๐Ÿ“ก Error 10 on the "Tricolor TV": the causes of, correction methods, video instructions

"Tricolor" - one of the largest satellite broadcast suppliers


  • 1 What does the error 10 on the "Tricolor TV"
  • 2 The main causes of errors in the 10 "Tricolor TV"
  • 3 What should I do if an error 10 appears in the "Tricolor TV" with a shortage of funds on the balance sheet
  • 4 How to fix the error 10 "Tricolor TV", when all paid for
  • 5 "Tricolor" gives an error 10: where to apply for technical support

What does the error 10 on the "Tricolor TV"

The system is based on satellite broadcast technically complicated process of transmitting the encoded signal for decoding which corresponds to the special equipment. Often, errors may occur, which in ignorance are able to enter the user into a stupor.

Most digital systems for broadcast uses its own designation gradation error arising from the operation. Knowledge of these codes or alphabetic characters makes it easier to understand the causes and to accelerate the elimination of the problem.

A similar pattern applies to the receiver from the Tricolor, which made digital signage is emerging problems. The most frequent users the question arises, which means error code 10 in the "Tricolor TV", which may appear on the TV screen when you try to enable a favorite channel.

Error 10 leads to the inability to watch a number of channels

If we look at the table of decoding offered by this broadcasting system error 10 "Tricolor TV" indicates a fault in the view. In this case, the screen displays a system message indicating that access to the opportunity to watch channels closed, as well as the proposed top-up or select the receiver's menu, helping easier to carry out payment services operator.

To broadcasts, require sufficient funds in the account

The main causes of errors in the 10 "Tricolor TV"

To understand what this means - a mistake 10 in the "Tricolor TV", is necessary to understand the causes that can lead to a ban on access to the software package:

  • insufficient amount of funds on a user's balance;
  • the account has money, but was not carried out the translation of the necessary sum to pay for a particular service or software package;
  • Incorrect key activation or complete lack thereof;
  • malfunction of the software, resulting in lack of access to the channels.

Understanding what a mistake 10 in the "Tricolor TV", helps to quickly deal with the methods of its elimination.

Password from your personal account is randomly generated and sent to the subscriber via SMS or e-mail

What should I do if an error 10 appears in the "Tricolor TV" with a shortage of funds on the balance sheet

The first reason for the error at 10 in the "Tricolor TV" is not a video, is the lack of payment for the services of the operator. In this case, you just need to make enough money. The easiest way to do this is through personal study.

When you enter the menu "Payment" will be available to the user all the possible ways of making funds

How to fix a bug in the 10 "Tricolor TV" through the personal cabinet

The operator offers a variety of payment methods, among which are the use of the service, "Sberbank Online", the introduction of funds through payment terminals, personal user account. The latter method - the most convenient because it allows you to make payments at home, through your computer or tablet.

The first step to resolve the issue should go to the private office, which is on the official website of the service provider. To go there, you need to enter your login and password.

Identification of the receiver number (ID) can be found on a smart card

Login ID of the receiver acts or number of the contract to provide services. To find the identification number of the device, which consists of 12 or 14 digits, you must know where to find him:

  • it is applied to the back cover of the receiver;
  • look on a smart card inserted in the console;
  • Refer to the receiver's menu.

When you first log required to obtain a password. To do this on the login screen to your personal account you must select the appropriate item. Next, the user need to fill in all required fields:

  • agreement number or the ID of the receiver;
  • caller name;
  • A method for producing a user password - through SMS or e-mail;
  • captcha or protection against robots.

The final step will be pressing the confirm button action. The subscriber will be transferred to an initial login page, where just need to enter your login and password received.

When you select immediate payment the user will be asked to choose a way of making money from the account of a credit card

Make payment very easily. On top of the screen contains the item "Payments", where you can select all the possible methods of payment. The simplest and quickest is to withdraw funds from the account of a credit card, which can then be tied to the personal account "Tricolor TV".

NOTE!(Click to see)


After filling in all required fields for payment and entry screening 3-D Secure system code, which is protected by a transaction, it is necessary to wait some time to change the balance.

The operator recommends to disconnect the receiver from the network after the payment for 5-10 minutes, so that when restarting the flow of funds was recorded automatically.

What to do when making a payment is not on the target score

To transfer money to pay for a particular channel, you must have sufficient funds. Next, you want to go to the personal account and select a list of available channels. To make a payment, scroll down to the bottom and then follow these simple steps.

  1. From the drop-down menu, select the package, which is required to transfer funds.
  2. Enter the desired amount.
  3. Confirm the action by pressing the "Translate" button.

When making funds immediately be allowed to choose the right package of channels

The user can track through debit balance in the personal account. The operator says that if there is an error 10 (no access) when transferring money to the moment of their transfer may take up to 8 hours, but usually occurs earlier transfer.

How to fix the error 10 "Tricolor TV", when all paid for

In rare cases, the error 10 in the "Tricolor TV" is retained, although all paid. Then the cause of the problem may lie in the improper activation key or equipment failure.

Repeat activation - big red button in your account, which is hard to find

How to conduct a repeat activation in the presence of errors

What if you make enough money for the continued lack of broadcasting? What is an error 10 on the "Tricolor TV", if it is not associated exclusively with the payment? The reason may be the lack of an activation key.

user actions in this case are as follows:

  • make sure that the payment is included;
  • check to see if the receiver sees the card;
  • determine whether sufficient signal strength (an action described in the operating manual of the receiver);
  • disconnect the equipment from the network.

Further it is necessary to carry out repeated activation command. This is done in a private office. In the "My Services", press the button with the appropriate name, which simply can not be confused with anything.

After completion of these manipulations receiver again connected to the electrical network is then selected channel while viewing where the error has appeared.

IMPORTANT!(Click to see)


The receiver must be left for at least 40 minutes in the switched state, without switching channels. During this time, there is an automatic Decoding channels.

Software update

Another option fix error code 10 is a software update. The first thing you should make sure that the receiver for a specific model, it is possible to upgrade the software. This can be done on the official website of the service provider in the "Help" menu "Technical issues".

If updates are available the receiver will suggest to download it and then install

Also on the website, there are detailed instructions on how to carry out the firmware for each model of the receiver.

The very process of renovation is activated in the receiver's menu. There is the possibility of obtaining new software via satellite or the Internet. The second embodiment is preferred because it is faster. There is a way to upgrade via a USB flash drive, but it is required to find the necessary software.

When updating is done automatically download the new module at the end of which the software is installed, and the receiver restarts itself.

The portal "Tricolor TV" there are detailed instructions for updating all kinds of receivers

"Tricolor" gives an error 10: where to apply for technical support

Sometimes all manipulations to eliminate the troubles do not lead to a positive result, especially if the culprit is a hardware problem. In this case, the only way to solve will be contacting technical support. This can be done in several ways:

  • enjoy free contact number that can vary depending on the region of the equipment. Find out the latest information on the official website of the company;
  • call operator via Skype or send a message;
  • through a personal account to create the application with the detailed description of the problem. Technical specialists will help to address the issue;
  • use voice chat online.

technical support service telephone numbers may vary depending on region

One of the causes of errors can be a receiver failure. If there is a guarantee it will be replaced free of charge, otherwise you need to contact an authorized service repair.

The occurrence of errors in the "Tricolor TV" may result in the inability to carry out the further viewing. Knowledge of the causes of its occurrence and solutions will help as soon as possible to restore the broadcasting. Once again, see the instructions below to resolve the error code 10 may be represented in the video.