As wash Burnt pan of stainless steel inside and outside the home: the cleaned of soot Goreloye stainless steel, traditional methods

What if the pan is made of stainless steel is strongly darkened from overheating? How to clean the pan, which burned down? Cleaning soda and vinegar, burnt pots of metal penetration in the home. Tips for cleaning metal pots of burning and burning houses.

It is impossible to be a perfect cook, never admitting missteps during cooking.


  • 1 How to clean the Burnt pan made of stainless steel
  • 2 Advantages of stainless steel pots
  • 3 How to wash Burnt pan made of stainless steel in the home
  • 4 Traditional methods of cleaning shiny pots inside and outside of the burn-
    • 4.1 Warming salt
    • 4.2 How to clean the bottom by boiling
    • 4.3 Clean activated carbon
    • 4.4 I remove carbon deposits whey
    • 4.5 Cleaning soda and vinegar
    • 4.6 we use soap
    • 4.7 Shoe burnt pans citric acid
    • 4.8 As wash stainless soda and hydrogen peroxide
    • 4.9 Remove soot coffee grounds
    • 4.10 Clean stains stationery glue
  • 5 How to clean a pan of household chemistry
  • 6 Useful tips for the care and prevention of the pan-stainless steel
  • 7 VIDEO: How to quickly and effectively clean the pan.

How to clean the Burnt pan made of stainless steel

Stainless steel cookware durable, inexpensive, and very practical, it is used widely in each family. But over time, such dishes loses its form and dark, but because of the frequent use on it are traces of soot, black and dirt that can not be cleaned.

How to remove these marks? Help effective and time-tested traditional methods.

Advantages of stainless steel pots

Stainless steel pans are loved by many housewives. This glassware is beautiful and looks expensive, and its shiny surface attracts the eye and creates a sense of home in the kitchen clean and tidy.

If soot accumulates on the outside of the pan, it seems carelessness in relation to cleaning dishes and cleaning the house.

Moreover, stainless steel - robust and reliable material, ideal for dishes with frequent use. This pan is strong, durable and can last for more than one generation of housewives, especially if proper care and proper use.

Light pollution in the pan can be removed with detergents.

How to wash Burnt pan made of stainless steel in the home

Over time, the metal pan appears scum, metal penetration, dark spots and rings, black, crusty fat. All this pollution is not only decorate the dishes, but also lead to its rapid deterioration.

Consider how wash Burnt pan of stainless steel, and which cleaning methods exist for different cases.

Traditional methods of cleaning shiny pots inside and outside of the burn-

The best way to easily clean the Burnt pan or an old stainless steel inside - it's boiling. The water that is boiling, will effectively clean the dishes inside and even get rid of very old dirt, soot and fat deposit.

Minor contamination in the home pan made of stainless steel originating in the process of cooking, easy to remove with a mild detergent.

For greater efficiency in the water necessary to add salt and soda, soap and vinegar. This method effectively removes impurities and helps restore saucepan shine and cleanliness.

Warming salt

Another effective "Grandma" as the way to effectively clean dirty pan made of stainless steel in the home - it is warming up with salt. Such cleaning is effective to clean the inside of the pot, not for stubborn dirt.

The salt will help get rid of many impurities.

If strong pollution and overheating with salt does not help, but salt can add soda, soap and water, and boil for about an hour. This procedure will definitely be effective.

How to clean the bottom by boiling

Dirty bottom pan can be easily wash boiling. Fill it with water and add baking soda, rub on a grater a piece of soap and add salt.

The mixture boil for an hour, you can soak the dishes in the solution overnight.

Brushing and rubbing is not necessary, after this procedure, all the dirt, soot, grease and fumes leave after a simple wipe with a sponge. Boiling is effective even when the old pollution and of burnt caramel or jam, which is so difficult to remove.

Clean activated carbon

A good method to clean burnt utensils made of stainless steel, not only inside but also outside - activated carbon. It is well absorbs dirt and grease, leaving the purity and brilliance.

Get rid of the accumulated soot can be through the use of activated carbon.

a couple of packs of coal need to pound in a mortar and mixed with water to make a thick mass. You can use a blender, and only then it will have to carefully wash. This mixture should use as the usual cleanser: Apply to the sponge and wash the dishes.

I remove carbon deposits whey

If the inside of pan burnt food or cookware blackened different method of cleansing - whey or sour yogurt. dairy acid dissolves old grease and dirt and helps to achieve complete purity.

Whey is one effective means of cleaning dishware.

Fill the serum or yogurt pot and leave for the night and morning boil clean water and a sponge wash.

Cleaning soda and vinegar

If you overheat the pan, do not rush to clean it hard means: you can damage the metal. Scrub the dirt and metal penetration possible home remedies: vinegar and baking soda.

With the help of vinegar, you can polish the dishes to shine.

A solution of vinegar or baking soda to be used separately. Vinegar is effective, if it is necessary to remove the chronic fat - acid dissolves it perfectly. Soda copes well with scale, carbon deposits, soot and lime. In both cases it is necessary to make a solution and boiled for one hour, after which the wash detergent or soap.

we use soap

If burned burnt food or milk, will help clean soap. Grate soap bar on a coarse grater, add a few tablespoons baking soda and boil the solution and a half hour, adding water if necessary.

One of the best ways to clean dishes - the use of soap.

The solution will turn black, because the dishes come with all the dirt. After heating rub the dishes rigid sponge and rinse with water.

Shoe burnt pans citric acid

Citric acid - an effective means for removal of metal penetration and old fat from stainless steel. Per liter of water will tablespoon acid, vinegar can also be added for effect. If contamination is not strong, or tarnished metal - can scour bowl sponge soaked in an acidic solution.

Citric acid will help get rid of the sludge and scum.

When heavily soiled inside and is in this acidic solution to boil a pan, and then wash with water contamination remnants of the detergent.

As wash stainless soda and hydrogen peroxide

Burning and burnt traces are gone, if you use baking soda and peroxide. Instead of peroxide can be used ammonia. A few drops of water, a pack of soda - and detergent ready. If a strong burning sensation nagare should soak the dishes in this solution overnight, then boil for half an hour.

This method can be used for scaling and chronic spots on the outside of the pan, and inside.

Remove soot coffee grounds

If your dishes darkened and tarnished, use coffee grounds. The main thing is not to rub too much, so as not to scratch the metal surface.

Get rid of the accumulated soot can be through the use of activated carbon.

Cook coffee or simply pour boiling water and leave to swell for 10-15 minutes. Then this guschey rub the surface with a sponge dishes lightly without undue pressure. After this procedure, glassware shines like new.

Clean stains stationery glue

The original "grandma's" method of cleaning utensils - office silicate glue. He adds shine, removes the darkened layer and scale and returns the original appearance of the dishes.

Mix the adhesive with water, and the dishes soak for two hours in this solution.

Then wash the pan with vinegar or citric acid and rinse in running water. Your pan like new!

How to clean a pan of household chemistry

To remove the pan from the walls of the old dirt and grease will not only traditional methods, but modern detergents.

After use, wash the pan in a sufficient amount of running water with added detergent sparing.

Abrasive powders are dangerous because they can scratch the metal surface, but they can be used as a solution by mixing with water to boiling. In this case, they are quite effective.

Proper washing will prevent the walls and bottom of the dish unsightly dark spots, streaks.

Good results show means cream, especially if they soak contamination. But they are not always effective when it does not help.

Useful tips for the care and prevention of the pan-stainless steel

Using utensils made of stainless steel, stick to simple rules.

  • Wash dishes immediately after use so that dirt does not have time to soak into the metal surface.
  • If something burnt or baked onto - immediately soak in water, boil and wash, do not leave like this.
  • Wash the dishes carefully and always with a detergent, even if it should be a little rinse. Pollution is often not visible to the eye and appear gradually.
  • Always thoroughly wash the pot outside, paying special attention to the bottom, handles, folds and valleys - where inveterate dirt accumulates more often.
  • Try to take care of the dishes, do not scratch it with a metal spoon, not to put on too much fire.

Keep your dishes clean and care for her, and she will serve you for years to come!

VIDEO: How to quickly and effectively clean the pan.