Summer, sun, dacha - all this is wonderful, except for the fact that you have to give up some of the benefits of civilization. And we are already very used to them, and it is somehow uncomfortable to be, for example, without hot water. Even that week or two, when summer preventive work is going on in an apartment building, without hot water is a real test. And for those who have the happy opportunity to go out of town for the whole summer, the problem of comfortable conditions is very acute. Today we have compiled for you a rating of the best washbasins for summer cottages in 2022. At the same time, we will discuss how to solve the problem of heating water in a country house.
Read in the article
- 1 If there is no water in the tap
- 2 Types of washbasins for giving
- 3 Top models of washbasins with water heating
- 4 Which washbasins without heating are better
- 5 How to heat water in the country
If there is no water in the tap
Perhaps it’s worth starting the conversation with the original question: do you have tap water or do you use some kind of natural source? If so, then there are many solutions. And if not? Maybe you have water from a well or, for example, from a well? Or do you have to carry water from a river or a well?
Gone are the days when water from natural sources was carried in buckets. Now, of course, there are pumps, which makes the task much easier. Only here for pumps it is necessary that electricity be also carried out to your suburban area. Here, too, it must be recognized that such pleasure is not available to everyone.

But in any case, there are solutions. So, to begin with, let's talk about the situation when you do not have the opportunity to use the water supply.
This is where wash basins come in handy. As in the famous poem about Moidodyr, remember? This is a design in which you can pour water in large quantities and use it gradually by opening the tap. And here you will be surprised that there are a lot of options for various designs. As they say, for every taste, color and wallet - from vintage country handwashers to quite modern devices with electric heating.
Choosing the right model will depend only on your taste and needs. When it comes to just washing your hands after fussing in the garden, the simplest washbasin, and if you need to wash and brush your teeth, rinse the plate - this is a completely different matter, without no heating. Washing dishes in cold water, even with the most expensive products, is a so-so idea.
An important factor for making a decision will be the number of people who will use the outdoor washbasin. You are unlikely to like to run around endlessly and add water if it ends literally after each family member. And the less often you need to do this, the less attention you will have to pay to all this, in theory.

Another important point is the container material. Here, of course, the question may directly rest on your financial capabilities. Metal tanks are a good choice for a reliable and durable material, but, as you know, metal with direct contact with water, and even with warm or hot, quickly comes into deplorable condition. So it is logical to choose not just a steel tank, but a stainless steel, and this is not so cheap anymore.
Plastic in this regard looks very attractive - cheap and cheerful. Only here there are restrictions in terms of heating water, and plus plastic is still a less durable material than metal, so you have to be especially careful with such a washstand. Actually, the choice is only between plastic and metal. Cast-iron washbasins, as in the old days, are no longer made; you can buy them only from antique dealers.

Types of washbasins for giving
The default washbasin is a water tank with or without a tap and a heating system. The washbasin can be on a counter, have a cabinet or be mounted on the wall - it all depends on where you place it and for what purpose you intend to use it.
Washstands with a heater are very convenient. It's one thing on a hot day when the water is at a comfortable temperature even without heating. And it’s completely different if you have to wash yourself with ice water or wash your hands and dishes in it in the fall. Since we are still talking about a washbasin, and not a water heater in the traditional sense, the water is poured in manually and heated by a heating element placed directly in the tank itself. The more powerful the heating element, the faster the heating occurs. The only downside is that the entire volume of moisture is heated, and then, if the water is not used, it cools down. Consequently, some of the energy (and a lot) is wasted.
Modern washbasins for summer cottages have sensors that turn off the heating in the absence of water, so it is completely safe to use them. The downside of such devices is their rather high cost and the need to conduct wiring to the location with all the precautions - after all, water is nearby.

As for the design of these devices, each variety has its own nuances:
- wall mounted on special brackets on the wall. But keep in mind that a washbasin filled with water weighs a lot, so the load will be very large and the wall must withstand it. Usually, hanging washstands are made in a small volume, so 5–10 liters is the size limit. This option is great for placing somewhere in the garden where you just need to rinse your hands after working in the garden.
- The most popular are designs with a pedestal. There is a significant plus here: you can simultaneously place the water tank itself on a solid basis, and the sink, and also find a place for household chemicals.
PHOTO: magazintroyka.ruIf you don’t have a sewer in your country house, even a local one, then you can simply install a bucket in the cabinet under the sink and take out the used water as it fills up. And you can simplify the task by connecting at least the simplest drain system to the sink so that the bucket does not overflow - Washbasin on the counter - a universal design that can be placed both in the garden and in the house. The rack acts as a base; it can be a metal or wooden structure with a reliable tank fastening. In the garden, you don’t even have to fit the sink and bucket - the water will go into the ground.
Top models of washbasins with water heating
All models of heated washbasins are an order of magnitude more expensive than those in which there are no heating elements, but it is convenient. The heating element in the container can maintain a comfortable temperature for use. Typically, such models have regulation, so you can set the temperature from 20 to 80 degrees. Let's consider which country washbasins today are deservedly popular.
Vortex - domestic products with a simple and neat design that will look organic both in the house and in the fresh air. There are three color options: brown, white and silver.

The sink itself is made of stainless steel: it is not afraid of water or accidental damage. The price of the product can be called democratic. A small problem is only in mounting the siphon under the pedestal so that there is less splashing. In addition, users express the desire to install adjustable legs, so that it is easier to set the washbasin on an uneven surface.
EBVO-17 - Another example of domestic products for a reasonable price. It enjoys constant popularity among buyers and has numerous positive reviews. The device weighs less than 2 kg, has a convenient tank volume and elementary control.

The disadvantages are not very convenient and rather fragile faucet and the lack of a relay that turns off the heater when there is a lack of water. Despite these shortcomings, EBVO is a very popular model.
Alvin – an excellent washbasin with a simple design and efficient heating up to 60 degrees per hour. The case has double walls that allows to keep temperature, comfortable for washing, longer. There is a temperature control relay, so it is not necessary to warm up to the maximum. As in the previous model, unfortunately, there is no relay for shutting off without water.

Moidodyr – 17-liter washbasin head, which has a simple, high-quality and reliable design. The sink and cabinet are made of stainless steel, the tank is made of impact-resistant plastic. The heating temperature can be adjusted up to 60 degrees, it works from a conventional outlet.

Aquatex - model with 20 liters and heating up to 80 degrees with a wide range of adjustment. The tank is large, metal, so you don’t often have to fill in water, and inside it is covered with a special anti-corrosion compound. If the water level drops, the heater will automatically turn off, which is very important for safe use. The curbstone is made of the laminated chipboard which is not afraid of excess moisture. The only downside is that the cabinet does not have a back wall, it is not clear why the manufacturers did not take care of this.
Which washbasins without heating are better
And now about models that do not require connection to electricity. They also have their advantages: no need to tie them to an outlet, no need to look for a place closer to home. You can install such a washbasin where you need it at this very moment. And to solve the problem of ice water, in general, is quite simple. Enough teapot with boiling water: diluted to the desired temperature - and all the worries. The price of such washstands, one might say, is symbolic.
InGreen - an excellent solution for outdoor placement at a very modest cost. This is the simplest device without the frills of design made of impact-resistant plastic. There are several color options, you can choose according to your taste. This budget solution does not have a sink or cabinet, but all this can be organized separately or not at all. Let the water go straight into the ground - not such a big expense here that it bothers you.

Vortex Comfort - a compact washbasin that is suitable for both the street and the house. The set includes a light cabinet and even a plastic sink. A 16-liter tank is quite voluminous, enough for a family of 3-4 people. Some users find the design flimsy, but when the tank is fully loaded, it is stable enough not to cause concern.
Elbet UM-10 - a very simple design without unnecessary "bells and whistles", which can be placed in any place convenient for you. The tank made of heat-resistant plastic will perfectly withstand the addition of boiling water from the kettle, the volume is quite large - 10 liters.

Moidodyr - the brand is the same, but the washbasin itself is not heated. Well, it's okay: you can safely pour two buckets of heated water into a large tank - enough for the whole family. The design itself is very soundly made and is able to faithfully serve you in the country for 10 years or more.
How to heat water in the country
A heating element in a washbasin is, of course, a good way out, but that's bad luck: not everyone likes to wait for half an hour or an hour until the water heats up at least so that their hands do not get cold. If you have tap water or a well, the water from which can be turned on with a pressurized pump, then there is an excellent and very simple way out - a heated faucet. This is not the large water heater with a tank that is installed in houses and apartments, but a very compact faucet that is installed directly on the water pipe like a regular sink faucet.

The heater inside instantly heats up the liquid, and you will immediately feel it. Yes, there will be no boiling water, but you are guaranteed comfortable 40 and even 60 degrees. This is enough for both washing and washing dishes. By the way, this is a great option for those difficult times when hot water is turned off in your apartment building during maintenance work. Installing a faucet with a water heater takes a matter of minutes, and you can forget about the inconvenience. Such taps are even with a shower.
In addition to such a device, it is quite possible to use solar energy. And here we are not only talking about solar panels - it is quite possible to heat water with a solar collector even in autumn. Here's how to make such a collector with your own hands:
You can even heat water by placing pipes in a compost heap. In the process of overheating, a lot of heat is generated in it, and this energy can be used to heat water, for example, from a well.
What ideas do you have about this? Share them in the comments!
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