91-12 M2,5-630,4h124h 30.475500-94300Performance up to 40 l / min. The volume of single loading 112 l. Automatic start regeneration metered quantity of treated water.

Even compact household filters for water softening cabinet type occupy a lot of space. To accommodate larger plants need a few square meters, taking into account technological passages. This equipment is placed away from heating appliances. The indoor humidity is maintained by the manufacturer and temperature regime.

Despite the high cost and complexity of such a system of ion exchange are not able to independently adjust settings when adjusting the volume of consumption, the level of rigidity. The corresponding operation is performed by the owner, or arrived on-call specialist.

Important! In order not to interrupt the water supply during regeneration, two tanks mounted in parallel with the basic excipient. This increases the cost, but in addition provides increased comfort, reliability and longer service life of ion exchange resins.

Rules for the choice of reverse osmosis home filter

Structure of reverse osmosis membranes for water purification
Structure of reverse osmosis membranes for water purification

The principle of operation of this device based on the displacement of liquid through a semipermeable barrier from a region with a high content of impurities in the solution with a lower concentration. However, the average user does not need such details. It is enough to know that the microscopic holes in the membrane capable of passing only the relatively small water molecules. Large objects are chemical compounds and organic origin are washed in drainage.

To maintain objectivity, it should be noted shortcomings filters for water treatment by reverse osmosis:

  • To maintain the functionality necessary pressure of at least 2 atm. at the entrance.
  • For every liter of purified water necessary to 2-2.5 times more contaminated liquid sent to drain.
  • Performance of household equipment does not exceed 220-240 liters per day. This means that the technical problems have to be solved with the help of other equipment.
  • In addition to the kit includes several membrane cartridges. To maintain the health needs periodic replacement of the respective elements.
  • Quality cleaning Some users report as excessive. So people have to complement the set of special cartridges mineralizer.
As part of a full set has a storage tank, the sink faucet, connecting tubes, fasteners
As part of a full set has a storage tank, the sink faucet, connecting tubes, fasteners
Photo Brand / modelThe number of cleaning stagesBacklog Tel'nykh tank, lAir capacity in l / minprice, rub.
Filters for water in a private home: the right choice and rational exploitationAtoll / A-550 Patriot550,087700-8700
Filters for water in a private home: the right choice and rational exploitationNew Water / Praktic Osmos Stream OUD60061,2517400-24700
Filters for water in a private home: the right choice and rational exploitationGeiser / P Prestige5120,138800-13900

Environmentally friendly treatment: aeration installation

This treatment stimulates the oxidation processes. Aeration of water from the well will convert the dissolved iron compounds in a solid precipitate. It was then possible to delay the use of conventional mechanical filtration technologies. The same procedure is useful for the removal of hydrogen sulfide, manganese.

A typical set of water aeration system
A typical set of water aeration system
Such a kit costs 30-48 thousand. rub.
Such a kit costs 30-48 thousand. rub.

The price increases with the performance if there is a part of automation tools. We should not forget that the aeration unit must be supplemented with catalytic tank fillers. They retain the converted iron compounds.

Can I use ozonation at home

The water in some cases purified by ozonation
The water in some cases purified by ozonation

Such equipment is used in public swimming pools, in the food factories. There are proposals on at a residential installation market. However, at sufficiently high efficiency water ozonation technology benefits and harms should be studied in great detail.

When adding this gas is active oxygen saturation fluid. iron oxidation occurs faster than with standard aeration. At the same time destroyed the bacteria, and other pathogens. Generation takes place directly at the point of use, so do not need the hassle and the cost of moving and storing ozone.

The main disadvantages are listed below:

  • Set of high-quality equipment of this category is expensive.
  • It should be remembered that this gas is toxic.
  • It is necessary to precise dosing, perfect tightness of all connections.
  • Excessive oxidation activity provokes destruction of metals.
  • Bactericidal effect of short duration.

Ultraviolet treatment: protection against disease

Instead unsafe ozone is used in everyday life special lamps. They emit light in the destructive range of microorganisms.

Such complement blocs flow Fitting
Such complement blocs flow Fitting

Ultraviolet water filters may be used separately, as an independent means of purification. Products in this category are for domestic use from 6 to 11 thousand. rub. They consume 20 to 40 watts per hour, so the cost of electricity will not be large, even with constant use. In practice, a switch when moving fluid stream.

Overview of the market of carbon filters

Bed of sorbent
Bed of sorbent

In such an embodiment, a carbon filter for water can be assembled from standard components of the ion exchange system (surround the main filter). It needs a lot of filling. We'll have to pick up a strong enough supplies that are able to perform their function without secondary pollution of water.

Specialized filler of activated carbon for aquarium filters
Specialized filler of activated carbon for aquarium filters

This high-quality filling at 800-1000 ml volume is from 480 to 570 rubles. The service life of the target application does not exceed 3-4 weeks. Not hard to do the calculation and draw their own conclusions about the appropriateness of the costs.

Advantageous application of standard cartridges of coal in water purification filters
Advantageous application of standard cartridges of coal in water purification filters

Such products are installed in the flow purification systems, both independently and as part of other units. They cost from 140 to 750 rubles., Have a life of up to 6 thousand. liters or more. Supporting documentation for products of responsible manufacturers contain accurate technical and operational parameters, so making the right choice is not difficult.

Other equipment

Vessel with polyphosphates
Vessel with polyphosphates

Such a water filter into a private house installed to protect individual pieces of equipment from scale. Range device is limited to several tens of centimeters in length input pipeline. This technology is not suitable for potable water, as she pollutes its chemical compounds.

The generator of ultrasonic vibrations
The generator of ultrasonic vibrations

This technique breaks down deposits of calcium and magnesium salts. Simultaneously, it can damage the weld, paint, other decorative covering. Resonant vibrations create unpleasant sounds. more "minus" can be found at a comprehensive assessment of the technology than the "pros."

Electromagnetic protection from scale
Electromagnetic protection from scale

This procedure may be called promising. Most types of equipment consume only about 20-25 watts of power per hour, provide protection to 1.5-2 km long pipeline. The lack of direct contact with water to prevent mutual impacts, which increases the service life and prevents changes in the chemical composition of the fluid.

How to choose a water filter in a private home: a summary table of popular models with comments

Use the following information is not difficult to buy a water filter for a country house, villa. These popular turnkey solutions received high marks common users and experts. Of course, the choice will need to make adjustments to meet individual needs and conditions of the application.

Photo The type of filter settingBrand / modelprice, rub.Technical features, comments
Filters for water in a private home: the right choice and rational exploitationJugBrita / Marella XL690-2100Built-in "Calendar" reminds you to replace the cartridge. Useful volume - 2 liters.
Filters for water in a private home: the right choice and rational exploitationprimary purificationGeiser / SL 10 Typhoon3500-6800Universal In-line filters suitable for hot and cold water systems. Acceptable inlet pressure to 8 atmospheres. Capacity - up to 15 liters per minute.
Filters for water in a private home: the right choice and rational exploitationsoftenerAquaphor / WaterBoss Pro 18058200-68900Complex purification of water from chlorine, calcium and magnesium salts, solids with dimensions of 20 microns or more. The high level of automation, built-in bypass.
Filters for water in a private home: the right choice and rational exploitationReverse osmosisNew Water / Expert Osmos Stream MOD60017500-25800High Performance (1.25 l / min). The unique low minimum operating pressure at the inlet (0.5 atm.). Mineralizer standard

Note! When choosing a water filter in the private house price of the first purchase will complete the cost of consumables, cartridges. Consider the replacement frequency for accurate comparative analysis.

Conclusion additional tips

Do not be put off by the diversity of the market. Many engineering solutions are so well established in practice, that the differences between similar products from different manufacturers are minimal. For this reason, it is necessary to pay due attention to warranty, customer feedback, service, another important "little things."

In any case, it is necessary to pinpoint the purpose of the set of equipment. This requires a preliminary study. The carefully executed this step, the lower the probability of errors. In the most difficult situations should consider the option of delivery of drinking water.

To make the right choice should be considered a long service life (10 years and over). This will help to assess the initial investment and the costs of future periods. Separately check the reliability of the equipment to prevent unexpected expenses on restoration of working capacity.

For a more accurate analysis and answers to additional questions, use comments to this article. Here you can communicate with the relevant experts and the current owners, the authors of the realized projects. It is totally free and useful. With the use of up to date information, you can eliminate errors and apply for profit quality ready-made solutions.